Pandora Documents | International Federation of Investigative Journalists | ICIJ: New Intelligence 35 World Leaders Hide Their Luck To Avoid Taxes | The world

Pandora Documents |  International Federation of Investigative Journalists |  ICIJ: New Intelligence 35 World Leaders Hide Their Luck To Avoid Taxes |  The world

Thirty-five world leaders, including 14 Latin Americans, worked in tax havens to avoid public scrutiny, International Association of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) Pandora documents revealed this Sunday. Eleven of the 14 Latin American leaders have already left power and three are still active: Ecuador Guillermo Lasso, Chile Sebastian Pinera And Dominican Louis AbinaderThe Washington Post, El Boss, BBC and The Guardian, …

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Australia beat Argentina (32-17) to finish 2nd

Australia beat Argentina (32-17) to finish 2nd

Australia finished second in the 2021 Rugby Championship thanks to Argentina’s (32-17) victory at the Gold Coast (East) Robina Stadium on Saturday. This fourth win on home soil could satisfy Australia’s New Zealand coach Dave Rennie. His Wallabies, who failed a series of tests in July against the inexperienced French team, lost only twice against the All Blacks in this …

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Find the first Dutch-looking movie on the streaming platform!

Find the first Dutch-looking movie on the streaming platform!

Many countries already have many original works on the streaming platform of the American company. Meanwhile, the Netherlands is still lagging behind. In fact, the latter does not count on very large Netflix. However, this will not be the case anytime soon. The first Dutch original film enters the streaming world. This Always rich We are coming to find you. …

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What happens if two gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn collide?

Čo by sa stalo, ak by sa zrazili plynné obry?

What happens if two gas giants collide? In our system, there are many planets that fall into this category. Today, such a conflict is unlikely to occur, but by the time the system is set up, these chances will be slightly higher. The outcome of the collision largely depends on the conditions under which these two planetary galaxies meet, writes …

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Joycelyn Jepkoske of Kenya and Sise Lemma of Ethiopia win the London Marathon

Joycelyn Jepkoske of Kenya and Sise Lemma of Ethiopia win the London Marathon

Kenya’s Jocelyn Jepkowski crossed the finish line of the London Marathon in England on Sunday, October 3, 2021. Clin Kirk / AFP It’s a game on Sunday October 3rd The Paris-Rupex cycle race in France takes place in full swingThe London Marathon ended in the early hours of the morning in the United Kingdom. Kenya’s Jocelyn Zepkoski won the women’s …

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MLP: Public money is pouring in everywhere

MLP: Public money is pouring in everywhere

While the Rays-distributed Castec project between Tampa Bay and Montreal is pouring a lot of ink, many are eager to explore a possible fundraiser for a new stadium in the Quebec metropolis. The plans of the project promoters are not yet known, but in the current model of Major League Baseball, public funds still generate the bulk of the funding. …

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We need to change our diet to eliminate hunger

We need to change our diet to eliminate hunger

United Nations, October 3 (Prensa Latina) IFAD President Gilbert F. Hongpo said. In the future, success will depend on many factors, including reducing resources and financial gaps, said the International Monetary Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAT). About three billion people worldwide cannot afford healthy food, and the Covid 19 epidemic has pushed 115 million people into extreme poverty, the agency …

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Economic cooperation, the spearhead of Morocco’s position in Latin America


The Spanish news site Adelaire writes that Morocco continues to coordinate its positions with Latin American countries by implementing a policy of economic cooperation and adopting the status of observer country in many regional organizations in South and Central America and the Caribbean. “Morocco has observer status in many Pan-American, South American, Central American and Caribbean organizations, and seeks to …

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Welcome to Ch’is: Why didn’t the American remake happen?

Welcome to Ch'is: Why didn't the American remake happen?

In 2008, Danny Boone directed his most cult film: “Bienvenue chez les Ch’is”. Initially, in the face of the film’s success, America prepared a remake. But that plan never materialized. Find out why. Welcome to CD : The biggest French hit Two years later Home of happiness, A budding filmmaker Danny Boone gets down to production Welcome to CD. What …

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Covid became a socio-psychological problem

Covid became a socio-psychological problem

Bronislav Diodorovich, an epidemiologist and crisis worker, said today that Kovit is no longer a health problem, but a socio-psychological problem. “I have personally said that we must immediately control drastic measures and the most comprehensive vaccination. The worst case scenario has become a reality, and we are now in a situation where this can be a socio-psychological problem,” Diodorovich …

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Sadiq Khan should be protected 24/7 due to skin color

Sadiq Khan

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London since 2016, explained why a team of 15 metropolitan police officers ensures his security day and night. At the Labor Party’s annual convention in Brighton, Sadiq Khan spoke of his close defense. The politician explained that he had initially rejected the recommendation to benefit from permanent protection. An end ” Difficult To live for the …

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Apologies to the visiting US officials

Apologies to the visiting US officials

The U.S. delegation, which paid a two-day visit to Haiti to treat migrants on the southern border of the United States who caused corruption around the world, apologized to the people of Haiti on Friday. We have all seen pictures of the behavior of Haitians on our border, I want to say that it is an injustice, it is wrong …

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They sounded the alarm because of the planned power stations to the Himalayas

Megkongatták a vészharangot a Himalájába tervezett erőművek miatt

Due to its abundant water supply and terrain, the Himalayas can generate enough energy through hydroelectric power stations that can serve the whole of South Asia. Arguing that this will make it possible to meet expectations regarding renewable energy use, it is not surprising that so many projects have been announced in recent years. The problem – which is why …

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