What happens if two gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn collide?

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What happens if two gas giants collide? In our system, there are many planets that fall into this category. Today, such a conflict is unlikely to occur, but by the time the system is set up, these chances will be slightly higher. The outcome of the collision largely depends on the conditions under which these two planetary galaxies meet, writes Portal. Focus on science.

If they collide head-on, the encounter may occur The complete connection of the two planets. No material is lost from solid cores or gas casing. Of course, in such a situation, the planets would slowly merge. If they collide at high speeds, it will be in the universe, and most of their material will be lost in the universe when their nuclei unite.

A collision at very high speeds would lead to the complete disintegration and destruction of both planets. Face-to-face collisions, i.e. gas giants will “shake” are a bit complicated. If the solid nuclei of the two planets pass through, both planets will lose a large amount of their gas envelope, but Together they will not be linked in this case.

If their cores hit at a certain angle, it is possible for the planets to merge, but in this case there are 50/50 chances. Whatever the outcome of the conflict in this case, In all cases, they will lose a significant portion of their gas packaging.

Cosmic fear

However, there are interesting cases when the planets meet only a small part of their gaseous atmosphere. In cases like this, they will continue in their orbit as if nothing had happened. None of the gas giants will lose their weight.

Such encounters can lead to a change in their form. Astronomers suggest that even in the case of the gas giants in our solar system we may be looking for a change in shape, which may give us a deeper view of their history. Although there is currently no evidence that Jupiter or Saturn collided with other gas giants in the past, Scientists do not rule out this alternative.

Thursday Also Saturn has more elements than the Sun, which may indicate their wild past. Although Scientists do not know how these elements got to the planets, A possibility still under discussion is a hypothetical collision with another planet, probably a gas company.

If you are interested in what such a conflict would look like, you can see a simulation of a similar conflict above. Only particles work in simulation. They can also give you an idea As the collision and subsequent connection of the two gas giants takes place.

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