Paris is the second busiest city in the world

Paris is the second busiest city in the world

According to Inrix’s in-depth study, by 2021 Paris will be the second busiest city in the world. An anxious leap in the rankings … Paris, Its motorists, its rivals, its friends, its troubles … so we can summarize the situation faced by people who still want to use their car in the capital. City Hall and Anne Hidalgo Did not …

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London announces new aid against Omicron

London announces new aid against Omicron

Faced with the Omicron variant and the 5th wave in the UK, the government announces a series of measures to keep the economy and the country afloat. London on Tuesday, December 21, announced புதிய 1 billion in new aid to help underperforming companies in a number of sectors. Meteorite distribution of the Omigron variant, Between health restrictions, staff shortages and …

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Life bags in the atmosphere of Venus?

Vénus photographiée par la sonde Mariner 10 lors de sa visite en 1974. © Nasa, JPL-Caltech

Venus, despite its hospitable appearance, is particularly susceptible to life in its atmosphere: indescribable chemical contaminants are found there, including the possible presence of ammonia. MIT researchers propose a chain of potentially chemical processes from the simple presence of ammonia (a possible biological origin in the study) that neutralizes the acidic environment of the atmosphere. You will be interested too …

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Patrice may have moved to Washington in 1974

Patrice may have moved to Washington in 1974

In 1968, Major League Baseball advanced, launching the expansion movement that saw the birth of the San Diego Patres and Montreal Expos. Newcomers include Seattle Pilots and Kansas City Royals. Next season, Montreal baseball fans will find them Zamors, But the story on the San Diego page was very different, where Patress’s introduction was not called a real hit. A …

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Ranking of the top 10 unicorns in the world

Business Cool

Unicorn status is assigned to a specific minority of startups. Only the most successful new companies with a value of over $ 1 billion are eligible for this title. Business Cool introduces you to the top ten unicorns in the world. Some unicorns make quiet but significant improvements in lesser known companies, data, health, vehicle and more. Space maker SpaceX …

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5 exhibitions from London to Paris are set to launch in 2022

5 exhibitions from London to Paris are set to launch in 2022

From the Museum of Fine Arts in Paris to the Museum of Victoria and Albert, discover 5 fashion, design and architecture exhibitions and get off to a great start in 2022! Fashion shows will start in 2022 in Paris, Antwerp and Florence Theory Mugler from A to Z, Paris. Dedicating an exhibition to Theory Mugler is about tackling a large …

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Australia reopens its borders, which have been closed for nearly 600 days

Australia reopens its borders, which have been closed for nearly 600 days

The country’s two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, have decided to drop isolation measures at airports. Article written by Posted 01/11/2021 07:32 Update 01/11/2021 09:56 Study time: 1 minute. This is T-Day. Australia reopened on Monday, November 1, 600 days after it closed its borders. On March 20, 2020, the largest island-continent established one of the world’s toughest border closures …

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