San Lorenzo’s tears are back: when and how to see them

San Lorenzo's tears are back: when and how to see them

Return Meteor rain The most anticipated of the year, now know: le Pericardium, Known as Tears of San Lorenzo, Over the next few days they will plow the night sky with their glowing paths. NASA cameras have already passed one on July 26th Recorded and photographed sunlight earlier this month. In the Northern Hemisphere, so in Italy, it will be …

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Cryptocurrency funds shrink in the fourth week


According to a report shared by CoinShares, there was a total net inflow of $ 19.5 million from the crypto currency last week. Balance of cash in and out of cryptocurrencies such as Grayscale, Coinshare, 3IQ, 21 Shares For the fourth week in a row Was in negative territory. According to the CoinShares report Cryptocurrency The financial contraction at $ …

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Knife attack in London, Christian Hadun Tash “police inaction”

Knife attack in London, Christian Hadun Tash "police inaction"

“Police inaction led to what happened to me. My attacker was not even afraid of the police because he did it in front of them. Living in a community where the police do not want to arrest a Muslim for fear of being called an Islamist hater is heartbreaking. Hadun Tash is a former Muslim-Christian who shares his faith in …

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The Canadian is ready for a second chance with the Chargers

The Canadian is ready for a second chance with the Chargers

Last season was a surprise for Ryan Hunter, who moved to Los Angeles from Kansas City after two years with the leaders. The attacking lineup feels at his first training camp with the Chargers, giving him a second chance to prove his place in the NFL. Last year, after training camp, the leaders released Franco-Ontario, whose parents belonged to Demiscamming. …

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“Hidden way to eat instant noodles” became popular on the Korean internet! He was stunned by the real test: God level food | Novelty | NOWnews Today News

"Hidden way to eat instant noodles" became popular on the Korean internet! He was stunned by the real test: God level food |  Novelty |  NOWnews Today News

“Hidden way to eat instant noodles” became popular on the Korean internet! He was stunned by the real test: God level food | Novelty | NOWnews Today News Netizens measured “how to eat instant noodles” popular in South Korea. (Project / Reverse PhotoAC) × Netizens measured “how to eat instant noodles” popular in South Korea. (Project / Reverse PhotoAC) Editorial …

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Nicaragua | The European Union has banned the wife and son of President Ortega

Nicaragua |  The European Union has banned the wife and son of President Ortega

(Brussels) The European Union on Monday held the son of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, his wife and vice president Rosario Murillo and six other key figures in the regime responsible for “serious human rights abuses”. This is a Central American country. Released August 6, 2021 at 6:47 p.m. “The detention of a possible seventh presidential candidate last weekend sadly illustrates …

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AXA, the first French company in the Fortune Global 500 rankings

AXA, the first French company in the Fortune Global 500 rankings

For the 8th year in a row, US Walmart has topped the list of the world’s largest companies in terms of revenue. What are the largest companies on the planet in terms of turnover? Like every year, the American newspaper Fortune publishes its rankings Worldwide 500They are classified on the basis of total revenue for the respective financial years ending …

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C8 will broadcast the film very quietly against abortion

C8 will broadcast the film very quietly against abortion

Vincent Pollor’s group channel, American Movie Unplanned, is scheduled for the first episode on the evening of August 16th. Funded by the Evangelical Church, this outspoken anti-abortion pamphlet demonizes a right that is fragile and threatening. No luck, August 15th is coming up on Sunday this year. Yes, it is a public holiday, but it is also a religious feast …

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The unique way to bring rain to Dubai is to stun the clouds with drones

The unique way to bring rain to Dubai is to stun the clouds with drones – As a country with little rainfall, United Arab Emirates (UAE) often creates Artificial rain To provide water supply in the country. The process of creating artificial rain or Cloud seeding It usually uses chemicals such as silver iodide that are scattered by aircraft from high altitudes to speed up the process of precipitation in clouds. However, instead of …

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Didn’t receive mail in Gmail? Advised on how to release a blocked account

Didn't receive mail in Gmail?  Advised on how to release a blocked account

Every fourth citizen of the earth – more than 1.8 billion. Users – Statista Research Institute, using Google Account. Google users get 15GB of free space, which is often used by major products such as Gmail email. Google Drive and photos for email, document storage. Storage space is easily filled, so in a message to the media, Bitės Profai shares …

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In Australia, the Caucasus learned to open trash cans

In Australia, the Caucasus learned to open trash cans

Sulfur-crested cuckoos can now feed by opening the lids of trash cans in residential areas in Australia. Apparently, the birds are learning this trick from each other. Sulfur-Crested Cactus (Kakadua Colerida) Intelligent and highly social birds are known to hunt grains and fruit crops. This is why in Australia they are considered harmful. Most recently, these birds have learned to …

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Traded from Lakers, Kyle Kuzma replaces Pedal pedals and GOAT on LeBron!

NBA Kuzma clashe le King après son départ

Kyle Kuzma, who was involved in the Russell Westbrook business, is now making a living from lockers. For this occasion, he used the opportunity to slip a small spade against one of his former teammates. This is none other than LeBron James, who will never see Gus as his goat again! Kyle Kuzma, the 2020 champion with the Lakers, must …

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Countries where the ‘Govt Passport’ was introduced

Countries where the 'Govt Passport' was introduced

Govt Passport has been introduced in various countries of the world. It is becoming more and more essential for tourists. This passport can usually be accessed through the app on the mobile phone. However, in some cases there are passports on paper. United States: Last April, the White House announced the introduction of the Central Govt Vaccine Passport for U.S. …

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Pro-Bolsanaro demonstration against the electoral system


Thousands of protesters rallied in cities across Brazil on Sunday in support of President Jair Bolsanaro and against the electronic voting system that has been in place since 1996. Thousands of protesters rallied in several Brazilian cities on Sunday to support President Jair Bolzano and protest against the electronic voting system that has been in place since 1996, AFP reporters …

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Acquisition under the Entrepreneurship Banner in the United States

Acquisition under the Entrepreneurship Banner in the United States

Map of the week from DWS. The proliferation of new businesses since the onset of the epidemic will have serious consequences. © Keystone Starting a self-employment process is not easy. This is not very common in times of economic crisis. Ten years ago, during the Great Recession, which saw the fall of the Lehman brothers, various measures in favor of …

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