Shell sells Fermian Basin assets to Konoco Phillips for $ 9.5 billion

Le groupe anglo-néerlandais Royal Dutch Shell a annoncé lundi la vente à son concurrent américain ConocoPhillips de ses actifs dans le bassin permien américain.

The English-Dutch group Royal Dutch Shell on Monday announced the sale of its assets in the US-Permian Basin to rival Konoko Phillips for $ 9.5 billion. Around Western Texas and eastern New Mexico, the shale of the Permian Basin is filled with oil and gas and produces 40% of the black gold in the United States. Read moreUnited Kingdom: Shell …

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Ash Mann, the first Kuwaiti superhero in history, conquered the Gulf countries

Ash Mann, the first Kuwaiti superhero in history, conquered the Gulf countries

Released in early September in several Gulf countries, The gray man Humor about a Kuwaiti man with incredible powers. Never seen in cinema, success is guaranteed. The Kuwaiti film was released on September 2 in several Gulf countries The gray man “Cinema enthusiasts speak”. Not just for its cinematographic qualities, but because it stands out “First Kuwaiti Superhero”, The site …

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Scientists reveal the reasons why Mars is uninhabitable

Científicos revelan las razones por las que Marte no sería un planeta habitable

New research indicates livelihoods Tuesday May be affected by its reduced size and scarcity Water. Such an invention may challenge various efforts Space agency Mars looks to land on the surface. The LandAs we know it today, it depends on the element that is essential for the creation of humanity: water. Without her, there is no way to survive. There …

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Second week in NFL | The crows needed it so much

Second week in NFL |  The crows needed it so much

With their second defeat in two games Sunday night against Kansas City leaders, the Baltimore Ravens would have been in already turbulent waters. Thanks to Lamar Jackson’s fantastic second half, the Ravens signed off on their first win in 2021 instead. Derrick Henry and Tom Brady also stood alone in the second week of the season. Released September 20, 2021 …

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Biden’s diversity was tested at the UN

Biden's diversity was tested at the UN

Diplomacy The article is reserved for subscribers The U.S. president, who has been criticized for his unilateral action in Afghanistan and the room set against France over the submarine issue, is set to explain his diplomatic policy before the United Nations General Assembly this Tuesday. At the time His inaugural speech in January, Joe Biden devoted 75 words generously to …

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Colas is experiencing a “worry” decline

Colas is experiencing a “worry” decline

According to a study by the Australian Cola Foundation (AKF) released on Monday, the number of colas in Australia is declining rapidly, estimated at 30% in three years. According to the AKF, cola populations have declined in all parts of Australia, with New South Wales topping the list with a 41% drop. Cola has already disappeared in 47 of the …

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“Cinema Strongiado – Director’s Cut” video available worldwide for a limited time on demand – Marseille News

After the successful global theatrical release, Release of Trafalgar And Anthem Entertainment Sunday, October 10 from 9pm to 11:59 pm ET, Rush Fans around the world can watch “Rush: Cinema Strongiado – Director’s Cut” At home, on request. Visit for more information and to access for $ 15. “Rush: Cinema Strongiado – Director’s Cut” “Holy Trinity of Rock” (Gaddy …

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Viral Personality Test: Choose one of the pictures and you will know what your true essence is in the relationship | Virus | Psychological testing | Trends | Facebook | Mexico | MX | nnda nnrt | Mexico

Viral Personality Test: Choose one of the pictures and you will know what your true essence is in the relationship |  Virus |  Psychological testing |  Trends |  Facebook |  Mexico |  MX |  nnda nnrt |  Mexico

In recent weeks Virus personality testing Has received many followers Facebook And other social networks shared by thousands of people. It’s up to you Psychological tests They can show us details we do not know, by answering a question or by choosing a picture that does not make much sense, but will go directly to your subconscious mind, so pay …

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Fernando Tottis Jr. looks distracted in San Diego

Fernando Tottis Jr. looks distracted in San Diego

In recent days, we have not stopped seeing the decline in the San Diego Patress rankings. The club was first captured by the Reds, then the Cardinals and finally the Bilies. The goal was to create playoffs through the front door by winning the division. But right now the club have more than 20 games to lead their division, which …

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According to Charles Michael, “disbelief” from the United States

According to Charles Michael, "disbelief" from the United States

Released on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 8:54 p.m. By Sudinpo with Belka The head of the European Council, Charles Michel of Belgium, on Monday denounced the United States’ “distrust” in the submarine crisis that angered France. He told reporters that the EU had told Washington “try to better understand the motives behind the announcement of a strategic partnership between …

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Frenchman from London, you know Cornwall?


Our suggestions – Cornwall County attracts its coveted with turquoise and emerald waters, its wild beach not yet slightly exploited by man and its true Celtic culture. In the context of Covid 19, with travel restrictions constantly changing, it is a good idea to research your country of departure. But England is full of wonderful landscapes. Cornwall is a good …

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OVH, the “European champion” of the cloud, will go public in Paris

OVH, the "European champion" of the cloud, will go public in Paris

The French data storage provider wants to raise மில்லியன் 400 million to ensure its growth against the American Amazon, Microsoft and Google sectors. This is a French unicorn announcing its entry into the Paris Stock Exchange on Monday. Remote storage company OVHFounded in 1999 in Rupee, Cloud hopes to raise மில்லியன் 400 million “Fund its competition with Amazon to accelerate …

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