Shobrite LPGA Classic: Celine Boutier, Best in America!


Work French Golf Federation Fifteen days after winning the Lagoste Ladies Open de France, Celine Patier delivered another victory, this time on the other side of the Atlantic. With a big final card of 63 (-8), Barisan Shawbright won ahead of the LPGA Classic World n ° 2 and 3. The towers of Atlantic City casinos are aligned in the …

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Journal of Montreal, a killer very close

Journal of Montreal, a killer very close

After being “shocked” by horror movies, Theodore Beller gradually took control of it. Thanks after flirting with the genre Presented by Patrick Senegal, The actor fully embraces him today There is someone inside your house. Also read: A little cool with friends At the end of the line, Theodore Beller clearly remembered that evening when he was 12 years old. …

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Weekly Weather Forecast: Be quiet from Wednesday

Weekly Weather Forecast: Be quiet from Wednesday

By Gilles MatriganMeteorologistReleased on 01/10/21, updated on 05/10/21 at 12:00 AM This week is divided into two scenarios, with trouble, rainy and windy weather starting. Then in the second half of the week, the Azores will return higher, which will bring a clear improvement. Refreshment will be superficial. The Atlantic regime, which disrupted the start of the week, continues to …

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A crocodile crushes a drone while flying (video)

A crocodile crushes a drone while flying (video)

In Darwin National Park Australia, A cameraman drone that took pictures of crocodiles failed To be swallowed by an animal. Fortunately, the plane “survived” the crash. Strong jaw NBC News cameraman Dan Hirst was looking for a consistent material for the film for his documentary. He noticed a crocodile standing quieter than its counterparts, especially when he skidded on Darwin’s …

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Company employees face many technical issues

Company employees face many technical issues

Internal messaging out service, server service engineers … Massive malfunction affecting the Facebook team had a direct impact on its employees. Facebook users were not the only ones affected by the mega-blackout on Monday. Even its staff. According to reported evidence New York TimesEmployees of American digital companies found themselves overrepresented as the company’s internal systems also ceased to function. …

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NFL: Jaguars coach Urban Meyer has apologized for being “stupid”

NFL: Jaguars coach Urban Meyer has apologized for being "stupid"

Monday, October 4, 2021. 1:13 p.m. Jacksonville, Fla. Jacksonville Jaguars head coach Urban Meyer apologizes to family, team and owner Shad Khan for “distraction” after a video appeared on social media over the weekend – a young woman performing a dance in front of him. The mayor called his team to a meeting on Monday and promised he would “accept …

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Colors of the homeland | Back to work on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram

فيسبوك وإنستجرام

Social networking sites gradually returned to work after being shut down for several hours following a sudden crash, which led to a complete shutdown, which was reported by users around the world, and was monitored by the “Downtector” website. Monitor site crashes and shut down social networking services. Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram are back to work The Facebook, WhatsApp and …

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Pandora Papers: London Global Tax Evasion Center

Figurines caricaturales dénonçant l'évasion fiscale

Vladimir Putin, Tony Blair, Dominic Strauss-Kahn … 35 managers and more than 100 millionaires reveal many tax secrets through Pandora Papers. Five years after the Panama Papers, 12 million pages of documents condemning the actions of several public figures with the investigation of several hundred journalists. According to an OECD study, at least $ 11.3 trillion is deposited in the …

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Balenciaga creates a stir with The Simpsons.

Balenciaga creates a stir with The Simpsons.

At its Spring / Summer 2022 gallery presentation, the fashion house released a new episode of the animated television series led by art director Demna Kwasalia. On the show: Comedy and Brand Culture. Simpsons I Balenciaga: Pop culture in the fashion service. Last weekend, Balenciaga delivered it “Red Carpet Collection” During a unique event organized at Thatre to Satellite. Organized …

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The first images of Mercury grazed by the BepiColombo study this weekend

Mercure le 1er octobre lors du premier survol de la sonde spatiale BepiColombo. © ESA, BepiColombo, MTM, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

European and Japanese space agencies (ESA and Jaxa) BepiColombo made the first six-series voyage to Mercury. Here are his first pictures sent to Earth. UT, Friday night 11:34 p.m.There is October, during space exploration Pepicolombo Wednesday passed. It was 1 p.m. 34, on October 2, in metropolitan France. The photos you see here were taken five minutes after it went …

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In support of the military wires … Mickey: We will take action to establish determination

In support of the military wires ... Mickey: We will take action to establish determination

Prime Minister Najib Mikad praised the role of the Homeland Security Force in ensuring the security of the people, maintaining security and protecting institutions, despite the difficult economic conditions of other Lebanese people. He stressed, “We are proud that Lebanon, the security forces that unite all divisions and regions, continue to work with dedication and discipline, overcoming the lack of …

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Google unexpectedly canceled Flex, embarrassing 400,000 users

Google Annule Plex Par Surprise, Laissant 400 000 Utilisateurs Dans

The cancellation of the plan was confirmed by Google and Citigroup, one of the financial institutions that was already part of it. Recently, we announced to you that Google Banks wants to provide current accounts for Google Banks through Google Pay, and now the US giant unexpectedly canceled this program he called Google Flex, leaving more than 400,000 users on …

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Nike LeBron publishes James Innovation Center NBA

Nike LeBron publishes James Innovation Center NBA

Unofficially signed by Nike, LeBron James now owns his own building in Nike headquarters in Oregon. At the entrance LeBron James Innovation Center, We recognize the logo of the Lakers superstar, which is where the Nike Sport Research Lab, basically decided to move its research and development lab. This is most accurate in the 4th phase of the building The …

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