The Texas law banning most abortions was overturned by the Court of Appeals

The Texas law banning most abortions was overturned by the Court of Appeals

Two days after the speech was adjourned, the Federal Court of Appeals allowed the re-establishment of legislation banning majority abortions in the United States. The government should challenge this decision in the Supreme Court. Rest does not last. Two days after the controversial speech was blocked, the Federal Court of Appeals on Friday allowed Texas to repeal the law banning …

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DSMC does not disclose customer data to the US Government

Tsmc Ne Divulguera Pas Les Données Des Clients Au Gouvernement

In the background: The US government has asked chip makers to be more transparent about what they are doing to expose supply chain barriers. Regulators are sticking to the straw, however, since the foundries are running at full capacity, the only way to address the current chip shortage is to build more production plants – which are already happening but …

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Dark Eagle, US hypersonic missile strikes mainland China in seconds


Loading … Washington – The United States has developed a long-range hypersonic missile (LRHW) called the Dark Eagle. The missile, if stationed in Guam, is said to hit mainland China and targets in the South China Sea in seconds because it has a range of 1,723 miles and a top speed of Mach 5. The Dark Eagle missile is not …

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The restrictions on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram have been fixed

וואטסאפ, אינסטגרם, פייסבוק (צילום: 123rf)

A second glitch in popular processors in a few days: The company announced tonight (Friday to Saturday) that the problem had been fixed – about 3 hours after several surfers reported interruptions on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook last night. According to the Downtector website, this fault was mainly felt in Western and Central Europe, North America, South America and the …

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The restrictions on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram have been fixed

וואטסאפ, אינסטגרם, פייסבוק (צילום: 123rf)

A second glitch in popular processors in a few days: The company announced tonight (Friday to Saturday) that the problem had been fixed – about 3 hours after several surfers reported interruptions on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook last night. According to the Downtector website, this fault was mainly felt in Western and Central Europe, North America, South America and the …

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NASA rover to identify river beds on Mars

NASA rover to identify river beds on Mars

Paris: Rivers flowed over Mars hundreds of billions of years ago. NASA scientists have revealed that the planet now looks like that stream. Scientists say images taken by NASA’s diligent rover show river beds on Mars. Based on this, they assume that evidence of ancient life can be found there. The Personality Rover is known to have landed in Zero …

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Australia buys twelve attack helicopters and one fighter jet from the United States

Australia buys twelve attack helicopters and one fighter jet from the United States

The Washington-Canberra deal is definitely in good shape. The State Department has announced that Australia has decided to sell twelve attack helicopters and one fighter jet for more than $ 1 billion. Australia, which has sealed a strategic partnership with the United States and the United Kingdom under the name “Aukus” to counter China’s regional aspirations, has asked for $ …

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Washington sells 12 attack helicopters to Australia

Le Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk est un hélicoptère multirôle capable d

The U.S. government has decided to sell 12 Seahawk attack helicopters and a crawler electronic fighter jet to Australia for more than $ 1 billion, the State Department said. Read moreSubmarine crisis: What France does not want to see Australia, which has sealed a strategic partnership with the United States and the United Kingdom to counter China’s regional aspirations, has …

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Did you see him? Tudin is on foot, police and citizens searching for the missing teacher, who was filmed on camera! (Photo)

Did you see him?  Tudin is on foot, police and citizens searching for the missing teacher, who was filmed on camera!  (Photo)

Tonight, police, family members, colleagues and students search for the physics teacher at Rifat Bardovich Elementary School in Tutin, Nasub Selmanovich, who went missing when he left home on Thursday morning. At ten o’clock, he went to the shop where he bought bread and other groceries, which he took home, and then told the residents that he was walking into …

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In the NFL, LeBron James would still be LeBron James

En NFL, LeBron serait quand même devenu LeBron

Travis Gells None. The 32-year-old is one of the best American footballers on the planet in his career, with his teammate Patrick Mahomes in the Kansas City Chiefs jersey. Tight in the NFL since 2012, Kelsey has been good at judging the qualities of an individual who occupies this place on the field. Paragraph In the podcast JJ Redick, Old …

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Why walking in space is difficult and dangerous

Why walking in space is difficult and dangerous

Anyone who has seen the footage of the space corridors will agree that it looks exciting. But really, these fights are very dangerous. Astronauts rarely go into space /: :О: Pixabe Imagine: You go into space, you have the earth below you. The vision is mesmerizing. But in reality, spacewalks are dangerous, time consuming and expensive. Also read: Land from …

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