Movies of the week in theaters

Movies of the week in theaters

Essential Two good reasons to dance with “Twist à Pamago” and “My Attend Pozangles” this week. Until you move to Los Angeles, in the 70s, with “Licorice Pizza”. There are two best cards to play this week in French cinema, both of which, incidentally, are related to dance. Robert Guédiguian leaves his Marseille lands “Twist in Bamako” Refreshing. In 1962, …

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News and Reports – The Governor of Hatramout declared a state of emergency in the Governorate

News and Reports - The Governor of Hatramout declared a state of emergency in the Governorate

The Governor of Hatramout, Maj. Gen. Faraj Salmin al-Bahsani, Commander of the Second Military Region, chaired an emergency meeting of the Security Council at the Governorate to implement the orders of His Excellency the President Field Marshal Abdul Rabbo Mansour Hadi. The Republic, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, is preparing to defend Hadramawt and its sons and prepare …

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2 places to see in 2022!

Australie et Dubaï : 2 destinations à visiter en 2022 !

Both of these places offer Absolutely exotic system. Although they are very different from a cultural, architectural and historical point of view, They are rich. Also, these are areas that should be favorable if you expect sun and rest. One will impress you Its oriental and modern atmosphere, There is another Heavenly Beaches ! On this special 2022 travel ticket, …

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London shows its serenity despite the frantic race of Omigran

London shows its serenity despite the frantic race of Omigran

Encryption – Boris Johnson considers practical measures to be sufficient to control the health condition. Reporter in London We are in “Plan B”. Boris Johnson’s message of hope is that the measures he took last month were enough to control his health. Not on the agenda despite the new restrictions The frantic flow of Omigran across the country. Read moreGovit-19: …

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“American Catfly” Magazine: An honest application

"American Catfly" Magazine: An honest application

Win fold, documentary for a campaign that never wants to win “American Catfly” Interpretation of Mike Crawley’s chaotic race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee. Growell, a former Alaska senator who actively followed the 2008 recommendation and died at the age of 91 last year, sought to qualify for the 2020 rotation debates. Two teenage boys, David Oaks and Henry …

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EU meteorite explodes: 30 ton dynamite-like shock wave

EU meteorite explodes: 30 ton dynamite-like shock wave

Millennium Digital Mexico City / 04.01.2022 12:50:22 Can you imagine a meteorite exploding on Earth? It happened on December 1 in Washington County, USA. Creates with it Shock wave equivalent to 30 tons of dynamite, according to NASA Meteor Watch. Only through her The official Facebook page of NASA Meteor Watch This moment of giving too much to talk about …

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Carlos Correa in Cubs: According to Ken Rosenthal, not possible

Analysis: Astros vs. White Socks

Ken Rosenthal has been much talked about these days as he has been forced out of the MLB network. The informant saw that the commissioner was not satisfied with the comments made about him, and he squeezed him at the end of his contract, much to the displeasure of the amateurs. But the good news is that Rosenthal has other …

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Gaddy’s company failed to pay

Gaddy's company failed to pay

Is this the end of a great adventure? Caddy, a manufacturer of supermarket trolleys, has announced that it has failed to pay. The Alsace-based group is facing a series of difficulties that have dried up the company’s coffers. Article written by Posted 01/04/2022 08:20 Study time: 1 minute. Cady’s boss, Stephen Dedu, confirmed the news from the newspaper on Monday, …

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Keanu Reeves donates 70% of her “Matrix” proceeds to cancer research

Keanu Reeves donates 70% of her "Matrix" proceeds to cancer research

Keanu Reeves donates 70% of her earnings to cancer research through the film “The Matrix”. There is no denying that Keenu Reeves is one of the most humble and generous people in the world of cinema. The Canadian-American actor donated a large portion of his proceeds to the film “The Matrix”. The 57-year-old Neo actor is said to have grossed …

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Viral photo of Devin Booker and Kendall Jenner for the New Year!

NBA (DR) / ndkendalljenner Although he could not celebrate New Year’s Day due to the schedule of the suns, Devin Booker was able to enjoy almost the entire weekend with Kendall Jenner for the New Year. Before internet users could start a crazy rumor about the couple, he revealed the details on his Instagram account! He was not entitled to …

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