The bricks of life can form in space

En faisant appel à une réaction chimique différente de celles imaginées jusqu’ici, des chercheurs de l’Institut Max Planck (Allemagne) montrent comment des peptides peuvent de former sur des poussières interstellaires. © Kakteen, Adobe Stock

You will be interested too [EN VIDÉO] What events are at the origin of life? As early as 1871, Charles Darwin imagined that terrestrial life could have originated in a “small pond” that combines various chemical compounds to form complex molecules. Another school of thought – Ponspermia – came to life from space. Today, the question remains unresolved, but scientists …

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“Radars” were created to detect or prevent cyber attacks

"Radars" were created to detect or prevent cyber attacks

As cyber attacks increase, so does the arsenal of counter-attacks, such as “radar” capable of detecting attacks in real time or detecting vulnerabilities in computer systems. Swisscom, Sunrise and Salt, along with hundreds of other operators around the world, were affected by the hack by iBasis, a US-based company. Revealed this week by Le Temps, the victims of this cyber …

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Monster demonstration in Paris by Algerian immigrants to mark the third anniversary of Hirak

Monster demonstration in Paris by Algerian immigrants to mark the third anniversary of Hirak

Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 8:14 p.m. PARIS (Reuters) – Algerian immigrants staged a demonstration in Paris on Sunday to mark the third anniversary of the eruption of Hirak, an unprecedented political and socio-economic movement that has rocked Algeria. Under the slogan “Freedom, Justice and Democracy in Algeria”, thousands of people, mostly Algerian immigrants but also supporters of Hirak, gathered …

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Spectacular fossils discovered in Australia

fossiles Australie

What are these fossils? These are Animal and plant residues He died several million years ago. Sometimes it happens that, under special conditions, they leave their seal on the rock : They say the image. With a little luck, fossils can be found everywhere, even in France. But these new Australian fossils are exceptional, because It is very rare to find …

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“A plein temps”, a film that never stops

Toute la culture

Full time Eric gravel keeps you in suspense for 85 minutes, impossible to take, to leave Laure calami eyes. There was no empty time, no break, and we would dive into the intense rhythm of Julie’s daily life. A film about the struggle of a woman who is ready to do anything to climb the slope, a film to be …

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These two dangerous tapeworms are invading our gardens

These two dangerous tapeworms are invading our gardens

Two types of tapeworms from Asia and Latin America invade French gardens. If these little creatures are not like that, they are dangerous to biodiversity and humans. Descriptions. Temple of Humbertium First, there is the flathead worm, the Humbertium temple. It does not measure more than 3 cm and is black. This species is found in the gardens of the …

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Trump, a former president with a sensational influence

Trump, a former president with a sensational influence

The drop was amazing. In perfect harmony with the character who was the main victim. Last Monday, the accounting firm Majors severed its long-standing relationship with the Trump organization, believing that the American populist agency could no longer recognize the credibility of accounting for the past 10 years. In January, Lettidia James, a New York state attorney who had been …

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Nigeria: Two stolen bronzes handed over to traditional royal palace

Nigeria: Two stolen bronzes handed over to traditional royal palace

# In other countries : The Nigerian government on Saturday handed over two bronze artefacts to a traditional royal palace in southern Nigeria as part of a series of restorations of artifacts looted during the colonial period. At a ceremony with songs, chants and dances, a bronze rooster and the head of a king were handed over to King Uku …

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Australia completes commitment to share 7.8 million doses with Vietnam

Australia completes commitment to share 7.8 million doses with Vietnam

Australia has delivered 3.6 million doses of Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine to Vietnam in recent weeks, thanks to a supply deal with UNICEF and in partnership with the Vietnamese Ministry of health, the Australian Embassy in Vietnam said. & gt; & gt;Australia ready to develop full relations with Vietnam& gt; & gt; Vietnam – Australia trade record level in 2021& gt; …

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Disney heiress slams company’s pay practices in new documentary

Disney heiress slams company's pay practices in new documentary

Released on 20 February 2022 She is the granddaughter of a co-founder of the Walt Disney Company, but isn’t always proud to bear the group’s name. Abigail Disney Co-directed a documentary on the situation of amusement park employees, offering a minimum wage without managing to live decently. It attacks the culture of large companies that seek to increase their profits …

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Australia: chased by a giant crocodile, children escape the worst –

Australia: chased by a giant crocodile, children escape the worst -

Police welcomed the initiative of these children, who were chased by a 5-metre crocodile at magnificent Creek in Kowanyama (Australia). A good escape Narrowly avoided the worst. A Crocodile On Sunday, February 13 a group of children aged 11 to 14 years were taken care of from 5 meters. The scene took place at magnificent Creek in Kowanyama (Australia). According …

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These Android and iOS apps are temporarily free

These Android and iOS apps are temporarily free

Like every week, NextBit offers you good deals on mobile apps and games for iOS and Android, which are usually paid for, but temporarily free on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. This listFree applications Updated weekly with at least two weekly editions on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Between the time you publish this article and the time you …

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James-Webb will study the next galaxy ‘Oumuamua Crossing the Solar System’

L'illustration de cet artiste montre le premier visiteur interstellaire identifié, 1I/'Oumuamua, découvert en 2017. L'objet capricieux s'est balancé à moins de 24 millions de kilomètres du Soleil avant de sortir du Système solaire. 1I/'Oumuamua défie encore toute simple catégorisation. Il ne se comportait pas comme une comète et avait une variété de caractéristiques inhabituelles. Comme la rotation complexe de l'objet a rendu difficile la détermination de la forme exacte, il existe de nombreux modèles de ce à quoi il pourrait ressembler. © Nasa, ESA et J. Olmsted et F. Summers (STScI)

From the first disks of planetary debris discovered in 1983Infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS) around four Stars Vega, Beta PictorisFormalhat and Epsilon Eridani For protoplanetary discs examined with alma by observations Spitzer And HubbleAstronomy Infrared And helped to ensure that the phenomenon of planetary formation with millimeter force occurs very frequently Milky Way And according to methods, broadly, generated in cosmological …

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Right wrong. Does Engie really import shale gas when its exploitation is banned in France?

Essential The Communist presidential candidate, Fabian Russell, claims that France, through its NGO group, imports shale gas into national borders. Exploitation of this gas is now banned in France. “France should stop importing US shale gas”. In the package CNews This Thursday, February 17, Fabian Russell, the Communist candidate for the presidency, said that the United States was using the …

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Many deaths and significant material damage in Northern Europe

Many deaths and significant material damage in Northern Europe

Published: 02/19/2022 – 19:42 The epicenter was reported below the Pacific Ocean floor, however; no tsunami alert was issued. Millions of homes were without electricity on Saturday. Eunice storm Continued to wipe out northwestern Europe On Saturday, February 19, at least 16 people were killed and extensive property damage and massive power outages were reported. Trained in Ireland, The storm …

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