L'illustration de cet artiste montre le premier visiteur interstellaire identifié, 1I/'Oumuamua, découvert en 2017. L'objet capricieux s'est balancé à moins de 24 millions de kilomètres du Soleil avant de sortir du Système solaire. 1I/'Oumuamua défie encore toute simple catégorisation. Il ne se comportait pas comme une comète et avait une variété de caractéristiques inhabituelles. Comme la rotation complexe de l'objet a rendu difficile la détermination de la forme exacte, il existe de nombreux modèles de ce à quoi il pourrait ressembler. © Nasa, ESA et J. Olmsted et F. Summers (STScI)

James-Webb will study the next galaxy ‘Oumuamua Crossing the Solar System’

From the first disks of planetary debris discovered in 1983Infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS) around four Stars Vega, Beta PictorisFormalhat and Epsilon Eridani For protoplanetary discs examined with alma by observations Spitzer And HubbleAstronomy Infrared And helped to ensure that the phenomenon of planetary formation with millimeter force occurs very frequently Milky Way And according to methods, broadly, generated in cosmological models The Solar System.

However, we still have a lot to learn because planetary scientists do not fully understand the exact chemical processes involved in the formation of planets. They also want to know if there is anything special about the way our own planets formed around us The sun. Of course, we already have indications with the tools developed by Nuspier, but we are not far from sending a study to a nearby planetary system, but would like to know more. Proxima CentauriFor more information.

However, clear identification of objects with interstellar origins 1I / ‘OumuamuaIn 2017, and 2I / BorisovIn 2018, the situation has clearly changed, especially since it came Lockrange point L2 Earth-Sun Telescope James Webb.

Characteristics Orbits Of ‘Omuvamuwa And Borisov makes them clear Stars Those who have been expelled from their home planetary system in the Milky Way and they are certainly the tip of the populationObjects between stars Often transcends the solar system and, in a sense, memories of creationExtraterrestrials Elsewhere Galaxy. Memoirs that could speak to exobiologists studying the origin of life in places other than the solar system, for example, Mars and Europe.

In this short film, we tell the story of the interstellar comet 2I / Borisov. For us Earthlings, it’s a story that begins when we first see it at the end of August 2019, but it started ten or hundreds of millions of years ago, or more … because we do not know. Yet the age of this material came from somewhere else. © Future

Infrared radiation to read a galaxy’s memory

However, this is what Martin Gardiner announced in a press release from NASA, the project’s lead researcher. Web target for opportunity : ” Sensitivity and power The web It now offers us an unprecedented opportunity to study the chemical composition of these galaxies and to learn more about their properties: where they came from, how they formed, and what they can tell us about the conditions under which they formed.

Clear to this Astronomer From Goddard Space Aviation Center From NASA in Greenfield, Maryland: ” The ability to read one of them and discover its composition – to look closely at objects from another planetary system – is truly incredible. “, And he and his team are preparing for an infrared study with the Web in the future. Around the circular path Hyperbolic in the solar system, and they only visit once.

2I / Borisov looked like a comet, but not 1I / ‘Oumuamua. This suggests that we are about to make spectacular discoveries about the diversity of planetary systems. Martin Gardiner and his colleagues want to know for sure, for which they will use two James-Web tools, NIRSpec and MIRI.

Will be used to analyze the chemical composition of NIRSpec, according to a NASA press release Gas It can emit these galaxies closer to the sun, which can highlight its spectral signature Molecules Specific substances such as water and methanol FormaldehydeThe Carbon dioxideThe Carbon monoxide And methane. MIRI (Central Infrared Instrument)On the other hand, it provides information about the thermal processes associated with particles SolidSuch as dust grains and pebbles.

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