They are finding ecological solutions for tomorrow

They are finding ecological solutions for tomorrow

D.Enzymes for recycling Jean-Claude Lumaret Retired March 31, 2022, former CEO and co-founder of Corbios Jean-Claude Loumaret (Photo) Will monitor her baby. It was the research of this former chemical engineer from the Roquet team that helped Corbios find recyclable solutions using enzymes for used plastics and textiles. Decorbonized clothing Benoit is here Faced with climate change, he wants …

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“Drive to Survive uses reality TV codes”


Japping Autonomous Betting WRC: 7 Topics Statistics by Sébastien Ogier Although the F1 was purchased by Liberty Media in 2016, the American company’s desire is to bring back the popularity of the discipline. In 2017 an annual behind-the-scenes series was launched. Cyril Abidbol, Renault’s boss for a year, recalls the key role the French team played in Netflix’s arrival at …

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Morocco is a major supplier of global value chains

Le Maroc, important fournisseur de chaînes de valeur mondiales

According to a recent report by EIB, EBRD and the World Bank Recent reports from the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank cite Morocco’s experience in industrialization as an example. Entitled “Unleashing Sustainable Private Sector Growth in the Middle East and North Africa”, this work analyzes barriers to private sector …

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Instagram: These tips to regain control of your news feed!

Instagram: ces astuces pour reprendre la main sur son fil d’actualité !

Are there many ads and suggestions on your Instagram feed? Some tips to get it back to your taste! New Algorithm of Instagram Not everyone is happy. The more ads, the less people we follow, And hard capture: it received little criticism. But there are some tricks to bring it to your liking. MCETV explains everything! Tips for keeping Instagram …

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In turn, NASA will launch an investigation to explain the UFOs

In turn, NASA will launch an investigation to explain the UFOs

Published: 06/09/2022 – 23:36 After the efforts of US intelligence, the Pentagon and NASA in turn began an investigation to understand the unidentified aerial events. The study, which is expected to last nine months starting in the fall, will be carried out by renowned scientists and astronomers. The possibility of extraterrestrial visits to Earth is certainly being taken more and …

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Shortage in Syria: Holmes exploited gas

Shortage in Syria: Holmes exploited gas

According to Syria’s Minister of Petroleum, the well will be connected to another well, which will then be operated after determining their location to connect to the gas network. In an interview with the Lebanese news site Al-Ahad News, That was promised by the Managing Director of the Syrian Oil Company, Fraz Katur “The new discovery in the field of …

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This robot to explore the moon will amaze you with its almost human movements

Le rover R1, conçu par la firme robotique Gitai, transite sur un faux terrain lunaire reproduit par la Jaxa. © Gitai, Jaxa

In December 2021, the Japanese robotics company Gitai was testing its R1 rover, which was commissioned by Jaxa and intended to travel to the moon. A video released a few months later makes it possible to appreciate the device’s capabilities under realistic conditions that recreate the properties of the lunar regolith. In parallel with the Artemis project, some space agencies …

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The South African president condemned the “dirty tricks”

The South African president condemned the "dirty tricks"

I call “Crime” And “Financial fraud”, Representatives of the far left prevented the head of state from speaking for more than an hour. Many of them were expelled from the session. Cyril Ramaphosa, 69, is accused of hiding a robbery at one of his properties from police and tax officials. Condemns “Dirty Tricks” And “Bullying”The president promised not to leave …

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Morocco is one of the most attractive countries in Africa

Morocco is one of the most attractive countries in Africa

The main results of this study, conducted by Hotel Partners Africa, a member of the W Hospitality Group in association with the Africa Hospitality Investment Forum (AHIF), can be summarized in four words: Egypt, Morocco, Accord and Marriott. With 5,577 and 6,142 rooms, respectively, these two countries are leading in the number of rooms under physical construction. Followed by Ethiopia, …

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5 Top Tips to Getting a Cleaner Kitchen

The kitchen can be a messy place. I know that when I’m cooking there is usually about 12 pots involved for a meal to feed two people. We’re all getting a little more aware of the cleanliness of our homes and getting that wrong in the kitchen can result in some food poisoning, to say the least. If you have …

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