Cats are interested in what their owner has to say

Cats are interested in what their owner has to say

When they hear their owner’s voice, cats are more demonstrative than another human. Credit: Maliflower73 – Decryption – Although they seem to have nothing to do with this, they are sensitive to the human voice and understand that we are talking to them. Reclining on the sofa, completely passive, unable to move his ears when you talk to him, …

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Central African Republic and Rwanda strengthen their security cooperation – Agence Afrique

La Centrafrique et le Rwanda renforcent leur coopération en matière de sécurité

Rwanda recommends increasing support for armed forces in the Central African Republic (CAR), the Bangui government announced after a meeting between Rwandan President Paul Kagame and his Central African counterpart, Faustin Arcange Tutera. In this direction the two countries are linked by four cooperation agreements, launched during the last state visit of President Faustin Archange Touadéra in Rwanda from August …

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Anti-Semitic comments: Kanye West reportedly lost $2 billion on Thursday

Anti-Semitic comments: Kanye West reportedly lost $2 billion on Thursday

Several personalities and companies have called for the American rapper’s boycott since his controversial comments in early October. SourceAFP Published on 28/10/2022 at 07:42 – Changed 28/10/2022 at 2:20 PM Link copied Copy the link I subscribe 1€ 1st month KOn Thursday, October 27, he said he lost $2 billion in a single day, following the American artist’s repeated anti-Semitic …

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The rule of French is linked to science

The rule of French is linked to science

Currently a University Professor at UQAR-Campus de Lévis, I have had the privilege of working for 10 years as an advisor to four ministers in three different parties. I was vice president for two of them. Although the signature ink of our new ministers is still fresh, I will no doubt make some recommendations to each of them, but I …

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WhatsApp no ​​longer works on my phone, why?

WhatsApp no ​​longer works on my phone, why?

Can’t send or receive messages on WhatsApp anymore? Here are the different possible reasons. WhatsApp is still there Instant messaging app Most widely used in the world. Billions of people use it to communicate on a daily basis. However, it can happen WhatsApp will no longer work on your smartphone Android or iPhone. There is no reason to panic. The …

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Algarve (Portugal) hotels looking for Moroccan workers

According to a study entitled “O capital humano na hotelaria e entrepreneuros turísticos do Algarve” (Human capital in hotels and tourism developments in the Algarve) commissioned by the Algarve Hotel and Tourism Organizations Association (AHETA). Through the Collaborative Laboratory for Tourism and Innovation (KIPt COLAB) University of Algarve, the sector needs almost 8,000 additional workers. “Among the surveyed companies, human …

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Air France-KLM secures a third of its SAF supplies

© Airbus / P. Masclet

Air France-KLM has signed two contracts to supply non-fossil fuels. These firm orders, whose amount is unspecified, represent 1.6 million tonnes of standard aviation fuel (SAF): one million ordered from Finnish company Neste, covering the period 2023 to 2030, and 600,000 tonnes from US company DG Fuels. , for 2027-2036, the Franco-Dutch aviation group pointed out. This is the “first …

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On Mars, a giant meteor impact was heard live

On Mars, a giant meteor impact was heard live

Mars-observing scientists got a Christmas present last year. • Read more: Mars ‘not so dead’ On December 24, 2021, a meteorite hit its surface, causing a magnitude 4 tremor. These were detected by the InSight probe and its seismograph, which landed on Mars nearly four years ago, about 3,500 kilometers from the impact site. But the origin of this Martian …

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NASA teases ‘big discovery’

Le cratère d'impact repéré sur Mars en avril 2019.

The US space agency has invited international journalists to a conference to shed light on a “major discovery” on the surface of Mars. In two words, the US space agency has released the best teaser in recent years!!! The NASA A press conference has been arranged media of the whole world. The latter theme, this Thursday, October 27 at 8pm …

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The government is providing 275 million euros in aid to universities

The government is providing 275 million euros in aid to universities

Higher Education Minister Sylvie Retail announced on Thursday that she would release an envelope of 275 million euros to help research institutes, large schools and universities cope with additional energy costs in 2023. ” As all companies are subject to rising energy prices, assistance will be pro-rated to cover additional costs.The minister said in an interview with “Les Echos” newspaper. …

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EA Begins to Stop Selling Physical Games in Europe

EA is gradually starting to stop selling physical games in Europe. As of May 2023, the American publisher will no longer sell physical copies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It is not yet known if EA intends to follow this strategy in France. Credit: EA that EA promised in August 2022 that it would continue to produce single-player games After …

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How does law enforcement deal with a traumatic event?

How does law enforcement deal with a traumatic event?

Deep down, all cops know. One day or the other, in their life, they will face a traumatic situation. For example the search for a 12 year old girl. soon Lola was reported missingOn Friday afternoon, October 14, dozens of agents combed through In this corner of the 19th arrondissement of Paris Search for small clues to find his trail. …

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Start-up Space Cargo Unlimited launches first space factory

Start-up Space Cargo Unlimited launches first space factory

In the field of space, the French lack ideas or initiatives. After the Zéphyr micro-rocket (Latitude), a minivan carrying small satellites (Exotrail), a reusable cargo spaceship (The Exploration Company) and a solar-powered sail (Gama), it’s time for REV1, the ‘first factory in space’. . read more: The article is reserved for our subscribers With its microlaunchers, France wants to be …

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IMF provides Egypt with $3 billion to finance economic reform program

IMF provides Egypt with $3 billion to finance economic reform program

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) granted Egypt a $3 billion loan to finance an economic reform program, spread over four years, the Information Office of the Council of Ministers announced. Under the terms of the agreement, Egypt could receive two additional financings, the first $1 billion through the IMF’s new Resilience and Stability Fund, and the second about $5 billion. …

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Tesla is the subject of a criminal investigation in the United States

Tesla is the subject of a criminal investigation in the United States

You are here Again in the eyes of the US authorities. The Department of Justice (DoJ) has launched a criminal investigation into the automaker, which is suspected of misleading customers into thinking its vehicles are its own. Autonomy. Tesla vehicles do not drive themselves Tesla cars are equipped with a driver assistance system called Autopilot. For a tidy sum of …

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