Strange “time crystals” created on quantum computers can change physics forever-scientific study-cnBeta.COM

September 17, Beijing Time News, according to foreign media reports,Researchers have recently developed a new time-time crystal using quantum computers.Time crystals can always rotate between two states without losing any energy, so they have successfully avoided one of the most important definitions of physics — the second law of thermodynamics. The law states that the disorder of the isolated system …

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What Microsoft does without passwords: What it means to users

What Microsoft does without passwords: What it means to users

Microsoft wants to make passwords obsolete in the future. On top of that Support page The company is now promoting another login option. Windows, Outlook or OnDrive users may in the future remove their own password and set the authentication processor, Windows Hello or Security keys and email or SMS verification. Users no longer need to remember the password, but …

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California – Redwoods covered with aluminum for fire protection

La base des troncs a été recouverte de feuilles d’aluminium.

PostedSeptember 17, 2021, 07:14 When two fires broke out near Redwoods Park, firefighters were “taking extraordinary measures to protect these trees” – The bottom of the trunks was covered with aluminum foil. AFP Rescue workers wrapped the blankets of the world’s tallest tree, the giant sequoia, to protect California from wildfires after a long drought on Thursday. “General Sherman”, considered …

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In London, a Hindu temple vaccinated 50,000 residents

temple hindou

Nyston Temple, one of the largest Hindu temples in Britain, has temporarily become one of the largest vaccination centers in the UK. The Hindu temple has become a vaccination center Opened in 1996, the magnificent building, made of Bulgarian marble and limestone, has had a very different decoration from the altars for many months. In fact, the monument in the …

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If Tokeville returns to the United States, will he recognize her?

If Tokeville returns to the United States, will he recognize her?

To analyze –Les Conversations in Dockville, co-organized Lee Figaro Open in Tokeville this Friday. On the menu, several echoes of the future of democracy in the United States and the American crisis in Europe. Les Conversations in Dockville, co-organized Lee Figaro, The Tokville Foundation, the Atlantic Council and the Friedrich N manmann Foundation for Freedom, the Normandy Region, the Manche …

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New charge of the company for the excretion of toxic substances

Dans cet énorme incendie à Rouen, survenu le 26 septembre 2019 sur un site de lubrifiants automobiles classé Seveso seuil haut, près de 10.000 tonnes de produits chimiques avaient brûlé, tandis qu’un immense nuage de fumée noire de 22 km de long s’était formé.

Justice Nearly two years after the catastrophic fire in Rouen, the lubricant company was again charged Tuesday for environmental damage. Posted on 09/16/2021 at 5:31 pm. AFP “Lubrizol was charged on September 14 with spilling harmful substances into the water and discharging substances harmful to the fish into freshwater,” the judicial source confirmed. “The file on these two new facts …

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Lil Wayne signs Haitian-American rapper for young money

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The joy of thin rocks is at its peak! Comes from a Haitian-American artist Signer Famous rapper and businessman Lil Wayne with the Young Money label. The rapper made the announcement through photos and video posted on his Instagram account on Monday. In this video you can see the happy superstar rejoicing after the happy event. “Dreams come true! I …

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Shohe Ohdani (pitcher) season is compromised

Shohe Ohdani (pitcher) season is compromised

Last Friday, Shoaib Ohtani had a (rare) ugly exit from Matt in the second half of the season. After 3.1 innings of work, it was over for him. But what we don’t know is that the Angels may have seen the last shot of the pile this season. In fact, the pitcher still has a sore and the Angels, out …

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Samsung Dash: Good history of the popular Galaxy series

Samsung Dash: Good history of the popular Galaxy series

Samsung This year the Galaxy Note 21 left the series and switched to newer models from the Galaxy Z series. Now it has turned out that Samsung has not updated its Galaxy Note brand – this is destroying the chances of getting Samsung Galaxy Note 22. Samsung has renewed its trademarks for several product names, including the Galaxy S and …

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“We need to share monthly distribution details”, (ohms)

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Transparency in vaccine distribution: “We need to share details in monthly distributions”, (Oms) The 4th meeting of the Working Group of Multidisciplinary Leaders for Measuring Covit-19 Instruments was held on September 16, 2021. An opportunity for the task force to emphasize transparency in vaccine distribution. “Vaccine manufacturers should share details of the monthly supply schedule for all vaccine exports, especially …

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Submarines: Australia breaks record deal at Cherbourg

Submarines: Australia breaks record deal at Cherbourg

2021-09-16T13: 12: 14.000 + 02: 00 This is the deal of the century in Cherbourg. The news fell like a hammer to the citizens. “This is a disaster for Cherbourg”; “Everything around the economy is over. Everything is over,” the people of Cherbourg complain. The deal is worth 56 56 billion and 600 jobs are at stake. The city especially …

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PlayStation leaks and destroys all humans! 2 Repeat

Playstation Fuit Par Erreur Destroy All Humans! 2 Refaire

PlayStation left the hand. The Japanese company has revealed that there is a plan that is not officially known. It’s about destroying all humans! 2 was condemned, which appeared on the official Sony corporate Twitter account. The tweet has already been deleted, but the user IdleSloth84 was quick and able to save the trailer, you can see below these lines. …

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Its doors will open in Brest on Thursday, September 23rd

Le What ouvrira ses portes jeudi 23 septembre 2021 à 17 h, dans la zone de Kergaradec à Brest

By Côté Brest writing Posted on 16 September 21 at 10:54 p.m. Brest page Check out my message Follow this medium Its doors will open on Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 5 pm in the Kresteradek area of ​​Brest. (© What) After working for more than a year, The What 2021 September 2021 will open its doors on Thursday in …

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