Elon Musk has donated $ 6 billion to the Mystery Charity

Elon Musk

The information that can be said at least is fantastic. According to Internal markets, Elon Musk donated more than 5 million shares of Tesla in November to an unnamed charity. If we believe the value of the title at this point, it represents almost $ 6 billion. The billionaire did not publicly mention this generous gift, but it was the …

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Very brief science news from February 15, 2022


In health: EXCLUSIVE. Interview with the researcher who first transformed the pig heart into a human. On January 10, 2022, the first human heart synograph was announced, which is a remarkable improvement, approaching a solution to the shortage of transplant surgeries in the world. To learn more about this medical revolution, Science and the future Asked Professor Mohammed Mohiuddin, …

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Meta introduces Facebook news in France

Meta introduces Facebook news in France

After launching in the United States, Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom, it is France’s turn to benefit from the news feed designed by Facebook News, meta and dedicated to press content. Gradually, the tool Will be sorted And should be available By May for all French users. What is Facebook News? How to use it? How can we access …

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The Prime Minister of Israel and the Crown Prince of Bahrain discussed the strengthening of bilateral cooperation.

Le Premier ministre d'Israël et le prince héritier de Bahreïn discutent du renforcement de la coopération bilatérale

AA / Manama Israeli Prime Minister Nafdali Bennett on Tuesday discussed ways to strengthen cooperation between the two countries with Bahrain’s Crown Prince Salman Hamad Al-Khalifa. The announcement was made at a meeting in the capital, Manama, as part of an Israeli prime minister’s first visit to the Gulf. The official Bahrain News Agency reported that the two sides held …

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Australia caught between wildfires and floods

Des incendies se sont déclarés en Australie-Occidentale, dans la région touristique de Margaret River, célèbre pour son vin et le surf.

Australia suffered two major natural disasters on Friday, with wildfires devastating the picturesque west coast landscape and heavy rains causing flooding in the east of the country. Read moreThree months after submarine crisis, Australia mulls replacing Airbus Helicopters After weeks of high temperatures, a fire broke out in Western Australia, in the tourist area of the Margaret River, popular for …

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Engie returns to profit

Le bénéfice net a atteint 3,7 milliards d'euros. En 2020, le groupe avait publié une perte de 1,5 milliard, alourdie par la dépréciation de la valeur des centrales nucléaires belges (photo : le siège d'Engie à La Défense).

15 Feb. 2022 at 8:30 p.m.Updated February 15th. 2022 at 14:10 After being fined by the 2020 health crisis and the setbacks of the Belgian nuclear power, Engie returns to growth. The French energy company on Tuesday released significantly improved results for the 2021 fiscal year. They are driven by rising energy prices and a return to good fortune for …

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All about the Polaris project that opens a new era for private human space travel

Vue d'artiste d'une sortie extravéhiculaire depuis un Crew Dragon de SpaceX. © SpaceX

Jared Isaacman (Inspiration 4) and SpaceX have announced the first private manned flight plan, which should have at least three trips. Polaris, as its name implies, is not satisfied with looking around the planet. In the program, technical explanations, scientific experiments, fundraising and above all gaining experience in the field of human space travel in preparation for human travel to …

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Agurisk joins the closed Texstars club

Agurisk joins the closed Texstars club

V.S.Content is business communication. It was not written by TelQuel journalists augurisk Valuable Accelerator has announced its membership in Textors – Industries of the Future. For this American company with the Moroccan signature it certainly cannot ignore a record. As part of this project, the team augurisk Together with top scientists in emerging technologies from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, …

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Visa fees dropped for foreign students

Visa fees dropped for foreign students

“Come back to Australia!”The government is stepping up its appeals to international students and backpackers at a time when labour shortages are crippling many economic sectors. Prime Minister Scott Morrison made it a point to announce it in person at a press conference: students or holders of a work holiday permit heading to Australia by next April will return part …

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Nurses on strike, exhausted by Pandemic

Des milliers de blouses blanches ont défilé en direction du parlement local à Sydney.

Thousands of nurses left on Tuesday in Sydney, Australia’s largest city, to combat staff shortages and stress from the pandemic. Defying a ban on strikes, thousands of white shirts marched toward the local parliament, behind surgical masks, denouncing their working conditions. Read moreIn Australia,” Westphalia ” dreams of freedom The crowd of nurses sang and applauded to express their anger …

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Online roulette: winning tips

roulette online

Considering COVID-19 limitations and cancellation of some sports events due to this pandemic, we can state that the popularity of online gambling has been only gaining. Meanwhile, those, who played at land-based casinos already and started gambling on the internet, might meet some difficulties. They cannot understand how online games differ from “real” ones. Nevertheless, this stuff is straightforward. We …

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