Has the number of girls studying math in high school decreased?

«Nous étions arrivés, en terminale S, à 48% de filles. Il semble qu'avec la réforme (du bac, NDLR), le pourcentage de jeunes filles qui ont choisi de faire des mathématiques plus intensives ait dégringolé à 10%. En deux ans, on a perdu 20 ans d'efforts», selon le mathématicien Jean-Paul Bourguignon.

Testing process – Jean-Michel Blanker, who rejected the criticisms of mathematician Jean-Paul Borgunan, who qualified as “fake news”, confirms that 48.1% of women chose the specialty “mathematics”. Question. The question was raised on February 13th France Inter Regarding the decline in the proportion of young women choosing math in high school, the Minister of Education denied any decline, citing the …

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Moroccan Freterium has raised $ 4 million for its inventory management software

Moroccan Freterium has raised $ 4 million for its inventory management software

In Africa and the Middle East, most companies in the freight sector use more outdated methods to manage their exports. A start-up based in Morocco has raised $ 4 million nationwide and around the world to provide exclusive inventory management software to integrate them into their entire shipping ecosystem that reduces time and costs. According to Technology crisis, Which dedicated …

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Russia announces withdrawal of new troops from Crimea

La télévision publique russe a montré elle un train chargé de camions militaires traversant le pont qui relie la Crimée au territoire russe. Ph : AFP Archives

Russian state television showed a train loaded with military trucks across the bridge connecting Crimea with Russian territory. Ph: AFP Archives Russia on Thursday announced the withdrawal of a military train loaded with equipment from the Ukrainian peninsula Crimea, which is annexed by Moscow, where troops have raised fears of an invasion of Ukraine. The Russian Defense Ministry told Russian …

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5 Oscar-nominated films for Best Set Design 2022

Architectural Digest France

Here we go again: it’s Oscar season and the 2022 nominations have just been announced. If 2020 was marked by the closure of cinemas and an avalanche of postponed releases, we fortunately didn’t have time to get used to this new normal, because 2021 turned out to be a surprisingly good year for cinema. Between the new movies of big …

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Announced the resumption of services to Australia: under what conditions?

Announced the resumption of services to Australia: under what conditions?

As far as those vaccinated are concerned, the resumption of commercial flights to Australia through Aircel is announced for next week. But quarantine imposed on arrival in New Caledonia is not the only topic to be addressed this Thursday, during a discussion between Canberra and Noumea officials. This announcement was highly anticipated! And volunteers to travel to Sydney or Brisbane …

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48% free performance gain for 64 bits

48% free performance gain for 64 bits

The official Raspberry Pi operating system, Raspberry Pi OS, is finally 64-bit, which brings a significant performance boost, for free! After a very long testing phase (beta released in May 2020!), The Raspberry Pi Foundation finally released it on February 2nd. The official 64-bit version of the Raspberry Pi OS. 32 to 64 bits high, allowing a process to use …

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Rare baby ‘ghost shark’ discovered by scientists

Rare baby 'ghost shark' discovered by scientists

A rare species of fish nicknamed the “Ghost Shark” has been discovered in New Zealand. An invention that allows us to better understand these animals in depth. A rare invention. Scientists in New Zealand have discovered a baby giant called Simera, also known as the ‘Ghost Shark’. CNN. It is difficult to find this species close to sharks and rats …

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Appointed Creative Director at Tremain Emory Supreme

Appointed Creative Director at Tremain Emory Supreme

Denim Tears designer James Zephia is set to join the brand, just days before the release of his Spring / Summer 2022 collection scheduled for February 17th. After working for nine years at Marc Jacobs’ home, he continued to form a diverse creative team. No vacant accommodation But Denim tears (His sportswear brand, which continues to collaborate with Lewis, Asix …

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S. in Syria. Ahead of Shoaib’s Arrival: A Deadly Attack in Damascus

S. in Syria.  Ahead of Shoaib's Arrival: A Deadly Attack in Damascus

In Damascus, a Syrian soldier was killed and 11 others were injured in an explosion near Customs Square. “At around 7:25 this morning, an IED exploded on a military bus near Customs Square in Damascus. As a result, one soldier was killed and 11 others were wounded, “said Sanaa, the official Syrian agency’s military source.It is noteworthy that last October, …

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Largest thermal power plant to close in 2025

Une mine de charbon en Australie.

Australia’s largest coal-fired thermal power plant is set to close in 2025, years ahead of schedule, its operators have announced, and will no longer be profitable in the face of falling renewable energy costs. According to Origin Energy, which operates this power station located north of Sydney, the rise of renewable energy is compromising its economic profitability. Read morePacific Islands …

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The debate over Australia’s relations with the British monarchy has been put back on the map


Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Tuesday that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah reinforced his argument for breaking Australia’s constitutional ties with the British monarchy. This could rekindle the debate about Republicanism in Australia, one of the 54 Commonwealth countries that were once part of the British Empire. Highlights Malcolm Turnbull has Announced To Australian …

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Elon Musk’s guinea pigs die in ‘high pain’

Elon Musk's guinea pigs die in 'high pain'

The video science player playing the pager monkey video game stunned the audience And the school of thought that supports the use of technology to improve physical and physiological abilities signifies amazing progress in the inhuman humanities. In the latest news, in early December, Elon Musk plans to test fit in humans in 2022, after lengthy testingDuring this time the …

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The first images of the surface of Venus in the visible spectrum

The first images of the surface of Venus in the visible spectrum

During Parker’s Fourth Venus Flying, the WISPR instrument captured these images and collected them as a video, showing the night side of the planet. Photo: NASA / APL / NRL Images of Venus were captured during two flights of the planet by a study conducted in July 2020 and February 2021. Made from video footage of the whole night face …

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