Covit-19 in Seine-Maritime: The incidence rate has been rising for four days

By Jean-Baptiste Moral Posted on 7 March 22 at 11:04 p.m. 76 News See my news Follow this medium Since the beginning of March, the Covit-19 vulnerability rate in Seine-Maritime has begun to rise again. (© ML / 76news) When the final restrictions are gradually removed, and The first vaccination pass will not be required until next weekThe Covit-19 vulnerability …

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South Africa: When technology enters road traffic in Cape Town

AFRIQUE DU SUD : quand la technologie s’invite dans la circulation routière au Cap ©Alexey Stiop/Shutterstock

Cape Town, South Africa has a population of 4.618 million. When faced with population growth and the flow of vehicles, traffic-related challenges are becoming increasingly important. In this context, two technology companies, Fiber Paste Integrations and Septon, are working on a number of projects aimed at transforming the South African capital into a smart city. This will include organizing road …

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Africa: What are the challenges of the Global Convention against Plastic Pollution?

AFRIQUE : quels enjeux pour l’accord mondial contre la pollution plastique ?©ONU

The planet succeeds in capturing disposable plastic. At the end of it1Er In March 2022 in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEA) approved a resolution establishing the Intergovernmental Panel on Negotiations (INC) to draft an international agreement to combat plastic pollution. The agreement, which covers the entire life cycle, including the production, use and disposal …

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Baghdad thief at Lyon auditorium at 20h on Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Baghdad thief at Lyon auditorium at 20h on Wednesday, March 16, 2022

In Cinema Concert with Orchestre National de Lyon The thief of Baghdad (1924) © United Artists – D. R Silent’s masterpiece inspired by a story One thousand and One Nights, Baghdad’s thief Of Raul Walsh Tailor made Douglas Fairbanks. The total show, shot on gigantic sets and equipped with dazzling special effects. Shot on a million dollar budget (this is …

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For Scott Morrison, ” the relationship between the two countries

For Scott Morrison, " the relationship between the two countries

The Australian prime minister welcomes the announcement of the French ambassador to Canberra. Awaiting contact with Emmanuel Macron. Scott Morrison does not regret cancelling a deal to buy French submarines in favour of the US. He, in turn, did not compile contacts with Paris. Scott Morrison has welcomed the announcement of the French ambassador to Canberra. Paris had it Remembered …

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Cryptocurrency: Is “Duffy’s Godfather” Andre Cronje leaving the ship?

Andre Cronje and his friend Anton Nell formalize their plan to drop Deffie. Therefore, the two decided to put their assets up for sale without violating already built protocols (such as Yearn.Finance and Fantom). A farewell to the crypto community Andre Cronje DeFi is a well known personality in the world. He gave himself the nickname “DeFi Architect”, but he …

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Guadeloupe: The amazing discovery of a giant bacterium

Guadeloupe: The amazing discovery of a giant bacterium

France reports that the world’s largest bacterium has been found in Guadeloupe. It will be twenty times larger than the previous record. The world’s largest bacterium was discovered in Guadeloupe, known as the “Theomarcarita magnifica”. (Illustration) © Nicolas Parent / MAXPPP / PHOTOPQR / THE INDEPENDENT / MAXPPP By Posted on 03/07/2022 03:11 at The link was copied Copy …

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How Reliance surprised Amazon in the battle for future retail in India.

Workers from Reliance

The store, still branded as Big Bazaar, Future’s largest brand, was repatriated by potential customers due to closure, but will soon be renamed Reliance Store. Reliance Industries, led by Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest man, has asked Inc. to bring the seized business assets under practical control. Across India, similar scenarios are emerging as he wants to become a co-owner. …

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Ukraine: UN reiterates SG call for “humanitarian suspension”

Ukraine: UN reiterates SG call for "humanitarian suspension"

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reiterated on Sunday his call for an end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and for civilians to leave dangerous areas. “It is absolutely necessary to stop fighting in Ukraine for the safe passage of civilians like Mariupol, Kharkiv and Sumi and everywhere else involved in the conflict,” he said. In a tweet. The UN, …

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Covid-19 cases among tribes cause concern

Covid-19 cases among tribes cause concern

Australian authorities declared their ” on Tuesday, August 17Deep anxiety“After the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic in Aboriginal communities particularly vulnerable to coronavirus. Read moreAustralia, zero covid’s worst Fort Since the emergence in Sydney in mid-June of a case of covid-19 due to a Delta variant, the pandemic has recently spread to the western state of New South Wales, where …

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Australia: will 10,000 wild horses be slaughtered soon?

You are currently viewing Australie : 10.000 chevaux sauvages bientôt abattus ?

The N. A. A. has proposed a plan to reduce the population of brumbies located in Kosciuszko National Park.S.W government can agree. Part of the horse population will be slaughtered, while the rest will be moved to the park. Terrible news for Brumbies safety. More than a year later, Is aiming for a new project Population reduction Between 14.000 and …

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What is Kilonova, where the remains were first discovered?

Impression d'artiste de la collision entre deux étoiles à neutrons. © University of Warwick, Mark Garlick

By studying the signal GW170817, as a result of the fusion of two neutron stars, among others, in one kilonova, the astronomers point to the singularity of this phenomenon, which is likely to provide flux clues of the remaining X-rays. About the nature of matter caused by the fusion of these two massive stars. You will be interested too [EN …

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Fluffy donuts at home

Fluffy donuts at home

There is Luna Park, with its pink sugar icing and small marshmallows; French, salted butter stuffed with caramel; Or Speculious, topped with Speculous Crumble. With about thirty kinds of donuts, Donut Time On its cardboard boxes reveals this cult American rainbow rainbow. Based in Mont-sur-Lausanne, the company, which has abandoned its former Lausanne store, operates mainly within a 10-kilometer radius, …

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Moody’s downgraded Russia’s credit rating to Ca, which is the final step

Moody's downgraded Russia's credit rating to Ca, which is the final step

Moody’s on Sunday downgraded Russia’s credit rating to Ca, citing the central bank’s capital constraints as the final point in its assessment, leading to the country’s foreign debt control and default. The rating agency said its decision to downgrade Russia was “driven by serious concerns about Russia’s willingness and ability to repay its debt obligations”. The Russian economy has been …

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After Australian deal fails, Navy team accounts chime

After Australian deal fails, Navy team accounts chime

After the cancellation of the” deal of the century ” Australia, the Naval Group is due to conclude its negotiations with campera. It’s instant. After the cancellation of the Australian contract, the country will have to deliver its response to the Navy team in a matter of days. After weeks of difficult negotiations, the Frenchman made his accounts and sent …

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