The Northern Lights can cover weekend nights

The Northern Lights can cover weekend nights

Night owls looking to roost in areas north of Demiscaming, Quebec and the Gaspé can be delighted by the early morning aurora borealis on the nights of October 29 to 31. The best time to see them is between 9pm and 5am: the night is long enough to give way to the glowing sails. The clouds will have the last …

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case. A proposed agrivoltaic park on farmland west of Caen

case.  A proposed agrivoltaic park on farmland west of Caen

An agrivoltaic park, supported by Valleco, is planned in the western municipalities of Johnville and Saint-Pierre. Can (Calvados) will be planned on agricultural land owned by a pastoralist who continues to graze his cows under solar panels. We take stock. What project was launched near Troarn? Valeco, part of the German group ENBW Energy Baden, based in France, specializes in …

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Bourita not out of ministerial preparatory meeting for Algiers summit (diplomatic source)

Bourita not out of ministerial preparatory meeting for Algiers summit (diplomatic source)

Nasser Bourita in Algiers. Credit: Twitter A high-ranking Moroccan diplomatic source quoted by MAP’s special envoy said, “Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita denied allegations by some Algerian websites and media that he had left. Preparatory meeting of ministers for the Arab summit in Algiers following a disagreement with the Algerian foreign minister”. The same source confirmed to MAP that the Moroccan …

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The Cabinet of Curiosities: Season 2 Planned by Netflix?

Le cabinet de curiosités saison 2

This year, the streaming platform with the red logo has done it again by offering horror master services. So Guillermo del Toro is the star of this anthology series that is currently breaking viewership records. The new original creation is the world’s second most-watched series on Netflix. The taste of life “. Since each chapter is completely independent, it will …

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The warmest October since the beginning of measurements comes to an end –

The warmest October since the beginning of measurements comes to an end -

October 2022 will go down in history as the warmest since measurements began in 1864. According to MeteoSwiss, the average temperature in Switzerland was 3.8 degrees warmer. Saturday coincides with the hottest days of October. According to MeteoSwiss, 25.4°C in Zweisimmen (BE) and 25.3°C in Ebnat-Kappel (SG). In Fahy, Jura, the mercury soared to 25.1°C. In Hörnli (ZH), with 23.6 …

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Peripherals – The Worlds of Flynn Episode 4: A Terrible Ambush?


The new original sci-fi creation is currently the most-watched series on Prime Video in France, but it’s not surprising, because it’s one of the most quality fiction of the year! The streaming platform has clearly taken it to the next level by offering a series with exceptional special effects, but also deep reflections on free will, time travel, and the …

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9 Key Steps to Organizing and Sorting Your Interior

9 Key Steps to Organizing and Sorting Your Interior

The intention is not to become an elegant frenzy, but to prevent drift, to get down to the essentials, and thus to feel a sense of accomplishment. Are we trying? How do we free up time and space for what really matters in our lives? “Living better with less” is the challenge of “internal ecology” created by Marie Cureau in …

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After the Communist leaders, the stars aligned for Xi Jinping

After the Communist leaders, the stars aligned for Xi Jinping

Posted by: 29/10/2022 – 12:19 In China, it’s not just the ruling elite who are showing their loyalty to the Chinese president, who has been reappointed for an unprecedented third term. Since then, artists have followed each other to swear allegiance to the head of state. With our correspondent in Beijing, Stephen Lagarde She was lively and active Tiger and …

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If I Knew Season 2: Has Netflix Already Planned a Release Date?

si j'avais su saison 2 netflix

After all this time travel, our heroine is now a completely different woman. She recovered well and reunited with her children, thus ending her relationship with Nando. It’s like starting a new life, but this time she doesn’t have to give up her children. At the end of the first season, Emma seems to have followed Ruben in the desperate …

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The turn to winter is likely to bite

The turn to winter is likely to bite

In summary: At the beginning of November under a pronounced mild; The heat should be firm for a good part of the month; Cold awaits Quebec, but its moment of glory remains uncertain. In general, temperatures above seasonal norms are likely to settle in Quebec for a good portion of November. The cold will take root in the western regions. …

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Poland prefers Westinghouse over EDF to build its first nuclear power plant

Poland prefers Westinghouse over EDF to build its first nuclear power plant

This is a setback for EDF. Poland has chosen American group Westinghouse to build its first nuclear power plant, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced on Friday 28 October. Apart from the French company, the South Korean KHNP was also operating. “We are confident that our nuclear power project will use reliable and safe technology from @WECNuclear” (Westinghouse), Mr. Morawiecki …

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Looking for a “real” person

Looking for a "real" person

There is a basic principle in economics: no matter what technological innovations we offer, at the end of the process there is always a product and above all a person. However, the path between the company and its customer seems increasingly long today. Technology doesn’t always make things easier. For proof of this, look at the number of companies that …

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