NFL: Rob Kronkowski set a world record for himself; 600 feet capture

NFL: Rob Kronkowski set a world record for himself;  600 feet capture

Saturday, April 24, 2021. 5:03 pm Tampa Bay Buccaneers tight end Rob Krankowski has won the Super Bowl four times, appeared in the Pro Bowl five times and won the WWE title. He can now add a new honor to his unique application: the world record holder. The 10-season NFL player is now in the Guinness Book of World Records …

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SpaceX capsule delivers four astronauts to SKS / Article / LSMLV

SpaceX capsule delivers four astronauts to SKS / Article / LSMLV

Crew Dragon, the US-based human company Crew Dragon, founded by Ilona Mask, joined the International Space Station (ISS) on Saturday to carry four astronauts from the United States, France and Japan. The Falcon 9 spacecraft capsule was launched Friday from a spacecraft in Florida with the vehicle launched. A team of astronauts arrived at the International Space Station on Saturday …

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After a successful launch: The Space X astronauts arrived at the space station

After a successful launch: The Space X astronauts arrived at the space station

Weak sighs were heard today (Saturday) in the control room of the US space agency (NASA). SpaceX, Successfully landed at the International Space Station. As mentioned, this is the second time the company, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, has successfully launched a team of four astronauts. The space mission took one day, with two NASA astronauts (Shane Kimber and Megan …

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Australia participates in the distance competition

Australia participates in the distance competition

Credits Photo: Jess Gleason Who will win l’Eurovision 2021 ? The competition is tight and the challenge to find out Duncan Lawrence’s successor remains open “Arcade”. The final of the 2021 edition of the European Championship takes place on May 22, in Rotterdam The concert-check was called with 3,500 people. Also, it is rare to underline that three songs sung …

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LeBron acts as an incredible blind man from the NFL superstar

LeBron James a réagi à l'hommage de DeAndre Hopkins, qui portera le n°6 en son honneur

LeBron James has always been very focused on the NFL. He knows all the big shows, and he gets along well with a lot of players. Also, one of the biggest names in American football will pay a vibrant tribute to the king next season. The latter apparently reacted. How do you know if an athlete is an icon? Look …

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Monster crowd on the streets of London, terraces of pubs taken by the storm

Monster crowd on the streets of London, terraces of pubs taken by the storm

The British rushed to control their large locked hair on the balconies of pubs this early Monday morning, tasting a little freedom gained by removing the restrictions associated with infection. In London, this Monday evening party was especially in full swing. Announced by radio LBC News, Encountered a monster crowd on the streets of Soho district in the center of …

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In films, in films. Thomas Baskett and his crew joined the International Space Station

In films, in films.  Thomas Baskett and his crew joined the International Space Station

A new record for billionaire Elon Musk. Its private company, SpaceX’s crew Dragon Endeavor capsule, arrived at the International Space Station this Saturday with four astronauts, including Frenchman Thomas Pesket. Opportunity for the American company to strengthen its position in American space aircraft. This is the third time that SpaceX, the private company that ended Russia’s monopoly on station flights, …

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Netflix: 3 Best Movies Recommended by Editorial Staff This Week

Netflix: 3 Best Movies Recommended by Editorial Staff This Week

One of Netflix’s biggest strengths? Its table is full of programs that are fun to look at. CNET’s editorial staff advises you daily on the series viewed and appreciated on the SVOD service. But on the weekends the cinema attracts attention. Professor Marston and the Wonder Woman, Blade Runner 2049 And Beautiful devil …Here are three of the three best-produced …

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What are you saying! Canon, Nikon, Epson live in photographer’s bungalow; Read the abandoned story of ‘Click’

Click Bungalow

What are you saying! Canon, Nikon, Epson live in photographer’s bungalow; Read the abandoned story of ‘Click’ Satara: Everyone has a desire to do something different in life. Everyone is trying to live their ‘life’ differently. Sometimes he fails, sometimes he succeeds. In all of this, however, he is determined to find happiness and contentment. Everyone has a hobby. Some …

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Wild race throughout the United States

Wild race throughout the United States

It was in 1971 that Brock Yates, a driver and automotive journalist, imagined a crazy race across the United States. Objective: To cross the entire country from New York City to Reddonto Beach, California. You have to go 4,519 kilometers on the open road regardless of any speed limit. Because this “Cannonball Run” (abbreviated version of its full name, “Cannonball …

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Personality required for MLB

Personality required for MLB

How many times have we compared Major League Baseball with the NBA or NFL in recent years? How many times has someone said to themselves, “My God, MLP has no personality”? Without being able to give an accurate answer, I can say that it happened many times. There is nothing like being in a continuous free fall for visitors for …

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Board approves new funding plan for CRIM

Board approves new funding plan for CRIM

The Financial Control Board (JCF) today approved a new financial plan Municipal Revenue Collection Center (CRIM) 2021 fiscal year It plans income 9 1,973 million In collections and reforms in five years. Like the financial plan for the central government, the financial institution unanimously approved the CRIM plan at the time. The monthly meeting was held this morning. According to …

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