Covid-19: Pfizer expects new vaccine in 100 days | Govit-19

Covid-19: Pfizer expects new vaccine in 100 days |  Govit-19

A bioentech He said on Friday he would collect data in two weeks to determine if he needed to be reworked to deal with the vaccine he had made with Pfizer. For the new variant Do Govt 19 virus, Found in South Africa. We hope that these companies, if necessary, will be able to develop a new vaccine to adapt …

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Australia – FFA Cup: Melbourne doubles

Australia - FFA Cup: Melbourne doubles

After a tough programming schedule, the last two candidates for the 32nd round of the FFA Cup are definitely known. Melbourne Victory and Western United were able to free themselves from the new format of the competition. Despite being the eleventh and twelfth club in the men’s championship A-League, The Australian Federation (FA) did not take two seats from clubs …

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In western American countries, we sow clouds to cause snowfall

In western American countries, we sow clouds to cause snowfall

To alleviate the persistent drought and promote hydropower production, the State of Idaho uses cloud seeding to prevent snowflakes from falling. A geoengineering technique has proven itself, but its effects are feared by some experts. The snow is falling. In Western American countries, planes sow clouds in winter for snowdrops to fall. Also, when spring comes, the white coat makes …

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10% discount on Mr. Duck at Frogs in London

10% discount on Mr. Duck at Frogs in London

From day 27 Calendar of arrival. Holidays are approaching and winter hunger will inevitably come with them. All you have to do is put your feet under the table and order from Mr. Duck. Duck is available in a thousand ways to fulfill all of your early Christmas wishes, whether in confetti, duck breast, roulette or sausage, groceries or good …

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CERN detects its first neutrinos at LHC

CERN detects its first neutrinos at LHC

Neutrinos are very difficult to detect, especially in particle accelerators such as the LHC. However, CERN researchers have succeeded in paving the way for new scientific frontiers. Neutrinos are elementary particles with many remarkable properties. Not only are they very light, we know that electricity is neutral and almost passive; They do not interact with the objects around them. According …

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“My Name Is Johnny”: Find a preview of Johnny Holiday’s US tour

"My Name Is Johnny": Find a preview of Johnny Holiday's US tour

It was one of the dreams of his life. Johnny Holiday Got time to realize it: to make a real American tour. In 2014, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Dallas, Washington, Boston, New Orleans and New York became famous for his “Born Rocker Tour” which crossed the United States and Canada for about fifteen days. Beacon Theater. Seven years …

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S12 Predictions: A Mad Week Ahead?

S12 Predictions: A Mad Week Ahead?

The NFL season is already crazy, but week 12 of games could mark another big upswing in the hierarchy. Almost all protests are uncertain. Rarely, only two games are unanimous among the forerunners of the draft, as they all defeat the Broncos and Ravens and win against the Browns. To others, everything seems possible. In the standings, Alain Matteo (106) …

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Alpine Skiing / World Cup. Tessa Worley conquered the United States

Alpine Skiing / World Cup.  Tessa Worley conquered the United States

The giant return In Solton (Austria, 8) it took more than a month between the opening legendse ), Oct. 23, and Gillington, Saturday. “At Solden, technically, I saw that it was good,” explains Grand Pornand skier after training at Copper Mountain in the United States. “I no longer have to think about setting things up: now, you have to be …

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The Prince of Bel-Air: Discover the first teaser of the remake

The Prince of Bel-Air: Discover the first teaser of the remake

The Prince of Bell-Air, a cult series that starred Will Smith in the 1990s, is undergoing a remake, the first teaser of which was released on Tuesday, November 23rd. Relaxedly renamed “Bel-Air”, this new version makes Will Smith’s voice even louder at first glance, much darker than its famous model. Humor led to drama on the show, which was meant …

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Students are invited to apply for online Christmas workshops

Students are invited to apply for online Christmas workshops

Workshops are limited and available from December 7-20. Students from 4th to 6th grade in a group of 30 students will be given a workshop on “Basil Printing in Sublimation Technology”. By combining computer-assisted design and heat transfer technology, students will have the opportunity to create a personalized jigsaw puzzle that could be the perfect brain teaser for the day …

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Has the human brain shrunk by collective intelligence?

Has the human brain shrunk by collective intelligence?

Reading time: 2 min – Found Interesting engineering Man has a large brain, a good part of it History of evolution, Is constantly growing. 20,000 to 30,000 years ago, Cro-Magnon and Homo sapiens had the largest brains. But about 3,000 years ago, in the current geological era of the Holocene, our brain size began to decline. This is the highlight …

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Between Paris and London, the migration crisis turns into a good disagreement

Between Paris and London, the migration crisis turns into a good disagreement

Description – Thursday evening, the release of the letter written by Boris Johnson for Emmanuel Macron, ignited the powder. Last weekend The Sunday Times Boris Johnson and his ministers insisted “New Relationship Agreement”, A strategic alliance that goes beyond the 2010 Lancaster House agreements. The path to such goodwill may be longer than expected. Despite the intensity of the shares …

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