Puy du Fou would consider a variant in Florida in the United States

Puy du Fou would consider a variant in Florida in the United States

According to a special US site, the expert is monitoring a vast area about 100 kilometers from Orlando, the world capital of theme parks. International differences are at the heart of Puy du Fou’s strategy. Vendée Park is now exporting and modifying its shows to all four corners of Europe with some success. After a park in Spain in 2019, …

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Morocco exemplifies the contemporary Benign scene

Le Maroc met en lumière la scène contemporaine béninoise

Mehdi Kotpi was welcomed by President Patrice Dalon in Cotonou Mehdi Kotpi, chairman of the National Museum Foundation (FNM), continues to collaborate with various organizations. He met with the President of the Republic of Benin Patrice Talon in the presence of Moroccan Ambassador Rachid Rguibi in Cotonou. Purpose of this visit: to not only strengthen cooperation with the competent Benign …

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Wonka: Hugh Grant joins the cast of this film with Timothée Chalamet

Wonka: Hugh Grant joins the cast of this film with Timothée Chalamet

By Cécile D. * Published on 22 February 2022 10: 53 It’s official: Timothée Chalamet will play the iconic role of young Willy Wonka, in the prequel to the Chocolate Factory, directed by Charlie and Paul King. Leading British actors are also taking part in the project. Warner Bros. Studios ‘ film is scheduled for release on March 17, 2023. …

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Australia invests to have” eyes on Antarctica”

L'Australie investit pour se doter d'"yeux sur l'Antarctique"

Its prime minister Scott Morrison says this ten-year funding plan will give Australia,” eyes on Antarctica,” boost the country’s ability to study and monitor frozen tundra and surrounding waters using drones, helicopters and autonomous vehicles. Australia has made territorial claims to 42% of Antarctica, more than any other country, but lacks the capabilities to travel to the most remote corners …

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Here are 7 hidden tricks to make full use of your iPhone

iPhone 13 pro iOS 15

Last fall, Apple released a new update to its operating system: iOS 15 was born. More intuitive, IOS 15 bets on communication and productivity features. One of the new features, especially focusing on the notification summary that enhances the notifications displayed on your mobile, is best on the side of iMessage, FaceTime or Maps … but iOS 15 also has …

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Roman tombs were discovered at a construction site in Gaza

Hespress Culture Hespress EN22 February 2022 Tuesday – 02:54 Palestinian officials announced Monday that workers had discovered 31 first-century Roman-era tombs at a construction site in northern Gaza. Graves were found near the town of Bait Lahia at the site of construction work for a residential area. Naji Sarhan, an official with Gaza’s Ministry of Public Works, confirmed the discovery …

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Realmy plans to charge insanely fast to tackle Xiaomi at MWC 2022

Realme is preparing a 200 W fast charge that will be released in MWC 2022. To be proud of being the fastest solution in the world, it is necessary to break the record set by Xiaomi. The world’s fastest charging tease // Source: Realme MWC 2022 is slowly developing in Barcelona. Brands are getting ready for this event, which is …

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The Web Space Telescope searches for interstellar objects passing through the Solar System.

L'illustration de cet artiste montre le premier visiteur interstellaire identifié, 1I/'Oumuamua, découvert en 2017. L'objet capricieux s'est balancé à moins de 24 millions de kilomètres du Soleil avant de sortir du Système solaire. 1I/'Oumuamua défie encore toute simple catégorisation. Il ne se comportait pas comme une comète et avait une variété de caractéristiques inhabituelles. Comme la rotation complexe de l'objet a rendu difficile la détermination de la forme exacte, il existe de nombreux modèles de ce à quoi il pourrait ressembler. © Nasa, ESA et J. Olmsted et F. Summers (STScI)

From the first disks of planetary debris discovered in 1983Infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS) around four Stars Vega, Beta PictorisFormalhat and Epsilon Eridani For protoplanetary discs examined with alma by observations Spitzer And HubbleAstronomy Infrared And helped to ensure that the phenomenon of planetary formation with millimeter force occurs very frequently Milky Way And according to the methods, in broad outline, …

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The boy in the window

Palestine : Le garçon à la fenêtre

Ali Kanibi is addicted to two things: looking at others through his smartphone and window. This 14-year-old Palestinian youth can do nothing else. At his home in the western Sheikh Zarrah neighborhood of al-Quds, Ali sat in front of a ground-level window with iron bars. A slogan emblazoned on the exterior wall: “Do not colonize Sheikh Zarra”. This young Palestinian …

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Holiday cinema: a joke in a video game or retirement home?

Holiday cinema: a joke in a video game or retirement home?

Main The holidays got off to a good start in cinemas. If action and comedy are topped with “Uncharted” and “retirement home,” diversity is in encounters, and not just for children. There’s nothing new under the sun: it’s enough for the holidays to come so that movie theaters can smile again. Despite the bass, despite the masks … Despite the …

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Very Superstitious. Or Why We Believe in Luck.

Look to virtually every culture in the world and you find that it has its own superstitions. At their heart, these are irrational beliefs that there is a direct causal link between an action we take or a phenomenon we observe with another, quite unrelated, outcome. Because there’s no actual logical connection between the two things, it’s something that is …

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