This technology can reveal everything that is hidden underground

Pour la première fois, un gradiomètre de gravité quantique a permis de localiser un tunnel sous un mètre de terre en conditions réelles. © Maxim Malevich, Adobe Stock

Researchers have discovered a tunnel one meter below the earth. Using a quantum gravity radiometer. For the first time, a technology capable of leaving the laboratory and interacting with facts on the ground. You will be interested too [EN VIDÉO] Quantum mechanics is explained in the video What is Quantum Dynamics? What is this for? What is his study? Answer …

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Entrepreneurs play a key role in economic growth and job creation in Tunisia

Entrepreneurs play a key role in economic growth and job creation in Tunisia

During my travels in Tunisia over the past three years, some of my most influential contacts have been with entrepreneurs, whose initiative and passion for innovation continue to remind me of the country’s immense potential. These Tunisians are driven not only by the desire for personal success but also by the desire for a more prosperous future for their communities …

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Russia is part of the global economic system and does not plan to undermine it

Poutine: la Russie fait partie du système économique mondial et n’envisage pas de lui porter atteinte

AA / Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that his country was still part of the World Economic Forum and had no intention of harming it. Putin spoke at a meeting with Russian businessmen under the Kremlin (Russian presidency) Gold, discussing possible sanctions against his country following the military intervention in Ukraine. “What is happening now (attack) is …

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Cute Cooper finally Australian after 5 years of requests


Zapping fifteen world Rugby: Top 15 highest-paid players On Thursday, Wallabies legend cute Cooper was finally granted Australian citizenship. It is five years since the player currently playing in Japan in the Hanazono Kintetsu Liners franchise applied for this nationality. It is worth recalling that cute Cooper was born in New Zealand. Le Figaro reports that he moved to Australia at …

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With “blacklight,” Liam Neeson goes dark again

With "blacklight," Liam Neeson goes dark again

An F. A. A.B. The i agent discovers his boss’s questionable methods. As he tries to protect his loved ones, he will strive to uncover corruption. Fourteen years after” taken, “another” Liam Neeson movie ” arrives. F.B. Travis Black, the i agent, intervenes as a last resort to get his colleagues out of trouble. Obedient and loyal, he Rebels when …

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We know that sea level rise suddenly transcends natural variation

De 1940 à 2000, une accélération sans précédent de l'augmentation du niveau de la mer s'est produite. © spiritofamerica, Adobe Stock

You will be interested too [EN VIDÉO] By 2100 sea level will rise by almost one meter Ultimatum satellites are the best way to accurately measure sea level rise due to climate change. In orbit, they detect very subtle changes and can pick them up with millimeter accuracy. Cnes (National Center for Space Research) informs us more during this video. …

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Africa: DFC lends $ 45 million to Averta for plastic recycling

AFRIQUE : la DFC accorde un crédit de 45 M$ à Averda pour le recyclage du plastique©Averda

Less than six months later $ 30 million funding Averda is again receiving funding from British investment bank HSBC to strengthen its operations in Africa and expand in Asia. The Lebanese company relies on the US International Development Fund (DFC) loan of $ 45 million to improve plastic waste management and recycling in Africa and India. “The loan has been …

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The WTO Ministerial Conference will be held in Geneva in mid-June, at H24info


Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Wednesday agreed that the Twelfth Ministerial Conference (MC12), which has been postponed due to the epidemic, will take place in Geneva in the week of June 13. . The WTO said in a statement that the decision was taken following a relaxation of controls on the Covit-19 epidemic in Switzerland, the conference’s …

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Qantas records huge loss due to covid

Qantas a enregistré plus de 20 milliards de dollars australiens (8,93 milliards d'euros) de pertes depuis le début de la pandémie.

Australian airline Qantas reported a huge loss in the second half of the year on Thursday, due to coronavirus-related travel restrictions and the arrival of the Omicron variant that increased its difficulties. Qantas has recorded more than 20 billion Australian dollars (8.93 billion euros) in losses since the beginning of the pandemic. Read moreWhy French airlines aren’t more concerned about …

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“Daria”, Ayub ghanir’s new movie

«Daria», nouveau long-métrage  d’Ayoub Qanir

Moroccan director Ayoub ghanir has shot his 4th film in Russia titled “Daria”. According to the filmmaker, “a work that tells, in part, about the relations and geopolitical conflicts between Russia and Chechnya in the early 21st century, “through a portrait of the strong lady of the character” Daria”. About this film, An American writer, director and producer of Moroccan …

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How can this be, according to OneLeaks

How can this be, according to OneLeaks

Online leaks show the first 3D renderings of the Google Pixel 7 Pro, the design of the future smartphone. The stretching photo gallery is set to stay. Rendering of Google Pixel 7 Pro // Source: OnLeaks x Smartprix OnLeaks has hit back. The Leakage – In conjunction with Smart pricing Google is releasing the first images of the future Pixel …

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Find out if you are the person with the problem …

Test de personnalité : découvrez si vous êtes une personne à problèmes ou pas...

Personality tests are used to see your personality traits, how you are, feel, think and see life. Here you can learn more about how you look, either by providing immediate results with simple image analysis or by asking a series of questions. We see more and more of these psychological tests being shared on various social media sites. The Different …

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B. Johnson plays clarifiers: After Donbass, Taiwan

B.  Johnson plays clarifiers: After Donbass, Taiwan

“If Ukraine is threatened, the shock will reverberate around the world. These echoes will be heard in East Asia and especially in Taiwan,” Boris Johnson told the Taiwanese newspaper. “We do not know exactly what President Putin wants to do, but the omens are dark,” he added. We have given Putin every opportunity through diplomacy and the crisis in Ukraine, …

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