As you clench your fists it will reveal something hidden about you

Choisissez la façon dont vous serrez le poing et nous vous révélerons quelque chose de complètement caché sur vous.

Fist: Virus testing reveals details about the personality of each user who took it. Do you not believe? Select the option that shows how you clench your fists and read the answer at the end of the content. Remember These tests in circulation are neither valid nor scientifically rigorous and are merely a test of common personality profiles. These virus …

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The General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. Morocco was not present at the time of the referendum

The General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.  Morocco was not present at the time of the referendum

The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday passed a resolution strongly condemning Russia’s “aggression” against Ukraine and calling on Russia to immediately withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory. The text received 141 votes in favor, 5 against (Russia, Belarus, Eritrea, North Korea and Syria) and 35 abstentions. The resolution, co-sponsored by 96 member states, requires a two-thirds majority. This is …

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Brad Pitt wants to retire in bullet train trailer

brad pitt nouvelle comédie d'action

Too old for this bullshit? More than Nenni. Brad Pitt, fitter than ever, by the director of Deadpool 2, is going to camp a killer on a bullet train. Still a long way from when Brad Pitt said his last word. Three years later Once upon a time… Hollywood And Ad Astra, The actor returns to the poster of an …

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The demise of Audrey Gentilucci, one of the first flames of French technology

Audrey Gentilucci est passée par Bain et AXA.

La French Tech is losing one of its best talents. Audrey Gentilucci, co-founder and CEO of Label Experience, passed away on Saturday, February 26, following a long illness. The 35-year-old mother was instrumental in shaping the ecosystem of French start-ups. Before setting up its interior design agency in 2015, it had peaked Ranking of “Echoes” Development Champions , He was …

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Curiosity has discovered an amazing “mineral flower” on Mars

La concrétion martienne observée par Curiosity. © Nasa/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill

You will be interested too [EN VIDÉO] Curiosity: Breathtaking views from the side of Mount Sharp Nine years after landing on Mars, the Curiosity rover continues its voyage to the red planet on the Mount Sharp side – also known as the Aeolis Mons – until it covers the bottom of the Gale Pass. It sends extraordinary images to astronomers …

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Curiosity has discovered an amazing “mineral flower” on Mars

La concrétion martienne observée par Curiosity. © Nasa/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill

You will be interested too [EN VIDÉO] Curiosity: Breathtaking views from the side of Mount Sharp Nine years after landing on Mars, the Curiosity rover continues its voyage to the red planet on the Mount Sharp side – also known as the Aeolis Mons – until it covers the bottom of the Gale Pass. It sends extraordinary images to astronomers …

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Fashion: Genevieve Hashim, Moroccan Exhibition of Milan Fashion Week

Fashion: Genevieve Hashim, Moroccan Exhibition of Milan Fashion Week

This young fashionista of Moroccan descent has been on everyone’s lips for more than a week now as he has been able to impose an innovative style with his new collection “Abaya Street Kochur”. Her name is Zineb Hazim, she founded her own fashion brand in 2021, and today, more than ever, she embodies the struggle of Muslim women against …

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UN urgently demands $ 1.7 billion in humanitarian aid to Ukraine

UN urgently demands $ 1.7 billion in humanitarian aid to Ukraine

No.We see what the worst refugee crisis in Europe will be in this century., Launched by UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grande. Of that amount, $ 1.1 billion is to enable three months of initial assistance to six million people in the country, the organization said in a statement. The UN estimates that 12 million people in Ukraine need …

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Bringing Australia back in “deal of the century,” crazy dream of the French

Bringing Australia back in "deal of the century," crazy dream of the French

Wishful thinking or a possible twist? Paris back behind secret talks Aukus Alliance, three months after the announcement, the French authorities and the Naval Group cultivate a secret Trust: Australia realized that the plan at the heart of its latest alliance with the United States and Great Britain proves too complicated to realize one day, the French would return to …

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Tasmanian tiger or “sick Fox”? Strange canid caught on camera in Australia

Tasmanian tiger or "sick Fox"? Strange canid caught on camera in Australia

Considered extinct almost a century ago, did the Tasmanian tiger – or thylacine-survive? A new video shot near Melbourne brings grit to those who believe it. Continuing, testimonies and images from Australia are revived Debate over Tasmanian tiger’s perseverance , A tabby dog-like marsupial that would have disappeared completely in the Wild at the turn of the century, a few …

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The robot dog confuses us, but he twists well

The robot dog confuses us, but he twists well

We saw the Xiaomi CyberDog robot dog at MWC 2022 in Barcelona. It’s technically impressive, but it’s hard to be pretty. Xiaomi CyberDog’s Work Mode // Source: Frandroi At MWC 2022Xiaomi proves Cyber ​​doc, his robot dog. The product is just as disturbing in real life as we found out. To be beautiful without the head Its quadrupedal and headless …

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Fluorescent plasma, revolution for nuclear fusion

Fluorescent plasma, revolution for nuclear fusion

In August 2021, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Northern California announced that they had achieved this. A historic turning point Around Nuclear fusion by passive occlusionDifferent from the method used by magnetic blockage in Tokamak More research focus. At the National Ignition Facility (NIF) they succeeded in creating a plasma emitting 1.3 megajoules (MJ) per nanosecond, the …

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The American giants severed ties with Moscow

The American giants severed ties with Moscow

Published: 03/02/2022 – 03:28Changed: 03/02/2022 – 03:26 New York (AFP) – From ExxonMobil to Apple via Boeing and Ford, several giants of the US economy announced on Tuesday that they were distancing themselves from Russia after the Ukraine invasion. These results have had a variety of consequences, from postponing the theatrical release of the film for Disney to withdrawing the …

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