Available in HarmonyOS beta, here are the compatible devices

Available in HarmonyOS beta, here are the compatible devices

If the phone world was once dominated by Samsung and Apple, it is clear that Chinese manufacturers are becoming more and more competitive. Xiaomi, in particular, is the world’s fourth largest seller thanks to a simple principle: the best value for money. Therefore, for a more favorable price than Samsung or Apple, it is generally possible to get a good …

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King and Macts – The Story of the Royal Rain Creation Project

Le roi et les nuages - l'histoire du projet de création de pluie royale

Drought has always plagued the Isan Plateau, the nickname given by Thais to the northeastern region of Thailand, where almost half of the population is made up of farmers. Depending on the rains to maintain their crops, farmers traditionally gather at the beginning of the rainy season and ask the weather god to release monsoon rains on earth to launch …

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The Simpsons, the craziest family in America, was screened

The Simpsons, the craziest family in America, was screened

On December 17, 1989, it was the first broadcast of The Simpsons on Fox. Three years ago, cartoonist Matt Croning was enjoying significant success with the weekly release of his comic strip “Life in Hell”. He was introduced to filmmaker James L. Brooks was contacted. The latter wants Matt to turn his comedy into television, especially on the show “The …

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Robot Lander accomplished its task and its “lights went out” – VTM.cz

Robot Lander accomplished its task and its "lights went out" - VTM.cz

Updated 16.12. The robot lander of the Chang-i5 mission accomplished its mission, almost fifty years later, collecting samples of the moon. According to the server Space.com Now “the lights went out.” Keep in mind that this Lander does not have any heater to protect you from severe frosts (up to -173 degrees Celsius) on lunar nights, unlike its predecessors during …

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Strong allergic reaction to the Pfizer vaccine in Alaska

Strong allergic reaction to the Pfizer vaccine in Alaska

On Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 07:57 AM. Issued by Sudinfo with AFP A health worker living in Alaska suffered a severe allergic reaction after being injected with the Pfizer-Bioendec’s Govit-19 vaccine and was admitted to hospital, The New York Times reported Wednesday. This health worker was not identified, had no history of allergies, was in a stable condition Wednesday …

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How to get online shopping at the right time

How to get online shopping at the right time

While many believe the deadline for online shopping deliveries is long overdue, there is a hole that allows Aussie shoppers to make purchases until Christmas Eve, where they can still receive their gifts on time. The Australia Post has set December 12 as the deadline for delivery, but the new courier shows that some courier services can still be delivered …

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The Great Conjunction combines Jupiter and Saturn

Saturn and Jupiter are exceptionally close to each other.

Canberra Skywatchers prepare their telescopes for an event that last took place in the Middle Ages: the great fusion of Jupiter and Saturn. Over the past two weeks, the gas giants have been gradually overtaking the dull Saturn (a leisurely 29.5 years) with its 11.9-year orbit around the fast-moving Jupiter Sun. The peak will be on Monday night, December 21, …

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Drag and drop words like “sim” and “virgin” to insult

Drag and drop words like "sim" and "virgin" to insult

Twitch has announced that it will no longer use words like “Simp”, “Incel” and “Virgin” as insults on its platform. During a new livestream, Twitch COO Sarah Clemens spoke about changes in its updated hate behavior and harassment policy, which is due to take effect January 22, 2021. “The use of words like ‘sim’, ‘incel’ and ‘virgin’ as an insult …

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Hong Kong protests: 10 fleeing boat to Taiwan accused of smuggling | China

Chinese authorities have formally indicted 10 of the 12 activists arrested while trying to flee in August Hong Kong To Taiwan by boat. Late on Wednesday, two of the 12 people of the Yandian District People’s Procurement Company were charged with arranging illegal border crossings and eight were charged with crossing the border illegally. The remaining two members of the …

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