Eighty-four people were injured in the Beirut protests

Eighty-four people were injured in the Beirut protests

The Lebanese Red Cross announced that 84 people had been injured during the Beirut protests on Wednesday. The Red Cross said in a final count of injuries that 10 people had been evacuated from the center of the Lebanese capital and 3 wounded from the Jemai area. 71 injured people were treated at the scene. Beirut witnessed a large demonstration …

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Latin America can become a global leader in non-commercial open sciences

Latin America can become a global leader in non-commercial open sciences

To meet the challenges that await us in the coming century, science must be open to all, from epidemics to climate change, including automation and big data. Citizens should have the same access to information as researchers, and access to quality and interconnected databases that help scientists better understand the world around us. This is one of the guiding principles …

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A. Chris Davis was put on contract

A. Chris Davis was put on contract

At the center of a fight to finish earning a spot in the playoffs, the Oakland Aes added well-known drama to the California creation. In fact, the athletes signed Chris Davis and immediately put him on the Arizona League list. This is a small league deal. Davis was released by the Texas Rangers last June and will face all sorts …

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Washington rejects WHO call for ban on vaccine withdrawal

Washington rejette l

The White House on Wednesday rejected a call by the World Health Organization (WHO) for a ban on the withdrawal of the Covit-19 vaccine, saying the United States does not need a “choice” in administering it to its citizens or donating to poor countries. “This is a fake alternative,” White House spokeswoman Jen Zaki said of the World Health Organization …

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Covid 19: Highly isolated Australia caught by virus

Govt-19: Highly isolated Australia caught by virus

Five million people in the Sydney metropolitan area learned Wednesday, July 28, after already serving a month in prison. The move was extended to four weeks. If possible, they should be telecommunicated and at home, except for refueling and treatment. Other parts of New South Wales and neighboring Victoria and South Australia – half of 25 million Australians, They are …

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Messi, thanks to Barசாa La Liga!

Messi, thanks to Barசாa La Liga!

La Liga has found a huge investor who will inject 7 2.7 billion. A jackpot that directly benefits FC Barcelona in particular. Good news for the Spanish league, though FC BarcelonaLa Liga on Wednesday announced that the US investment fund CVC has reached a policy agreement with its capital partners. In exchange for 10% of the league’s capital, the US …

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WhatsApp officially introduces the long-awaited feature

WhatsApp officially introduces the long-awaited feature

WhatsApp has introduced its own View Once feature that removes photos or videos from the chat after the recipient opens. This site wants to compete with Snapshot Pixar messaging processor. When sending a photo or video, you can choose to display this content only once by clicking the 1 button to the right of the Send button. After the recipient …

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Australia: Farmers affected by catastrophic rats

Australia: Farmers affected by catastrophic rats

Equipped with a broom, Cole Ding, a farmer near Tabo, a small remote town in New South Wales, chases hundreds of rats up to a large watt and drowns them. This is the only way to prevent this disaster from hitting many farms east of the vast island-continent. But so far his efforts have been in vain. Mice continue to …

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Lockers, Heat, Bulls … Who are the winners of the free agency?

Lockers, Heat, Bulls ... Who are the winners of the free agency?

Los Angeles Producers The California owner has completely reorganized its staff, including less than eight new names: Russell Westbrook, Kendrick Nunn, Malik Monk, Carmelo Anthony, Wayne Ellington, Kent Bosmore, Trevor Ariza and Dwight Howard. A team was cut to star in the lead roles around the LeBron James-Anthony Davis duo. Very experienced, the staff has a potential final mark on …

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She developed a vaccine for which she got her own Barbie doll

She developed a vaccine for which she got her own Barbie doll

It was a unique year for Professor Sarah Gilbert. The co-creator of the vaccine from Astrogenka was elevated to a classic level and standing oven in the arena at Wimbledon. The cow dolls also celebrated her success – they created a Barbie doll in her memory. He said it Server Guardian. Gilbert, who conducts Govt vaccine research at Oxford University, …

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London: Heavy rains cause heavy flooding

London: Heavy rains cause heavy flooding

Then China And this Belgium, The turn of the UK is coming. The streets of London were flooded late Sunday with thunderstorms in the south-east of the UK, affecting traffic there. Local emergency services, @LondonFire, And MetPoliceUK Are responding to significant flooding across London. If you are traveling, double check your route TFL Bus, pipe and train services have been …

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XBNet accepts content agreement with ZEturf, France

XBNet accepts content agreement with ZEturf, France

Image Source: Call Sport Media / SIPA USA / PA Images North America Horse Racing Content Provider XB Network Signed a new distribution contract with a French operator ZEturf. The deal provides XB Net with its live images, data and various racing services over a network of more than 60 North American channels. Emmanuel de Rohan Sabot, The founder of …

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Why do masks make us so beautiful?

Why do masks make us so beautiful?

We have been wearing masks for almost a year and a half They are no longer mandatory outside, For many people they have become just another filler. Studies like the University of Pennsylvania have already begun to appear, which say that covering the nose and mouth makes us more attractive. But does this make sense? What is the explanation? Carme …

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