A “heartbeat” seen billions of light years away

A "heartbeat" seen billions of light years away

The SSR Very energetic pulses of radio waves, but very short: they usually last only a few milliseconds. They emit as much energy in one millisecond as the Sun emits in 10,000 years. The eruption was detected on December 21, 2019 Using the CHIME telescope Noticing something unusual in the collected data, Daniel quickly caught Micheli’s attention. The scientist and …

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Meta publishes its first human rights report

Meta publishes its first human rights report

The release comes after serious concerns about the data protection of women seeking abortions in the United States. A social media giant Meta, whose sites are regularly accused by NGOs and politicians of harming its users and democracy, released its first annual report on Thursday on its efforts to protect human rights. It covers the years 2020 and 2021 and …

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The US company has filed a lawsuit saying it “denies all allegations”.

The US company has filed a lawsuit saying it "denies all allegations".

A US-Norwegian company seeking $250 million from victims’ relatives for alleged links to a massive explosion in Beirut port two years ago denied all allegations raised in a “legal proceeding” Wednesday evening. Geophysical services company TGS said in a statement it was “aware” of the complaint and said it intended to “defend itself vigorously in court”. Earlier Wednesday, the Accountability …

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Riyadh opens airspace to ‘all carriers’ ahead of Biden visit

Riyadh opens airspace to 'all carriers' ahead of Biden visit

Posted by: 07/15/2022 – 03:34 Saudi Arabia’s General Civil Aviation Authority announced Thursday evening that Riyadh has decided to open the kingdom’s airspace to all airlines, including Israel. The US president hailed it as a “historic decision”, according to an adviser. l’Saudi Arabia US President Joe Biden made a goodwill gesture to Israel as he is expected in the kingdom. …

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How to untangle a genuine fake

How to untangle a genuine fake

Decryption – Memory is a capricious elf. We can forget, change, find memories anew… with good faith. “The difference between false memories And the real ones are like jewels: always fakes are more real and more brilliant…” Salvador Dali captured the dynamic reality of a memory well. ourremember A video does not work like a camera, whose film we can …

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Towards construction of 43 road structures in Kigali – Le Magazine du Manager

Kigali Municipality is planning to build road structures in the Rwandan capital consisting of 43 flyovers and 4-lane roads. “There is a huge problem with traffic jams, especially at road junctions. We have identified 43 intersections that are not easily accessible from one road to another,” noted Emmanuel Asaba Kadaparwa, the engineer of the municipality. “Junctions should be widened and …

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For the Vatican, the James Webb telescope reveals God’s “extraordinary power.”

For the Vatican, the James Webb telescope reveals God's "extraordinary power."

Stunning images of galaxies formed after the Big Bang captured by the James Webb Telescope reveal God’s “extraordinary power” and “his love of beauty,” the Vatican Astronomical Observatory said Thursday. “We are very excited about the new images coming from the Webb Telescope! These pictures are beautiful (…). It’s an exciting glimpse into what we might learn about the universe …

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Dangerous malware is hidden in these apps, uninstall them quickly!

malware android cheval troie

Android users are once again faced with a new malware that is present in several apps available on the Google Play Store. The bad news is that these already total nearly 3 million downloads. After the world’s most dangerous malware, Revive or the dreaded banking malware BRATA, Android users are once again facing new malware, which this time is hidden …

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Overcoming Unpredictability in Business Due to COVID-19 in 2022

  When you run a business, there is always uncertainty. You operate as if everything could come crashing down at any time, even if it’s very unlikely. For many, this mindset is what is needed to survive, since it keeps you motivated and sharp. However, the Covid-19 pandemic introduces a whole new level of uncertainty. Over 200,000 businesses closed for …

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Hyperloop plans to pursue the impossible

Hyperloop plans to pursue the impossible

An artist’s impression of the Spanish Geleros project with the Hyperloop train circulating in a tube placed on pylons. Zeleros INVESTIGATION – Nearly ten years after Elon Musk posted plans for this high-speed maglev train online, no commercial lines have been put into service. Travel in powered capsules In vacuum tubes, at a speed of 1000 kmph. This will reduce …

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Uber drivers must certify their employee status before labor courts

Uber drivers must certify their employee status before labor courts

There are five of them. Drivers registered on the Uber platform want to verify their employee status. Company America considers them “independent”. They will be fixed on 22 October. For months, a conflict between the American company Uber and its drivers has been going on around the world. They want to be recognized as employees of the digital platform. The …

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Heat wave to peak in Spain, fires to spread

Heat wave to peak in Spain, fires to spread

The heat wave that has gripped southwestern Europe for several days is expected to peak on Thursday in Spain, where the thermometer has already surpassed 45 degrees on Wednesday, and fires will spread in France over the weekend. The heat wave is expected to last a week to ten days, at least through Sunday and possibly into the middle of …

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The High Commission for Health recommends a 2nd booster dose for pregnant women and those under 60 with comorbidities.

The High Commission for Health recommends a 2nd booster dose for pregnant women and those under 60 with comorbidities.

Here we go again… The High Commission for Health (HAS) recommends extending the administration of the second booster dose. Vaccination vs Covid-19 to do Pregnant women and for those under 60 with comorbidities, in a press release this Wednesday. “In the context of epidemic recovery, particularly the BA.5 sublineage is characterized by cycling.Omicron “, HAS” recommends extending an additional booster …

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Netflix chooses Microsoft to manage ads on its platform

Netflix chooses Microsoft to manage ads on its platform

The site made the decision after a disappointing first quarter in which it lost subscribers. Microsoft announced Wednesday that it is managing the technology to sell ad space on Netflix, the streaming giant’s plan to offer cheaper subscriptions but with ads. Netflix made the decision after a disappointing first quarter, where it lost subscribers for the first time in ten …

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