Extreme Weather: Dirty bathing water

Citizens got an unpleasant surprise in the middle of a heat wave on Saturday when they found their favorite beach closed. • Read more: Extreme weather: A wedding that almost fell apart in Monterey • Read more: Extreme weather: Investing in better infrastructure is ‘highly profitable’ • Read more: Are you covered by your insurance for extreme weather events? Heavy …

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3 Car Gadgets That Make the Road More Pleasant

As for services, if ChargeMap and Apple Music for Teslas are true essentials for owners of electric vehicles, few products are more useful in the passenger compartment, even in the heat. In this quick guide, we’ve chosen to present three of our favorite tools before hitting the road as many prepare precisely for summer vacation. let’s go 1 – Wireless …

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The PP urged Pedro Sánchez to follow the US example

In Spain, the electoral campaign for the July 23 legislative elections has entered its final phase. A week before this big meeting with a referendum, the People’s Party is reiterating its promises to “amend” Pedro Sánchez’s support for the Moroccan autonomy plan for Western Sahara. On Saturday, July 15, the position expressed by MEP Esteban González Pons, one of the …

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When the horizontal structure resonates with the social project

Published on July 16, 2023 – AT + By Louis Chiquet. New business enterprise models have good resilience. do you like” Green washing »? You will like” Teal washing “.behind this queerness and this anglicism hides an often-observed slippage. With the emergence of the horizontal organizational model (Free Enterprise, Deal or Holacracy), some saw an opportunity for brand …

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Extreme weather: Investing in better infrastructure is ‘highly profitable’

With the proliferation of extreme weather events, are our infrastructures robust enough and well-designed to withstand extreme weather? TVA Nouvelles asked an expert. • Read more: Are you covered by your insurance for extreme weather events? • Read more: Weather Unleashed in Quebec: Extreme events like Thursday’s will continue to increase in intensity and become more frequent • Read more: …

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Decision to abrogate the Franco-Algerian Treaty of 1968

Some French politicians have called for an end to the 1968 Algerian settlement agreement, which gave Algerians advantages over other foreigners, treating them as unfair privileges. Republicans want to scrap the agreement signed 55 years ago that made it easier for Algerians to enter and stay in France, allowing them to settle in France with their families, even without papers. …

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A Costco manager sees 3 changes in customer habits

Amid the inflation crisis, Costco’s chief financial officer sees changes in customer habits that point to a recession. • Read more: US: Girl dies after choking on Costco hot dog • Read more: Costco membership card giveaway results: Frustrated customers call for boycott • Read more: The Costco package contains less toilet paper than before, but costs more Publicly traded …

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An Earth day lasted just 19.5 hours for a billion years

A slow, steady day on Earth has been interrupted by the pull of the moon for more than a billion years, according to a study by University of Toronto scientists. The reason? The atmospheric tide caused by the Sun balanced the impact of the Moon, from about two billion years ago to 600 million years ago. This event has stabilized …

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Nvidia hasn’t done that yet, so this user built an adorable mini RTX 3060 Founders Edition with a 3D printer.

The Redditor Clashmains_2Account Nvidia decided that it was going to produce a mini-IDX version of RTX sometime 3060 Founder’s Edition, he’ll take it to build an adorable fist-sized GPU. A modified graphics card Gainward RTX 3060 Pegasus, which has undergone modifications including a custom cover and heatsink. These components were designed using CAD and then 3D printed to mimic the …

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A summit to develop Africa’s value chains and strengthen ties with the US

The 15th US-Africa Business Summit, held in Gaborone, the capital of Botswana, brought together more than a thousand participants from across the US and the African continent, including government officials, business leaders, investors and multilateral actors to explore investment opportunities and strengthen business ties between the two sides. The summit, themed “Developing Africa’s Value Chains”, took place six months after …

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Google Chrome can make it easier to open websites on iPhones, and here’s how

Google Chrome for iOS has finally adopted Apple’s latest features for web apps introduced in iOS 16.4, allowing iPhone users to place websites directly on their home screen. Credit: PhonAndroid Apple introduced new features for web apps with iOS 16.4, opening up new possibilities for Google, and the American company has finally updated its app. Allows users to add web …

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Lubbock resident succumbs to West Nile Virus, city confirms

Headline: First Human Case and Death from West Nile Virus Confirmed in Lubbock, Texas The City of Lubbock in Texas has announced its first human case and death from the West Nile Virus. The confirmation comes just over two weeks after the city reported the presence of mosquitoes carrying the virus in Lubbock County. The resident who fell ill in …

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What Evidence Do I Need to Support My Truck Accident Claim?

My Truck Accident Claim

Truck accidents are some of the devasting accidents that can be easily avoided. They can cause severe damage and loss of life. Even if the victim survives, they must deal with the crushing medical debt of dealing with that emotional and physical damage. It leaves the victim wondering if they have the right to pursue legal action against the driver. …

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Digital Identity Solutions: The Future of FinTech and Financial Services

digital identity

In an increasingly digital world, digital identity solutions have emerged as an integral component for businesses, particularly in the fintech and financial services sectors. These solutions provide a secure way to identify and verify the credentials of individuals interacting with their platforms, thereby enhancing security, streamlining operations, and improving the customer experience. Source: Freepik The Role of Digital Identity Solutions …

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