
The so-called “example of integration” refugee, …

Vluchtelinge die bekendstond als “voorbeeld van integratie”, vermoord in Italië

Akitu Ideo Guteta turns 43 on New Year’s Day. Photo: BELGAIMAGE Ido Gudeta, an Ethiopian refugee known in Italy as an “example of integration”, was killed on Tuesday. The 32-year-old man who worked for the woman has now revealed the facts. Guteta was forced to flee the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, in 2010 after receiving several death threats for speaking …

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Index – Abroad – Another criminal case has been filed against Alexei Navalny in Russia

Index - Abroad - Another criminal case has been filed against Alexei Navalny in Russia

Opposition politician Alexei Navalny is facing another criminal charge in Russia on suspicion of embezzling personal funds from public donations collected for organizations under his control. Russia’s intelligence agency on Tuesday night accused the opposition leader and several unnamed individuals of embezzling 356 million rubles (1.44 billion rupees). According to Russian officials, the suspects used it to cover their personal …

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Biden stands against Trump. The jaws are also critical of vaccines

Biden stands against Trump.  The jaws are also critical of vaccines

Mark McLaughlin via Getty ImagesJoe Biden Delays and change in vaccine delivery “barriers” to the Pentagon for the group. President-elect Joe Biden pulls his nails out of Donald Trump against two particularly important issues for Americans: the organization of the anti-Govt vaccination campaign and the defense of national security. On the first front, Biden warned the Trump administration of delays …

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The grieving swan stops the trains

The grieving swan stops the trains

Description of a swan. – SUPERSTOCK / SUPERSTOCK / SIPA Installed on the rail German, A swan About twenty trains were detained for nearly an hour in mourning for his friend, who eventually had to be evacuated by firefighters, police said. The two birds strayed into a high-speed line connecting Castle In Cottingham, In central Germany, “during a trip,” the …

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They manage to film the video / mysterious “flying man” from Los Angeles

They manage to film the video / mysterious "flying man" from Los Angeles

An airplane instructor captured a mysterious aeronaut flying a “jet bag” or booster rocket. Issued by: Agents 02:22 PM / 28/12/2020 After several attempts, they were finally able to record the “flying man” from Los Angeles, USA. In the pictures you can see a person flying with a jet bag (Probation bag) at an altitude of about 900 meters from …

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Alex Chop: Nicolas Maduro seeks immunity for Saab with a new position – Intelligence

Alex Chop: Nicolas Maduro seeks immunity for Saab with a new position - Intelligence

Attack of the Nicolas Maduro regime To free Alex Chapman from Barranquilla, Prisoner in Cape Verde, it’s not just the judiciary. TIME installed it on December 26th Decided to promote him through the diplomatic ladder closed by international agreements and treaties, Includes a court order issued by the West African Court of Justice (EGOAs) ordering Cape Verde to be placed …

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Michigan State wants Trump to respond to election fraud lawyer | Sanctions Lawyers | Attorney General

密歇根州欲制裁状告大选舞弊的律师 川普回应

Beijing Time:2020-12-28 04:03 [புதிய டாங் வம்ச செய்தி டிசம்பர் 28, 2020 பெய்ஜிங் நேரம்]MichiganConditionAttorney GeneralDana Nessel (Dana Nessel) recently said she would impose sanctions on lawyers prosecuting state election fraud.TrumpThe president protested early Sunday (December 28) that Nazel should be allowed in, calling on Americans to continue to fight to challenge the election results. MichiganState Democratic PartyAttorney GeneralIn a recent interview with …

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Israel wants a relationship with Oman before Trump leaves

Israel wants a relationship with Oman before Trump leaves

Israel wants to establish relations with another Muslim-majority country before US President Donald Trump leaves. However, the country said the list includes two potential countries. Israel has already been able to establish diplomatic relations with four countries in the Muslim world. Asia wants to choose one of the next countries. However, Israeli Minister of Regional Cooperation Ophir Agunis said the …

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Syrian figures call on Britain to impose sanctions on Assad and his wife

Syrian figures call on Britain to impose sanctions on Assad and his wife

Ten independent Syrian political figures have sent a letter to Dominique Robb, the United Kingdom’s first deputy prime minister and foreign minister, urging him to impose sanctions on the regime of Bashar al-Assad, just as the United States did with the “Caesar Act” to protect the civilian population in Syria. The signatories said in their letter: “We expect the British …

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The departure of the last “traitors” of Britain’s spies … and Moscow describes it as a “myth”

The departure of the last "traitors" of Britain's spies ... and Moscow describes it as a "myth"

Russian news agencies reported on Saturday that George Blake, the 98-year-old British double agent who spied for Soviet intelligence in the 1950s. The side of the last British spies who worked secretly in support of the Soviet Union was a disgrace to British intelligence at the height of the Cold War. Sergei Ivanov, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Intelligence …

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