
Washington Rise – Donald Trump, Chaos President

Tribune de Genève

Thousands of supporters of the president exploded inside the Capitol, disrupting a session of Congress to confirm Joe Biden’s election. Jean-Cosmi Deloitte, New York Posted: 01/06/2021, 11:04 PM Thousands of Donald Trump supporters besieged Capitol on Wednesday afternoon and disrupted a session of Congress in which Joe Biden’s victory must be confirmed. REUTERS “We will not lower our hands!” The …

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Democrats win, Trump all out | Africa | D.W.

Democrats win, Trump all out |  Africa |  D.W.

Democratic candidate Rafael Warnock won his seat first. Republican Sen. Kelly Lofler fell by a point. “What happened is extraordinary”The 51-year-old pastor, who made history as the first black senator elected in South America, is on CNN. Martin Luther King was pastor of the Atlanta church where he served. John Osof, another Democrat, appeared in second place against Republican Senator …

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The surprising victory in Georgia strengthens Joe Pitton

The surprising victory in Georgia strengthens Joe Pitton

Contrary to expectations, the US Democrats also won a majority in the Senate. This is very important for the future presidency of Joe Biden. But democratic power still has its limitations – which is not a bad sign for the United States. Democrat Joe Biden was personally involved in the Georgia Senate election campaign with good reason: his party will …

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You are not welcome here, Donald. Trump will not play golf in Scotland

You are not welcome here, Donald.  Trump will not play golf in Scotland

Sturgeons asked at a press conference about unconfirmed media speculation that Donald Trump may have planned to visit his golf course in Scotland at the inauguration of newly elected President Joe Biden on January 20. White House spokeswoman Kaylee McNani denied the allegations on Tuesday. “President Trump has no plans to go to Scotland.” Quotes McNani’s American CNN Scottish Daily …

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Cape Verde agrees to hand over Alex Chap to US # 4Dec

Cape Verde agrees to hand over Alex Chap to US # 4Dec

This Monday night, the news broke about the decision of the Cape Verde government to accept the extradition of a man before Nicolas Maduro to the United States, which is demanding a country money laundering. The information came from a statement from the Colombian businessman’s own lawyers, who said the decision by the African nation was a further blow to …

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Democrats call for probe into pressing pro-Trump results in Georgia | International

Democrats call for probe into pressing pro-Trump results in Georgia |  International

Two Democratic Congressmen They told the FBI on Monday to open an investigation President Salinent, Donald Trump, In order to put pressure on the authorities Georgia So they turn the election results of that state in their favor. In the letter sent Director Dell FBI, Christopher Vare, Members House of Representatives Ted Lee of California and Kathleen Rice of New …

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“I am determined to go all the way” – La Libre Africa

United Pan-African Anti-Corruption Network United has responded to a complaint by Eagle against one of its leaders, Jean-Jacques Lumumba, alleging damages. Eagle accused Jean-Jacques Lumumba of making false and unsubstantiated comments about its activities and the origin of some of its funds. Eagle filed a damages complaint against Jean-Jacques Lumumba before Combe’s Arbitrator de Grande Instance. The comments condemned by …

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The British ambassador who idealized UN peacekeeping missions has died

The British ambassador who idealized UN peacekeeping missions has died

JN / Agent Today at 00:00 [1945ஆம்ஆண்டில்ஐக்கியநாடுகள்சபையின்உருவாக்கத்திற்குப்பிறகுபணியமர்த்தப்பட்டஇரண்டாவதுஇராஜதந்திரிமற்றும்பனிப்போரின்கடைசிஆண்டுகளில்இந்தஅமைப்பைவடிவமைக்கஉதவியபிரையன்உர்கார்ட்101வயதில்மாசசூசெட்ஸில்சனிக்கிழமைகாலமானார் இந்த செய்தி இன்று அவரது மகள் ரேச்சல் உர்கார்ட் உள்ளூர் பத்திரிகைகளுக்கு அனுப்பப்பட்டது, ஆனால் மரணத்திற்கான காரணத்தை குறிப்பிடாமல். ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் சபையின் மிகவும் செல்வாக்கு மிக்க நபர்களில் ஒருவராக உர்கார்ட் கருதப்பட்டார், அமைப்பின் ஐந்து பொதுச் செயலாளர்களுக்கு ஒரு முக்கிய ஆலோசகராக இருந்து, ஐ.நா.வை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்ட கொள்கைகளை இலட்சியப்படுத்தினார். 1919 ஆம் ஆண்டில் ஐக்கிய இராச்சியத்தின் டோர்செட்டில் பிறந்த அவர், இரண்டாம் உலகப் போரின்போது பிரிட்டிஷ் இராணுவத்தின் ஒரு பகுதியாக இருந்தார், …

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Trump’s party was further torn by the hopeless task of allowing him to win

Trump’s party was further torn by the hopeless task of allowing him to win

The Republican Party is further torn this weekend by a new hopeless campaign by twelve senators to allow Trump to win. ✦Exclusively for subscribers throughNatalie RydenJanuary 3, 2021, 14:40 After great pressure from his party, Vice President Mike Pence announced on Saturday that he would “welcome” the Senators’ decision to object on Wednesday, January 6, if the U.S. Congress wants …

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