
Three climbers are missing in K2

Three climbers are missing in K2

The organizers of their trip and the Pakistan Alpine Club said on Saturday that three climbers were missing to climb K2, the world’s second-highest mountain and one of the most dangerous. • read more: Dangerous fall of the climber during the K2 journey Three climbers, John Snori (Iceland), Juan Pablo Mohr (Chile) and Mohammed Ali Satbara (Pakistan), lost contact with …

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The statements of the Turkish Interior Minister are not responsible

Today, Friday, Turkish Interior Minister Suleiman Choilu criticized the US State Department for its involvement in the 2016 coup in Turkey, calling such allegations “completely false and irresponsible.” It said in a statement that such statements and other irresponsible and unsubstantiated allegations that the United States was responsible for the events in Turkey were contrary to NATO’s friendship and Turkey’s …

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Biden in foreign policy speech: “America back”


US President Joe Biden delivered a speech tonight (Thursday) in which he presented US foreign policy for the next four years., Diplomacy is back. “Before the speech, the president announced: ‘We are going to rebuild our alliances. We will return to communicate with the world, and face the enormous challenges we face in dealing with epidemics and global warming, and …

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Ç 10 ëþòîãî ç-

Ç 10 ëþòîãî ç-

Ç 10 ëþòîãî áåç òîãî âèìîãè ïðè¿æäæèõ â êðà¿íó-. Öå â³äîìëÿº “Âðîïåéñüêà âäà“ïîñèëàííÿì Local. Âñò𳿠íåãàòèâíèé ÏËÐ-òåñòó íîíëàí-. I.A. . O â³âòîðîê âñòð³éñüê³ Ç̲ Uâ³äîìèëè, UI ìàíäð³âíèê³â ìàíäð³âíèê³â aoaa çàïðîâàäæåíî 10é 10 äåííèé a ñêàñîâóº Uâèëî, UI ÷ ÷ ADAC ï’ÿòü, â, ÿêùî O IEO íåãàòèâ. Îäíàê ÷ åð³,. Þîþ Ðåñïóáë³êîþ àâà. Òóðèñòè íå ïåðåòèíàëè, íàñê³ëüêè âî,. Íîâíî â³äîì³ âèïàäêè, …

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Egyptian Golden Tongue Mummy – Latest News

Egyptian Golden Tongue Mummy - Latest News

EgyptExcavations at the Taposiris Magna Temple in Alexandria have unearthed 2,000-year-old mummies buried in 16 sarcophagi with features of ancient Greek and Roman times. The tongue-like piece of gold in the mouth of one of the mummies revealed a ritual in ancient Egyptian culture. Experts say that the person who was mummified as the god of life after death in …

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Democracy, Republican agreement to share power in the US Senate

Democracy, Republican agreement to share power in the US Senate

Sen. next to Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell during a joint sitting of the U.S. House of Representatives on January 6, 2021. Charles Schumer (right) stands – Photo: Abby According to the radio FoxNewsSenate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced on Feb. 3 (US time) that he agreed with Senate Republican Leader Senator Mitch McConnell in the following two-week power-sharing talks. According …

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Mario Draghi was asked to form a government in Italy

Mario Draghi was asked to form a government in Italy

In Italy, the government of Giuseppe Conte collapsed in January, and coalition parties differ mainly on how to use resources from the EU recovery fund. Later, the new faction needed a trusted expert to lead the government, and the possibility of early elections was ruled out due to the epidemic situation. In recent days, Mario Draghi may have been the …

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A week after the sabotage of the power connection, Maiduguri is still in the dark

Maiduguri University For the past week, residents of Maiduguri, the largest city in northeastern Nigeria, have been without electricity. The result of an attack by jihadists against a high voltage power connection. The activities of the slow movement did not stop people from complaining. Since January 26, jihadists belonging to the Islamic State (ISWAP) group in West Africa have been …

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