
Beijing pushes for “house-to-house vaccination”, the public bluntly said: free and no vaccine | Home-to-home vaccination | People refuse to fight | Domestic vaccine

北京推“疫苗上门” 民众直言:免费也不打

New Tang DynastyBeijingTime March 11, 2021]Beijing government launched a few days agoHome vaccinationService, but a lotBeijingPeople are worriedDomestic vaccineVaccine safe and refuse. Some citizens bluntly said, “We will not fight, even if it is free of charge.” Ms Zhao, who lives in Beijing’s Chaong district and is involved in legal work, told The Epoch Times reporter, “We are not going …

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Through the “Patriotic Plan” China wants to increase the proportion of Dragon-loving members in the Hong Kong Council.

Through the "Patriotic Plan" China wants to increase the proportion of Dragon-loving members in the Hong Kong Council.

Through the “Patriotic Plan” China wants to increase the proportion of Dragon-loving members in the Hong Kong Council. China through the “Patriotic Plan” – BBC The meeting was announced on March 11 China National People’s Congress (NPC) The resolution received 2,895 votes in favor and 0 votes in favor. Hong Kong Government Program with Patriots (Hong Kong Ruling Patriots) Modifying …

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Paris has accused Lebanese authorities of deepening the country’s crisis

Paris has accused Lebanese authorities of deepening the country's crisis

On Thursday, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian accused Lebanese politicians of “not providing assistance” to their country, which faces the risk of a “collapse” as Lebanon faces an unprecedented economic and social crisis. Le Trian told reporters, “I wish the Lebanese political authorities did not help a country that is in danger, whatever they may be.” He condemned the …

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Russia has become more active in Cuba: details – politics

Russia has become more active in Cuba: details - politics

US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen believes it Russia’s activities in Cuba and Venezuela must be closely monitored. about this Write Interfox-Ukraine “We see this (Russian activity – edition) in Venezuela. We have seen the resurgence of Russia’s presence and activity in Cuba over the last few years. We are very careful about that,” Blingen said. The Secretary of State …

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Boris Johnson wants to get out of the stalemate with Northern Ireland

Борис Джонсън иска да се измъкне с лукавство от задънената улица със Северна Ирландия - 0

Achilles is only vulnerable to heels, but she killed him. The Northern Ireland border is Boris Johnson’s biggest “lie” in Brexit. He told the Irish Prime Minister that there would be no border. He told the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) that there would be no border in the Irish Sea. He told everyone he was leaving the EU. The latest …

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Serious insult to Islam from a far-right MP in Sweden!

Serious insult to Islam from a far-right MP in Sweden!

class = “cf”> SwedenSwedish Democrat deputy participates in a talk show on “multiculturalism” on state television SVD Richard JomschoffHe described those living in Muslim countries as “unfortunate” and said, “I suffer with all the people who have to be born in these countries because Islam is an abominable ideology and religion.” He spoke. Green Party co-chair and Equality Minister Marta …

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Two migrant boats sank in the Mediterranean. At least 39 people died

Two migrant boats sank in the Mediterranean.  At least 39 people died

At least 39 migrants have died in the Mediterranean on Tuesday after two boats from Tunisia sank while trying to sail to the Italian island of Lampedusa, the Tunisian Ministry of Defense said. AFP. The Coast Guard has rescued another 165 people and the search for more survivors is still underway off the coast of the Tunisian port city of …

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The FBI is releasing new images of bombers near Congress

Single Post

USA: The FBI releases new pictures of the bomber near Congress U.S. Federal Police released new footage of a man suspected of carrying out home bombings in Washington on Tuesday, March 9, the day before the January 5 attack on Congress, in hopes of gathering information to identify it. The video publicly displayed images of the suspect captured by surveillance …

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At least 39 migrants were killed in two shipwrecks

At least 39 migrants were killed in two shipwrecks

At least 39 illegal immigrants were killed Tuesday in the sinking of two makeshift boats from Tunisia and more than 160 people from various African countries have been rescued as concerns about the rising number of voluntary charities departing. These deported candidates left at night and tried to reach Europe illegally. They were spotted by the Coast Guard from Sfox …

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