Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

A man is attacked by a giant kangaroo (video)

A man is attacked by a giant kangaroo (video)

This Australian almost had the worst time of his life. He was attacked by a large kangaroo, but fortunately escaped without much damage. In Australia, many endangered species live on land and in the oceans. Undoubtedly comes to mind at first Sharks, Snakes or even Spiders, There are others who are not underestimated. This is it Kangaroos. In fact, some …

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Trump backtracks on UN experts: “Forgiveness of Blackwater employees is a disgrace to justice”

Trump épinglé par des experts de l'ONU: "Grâcier les employés de Blackwater est un affront à la justice"

“Granting amnesty to Blackwater employees is an insult to justice and to the victims of the Nisur Square massacre and their families,” writes Jelena Aberrag, chair of a panel of 5 independent experts on the use of mercenaries. “The Geneva conference should hold war criminals accountable for their actions, even when they are employees of a private security company,” he …

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Australia is no longer afraid to get angry at China

Australia is no longer afraid to get angry at China

Details – The island-continent, which still maintains close ties with the Middle Kingdom, has tightened its grip on Beijing, following the United States. Sydney Over the months, new news has widened the gap between Australia and China a little more. Again this Monday, information received from Beijing indicates that the authorities have ordered steelmakers in the country to stop importing …

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Solar panels last longer than expected

Photovoltaïque - Des panneaux solaires plus durables que prévu

First though Photovoltaic panels Since the 1950s their democratization has been recent and since then a lot of blocks have been formed. Manufacturers today typically guarantee at least 80% of 25-year production Performance level Early. This value is often deducted Quick test, But most manufacturers do not monitor performance during the warranty period. Twenty-five years of pursuit American company The …

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Brexit seen from London

Brexit seen from London

Before the conclusion of an agreement betweenEuropean union And this United Kingdom About one Proxy Inevitably – the deal finally ended on December 24, 2020 – The cross On December 15, he provided the floor for ten British dignitaries to discuss different themes. Read on. Brexit: Last minute agreement signed between the European Union and the United Kingdom Politics Prime …

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Charles Dickens, Frenzy Walker in London, 1812-1870 – AB. 7/13

Charles Dickens, Frenzy Walker in London, 1812-1870 - AB.  7/13

Twenty years after birth Dickens In 1812, La Fabric de l’Histoir takes a walk London With many “Dickens enthusiasts”, scholars and intellectual amateurs of the work and life of the most famous English writers for two centuries. Actor Simon Gallo takes us Covent Garden In the theater district. His generous laughter, his charisma, and his irrelevance are reminiscent of Dickens’, …

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Australian Tourism Board introduces new webinar series

Une nouvelle série de 8 webinaires thématiques "Rencontres en terre australienne" - DR

The 1st series of training sessions and virtual meetings organized last May, with over 1000 entries over 7 days, the Australian Tourism Office is offering new webinars until December 17th. New series of 8 themed webinars “Australian soils” Led by Adil Hamami (BtoB Training and Aussie Special Project Manager at Tourism Australia). On the show: Discussions with tourism offices in …

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