Complete the applause for the Moroccan People’s Favorite Series, Standing Up

Clap de fin pour Standing Up, série préférée des Marocains

Not Standing Up Season 2. Oliver Joard of Les Incredibles magazine has confirmed that Netflix has canceled the series. United Business Journal. “I’m saddened and disappointed that the Netflix series has not been able to sustain any longer. I’m still proud to have done it with my team.I was disappointed that the script was completed “two-thirds” and all the technical …

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Ten years later, Google Glass has a successor

Ten years later, Google Glass has a successor

Americans are talking about a “killer processor”, in other words, a function we can no longer do without it and it will ensure the commercial success of a product. Still, these glasses, from the outside, are nothing more than a pair of classic sunglasses, apart from two details, that distinguish them from the Aviator type. First, their glasses are transparent. …

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Tic Tac Toe plays with genetically modified bacteriologists

bacteries genetiquement modifiers jouent morpion avec scientifiques

⁇ [VIDÉO] You may also like this partner content (after the ad) Bacteria play tag, it seems impossible. However, scientists have made this possible by modifying the bacteria Escherichia coli. Thus they are “tuned” to act as electronic components and act as a neural network.Artificial intelligence Can learn. “ We propose an evolutionary strategy to design genetic circuits capable of …

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Renault premiere (1987). The last American Renault in the class?

Renault Premiere ES V6 PRV 150 hp

Like many European manufacturers, Renault, in its desire to expand, began to conquer the United States. Its attack is multiple, and in 1976 the Renault 5, renamed the Renault Le Car, landed on Uncle Sam’s land. In North America, the Renault 9 coupe and Gabriolet edition (photo) were called the Renault Alliance. After that, Renault 9 and Renault 11 somehow …

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What is the difference between Oled Evo Panel and Oled EX Panel?

What is the difference between Oled Evo Panel and Oled EX Panel?

Oled Evo and Oled EX technologies are different. The first is actually used exclusively by LG Electronics, and the second is advertised by LG Display – the manufacturer of the old panels – for all other TV vendors. Descriptions. At CES 2022, LG Display – LG subsidiary dedicated to the production of LCD and Old panels – Has released its …

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Employers: CGEM is updating its management systems

Employers: CGEM is updating its management systems

The CGEM General Federation of Moroccan Enterprises held its Board of Directors on May 11 in the presence of the leaders of the CGEM regions and the newly elected or re-elected internal federations. , Launched on January 4th. At the end of this process the following were elected: CGEM Taqla Owd Edahob: Mohammed Zepti Chairman and Errakeh Harmatollah Vice President …

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The most annoying problem to be solved

The most annoying problem to be solved

Some Freebox pop subscribers find that there is no myCanal on their Android player following an error. Announces the upcoming resolution for free. An anxiety that has been going on for a month now is soon history. There is a lot of evidence coming out of subscribers with the pop player that it is not possible to connect to myCanal …

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Stars dancing with black holes in the Milky Way

Le champ de gravitation d'un trou noir déforme fortement l'image du disque d'accrétion qui l'entoure et qui contient un plasma chaud et lumineux en rotation autour de l'astre. On peut s'en rendre compte avec cette image, extraite d'une simulation de ce que verrait un observateur s'approchant de l'astre compact selon une direction légèrement inclinée au-dessus du disque d'accrétion. La partie du disque située derrière le trou noir semble tordue à 90° et devient visible au-dessus du trou noir. Du fait du décalage Doppler, le disque d'accrétion est plus lumineux d'un côté que de l'autre. Jean-Pierre Luminet a fait la première simulation de ces images en 1979, bien avant celle montrée dans Interstellar qui contient, fiction oblige, quelques simplifications trompeuses. © Jean-Pierre Luminet, Jean-Alain Marck

Recently a Joint Newsletter from European Southern Observatory (ESO) And thisEvent Horizon Telescope (EHT) has announced that an online conference will be held on May 12, 2022 in France at 3:00 pm, which will report new results and specifically The largest black hole Of Milky Way. This is more than 4 million Masses Like the sun and everything else Black …

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Karen Jean-Pierre was the first African-American to be appointed White House spokeswoman

Karen Jean-Pierre was the first African-American to be appointed White House spokeswoman

Hippopotamus U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday appointed Karen Jean-Pierre as White House spokeswoman after Zen Zaki, and became the first black woman to hold that iconic position. Ms. Jean-Pierre, the White House’s current deputy spokeswoman, will officially take office on May 13. “Kareen will not only bring the experience, talent and integrity needed for this challenging situation, but she …

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Was Terra (LUNA) and its stablecoin affected by UST Machiavellian manipulation?

Was Terra (LUNA) and its stablecoin affected by UST Machiavellian manipulation?

Conspirator or conspirator? – of dust Nuclear explosion caused by Terra (LUNA) and its staplecoin UST Is still undiminished. The Speculations Already goes well How? ‘Or’ WhatAnd even WHO, Responsible for the disaster. Let’s try DisconnectAs objectively as possible, these are the first elements of a chain disaster. First, Facts : May 9 to 10, from the night of 2022, …

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Gestapo, angry phones and the real world

Gestapo, angry phones and the real world

The linguistic debate has begun a round again. As always, there is no room for subtlety. Released at 5:00 p.m. On the one hand, the bad language threatens to wipe out the English-speaking minority in the province of Gestapo. On the other hand, these spoiled rotten minorities hate the French-speaking monarchy and dream of only one thing: they will finally …

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