
Large buildings built unnecessarily because they were never used

Large buildings built unnecessarily because they were never used

Setting up a facility requires a lot of expertise, a lot of money and skilled contractors. But despite them, not every project was a success. The biggest failure is if a building or infrastructure facility is left there during its construction or built completely unnecessarily. Unfinished or abandoned “ghost projects” often turn out to be scary reminders of past events, …

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Purchased spinach was found by an Australian snake in a supermarket

Purchased spinach was found by an Australian snake in a supermarket

Alex White thought he saw a large worm crawling on a plastic-wrapped lettuce he had brought home from a Sydney supermarket, until a snake’s tongue moved from the Sydney supermarket. “I was absolutely terrified when I saw this little tongue coming out of its mouth and starting to move. I felt like it was a snake because the worms don’t …

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The Kremlin reacts to US sanctions against Russia – Brenza Latin

Iran reaffirms opposition to renegotiation of nuclear deal - Brenza Latin

‘We condemn any aspirations for sanctions and consider them illegal. In any case, the mutual policy is valid in this case. We want to see our interests better, “said Peskov. The head of the Russian president’s press office is seen as a ‘possible leak’, with reports from the US media warning of new sanctions by Washington against the Eurasian nation, …

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Water from Fukushima to the sea, new discussion

Water from Fukushima to the sea, new discussion

A neural network of cities. Each one is different, especially as it is universal: pain, fear and occasional joy in everything. Someone in Tokyo, writer Andres Newman slips, which is based on blockade. “The whole city is based on future misfortune. As a result, there is great hope on the surface of fear.” An earthquake 10 years ago almost shattered …

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Tensions in Donbass: US, Russia accuse each other of approaching troops to Ukraine | International

Tensions in Donbass: US, Russia accuse each other of approaching troops to Ukraine |  International

United States Charged this Wednesday Russia, At an OSCE meeting in Vienna, to bring 25,000 extra troops to the frontiers Ukraine, “Extraordinary military operations” he described as “instability”. In turn, Russia has condemned the recent arrival of at least five U.S. military transport planes to Ukraine, amid growing tensions between Moscow and Kiev, a neighboring country due to increased Russian …

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A U.S. official is visiting Lebanon today amid “concern over the deteriorating situation.”

A U.S. official is visiting Lebanon today amid "concern over the deteriorating situation."

A U.S. official is visiting Lebanon today amid “concern over the deteriorating situation.” Tuesday – 2 Ramadan 1442 AH – April 13, 2021 AD David Hale, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs during a visit to Lebanon (AP) Washington: “Asharq al-Awsat Online” The US State Department announced yesterday (Monday) that it would send a senior official to Lebanon …

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Scientist discovers snakes and beetles on Mars – Science and IT

Науковець знайшов на Марсі змій та жуків (фото)

It has become a priority for scientists to search for microbial life forms on Mars, whether they are living microbes or fossils. However, William Romoser, an entomologist at Ohio University, suggested that humanity had already achieved its goal: we were talking about giant beetles. That’s about it In the article Scientist. Also read: Blue Toons on the Red Planet: NASA …

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