
Editorial about clubs abandoning the European Super League 97 | Dedication to the aristocracy

Editorial about clubs abandoning the European Super League 97 |  Dedication to the aristocracy

It is true that the ‘European Super League’ should have been closed in Basana, but will the tendency to underestimate quality, ambition and entitlement stop there? This case shows that the owners of the big clubs in Europe are not sensitive enough to think about content and fair competition. Even though the much-talked-about and controversial European Super League football series …

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Biden promises to be “carbon neutral by 2050” more than China 10 years before the US media poured cold water on the change of president and his resignation.


On April 22, the US Leaders Climate Summit was held in video format. At the invitation of US President Biden, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote address via video conference at the summit in Beijing. The summit is the first meeting between Chinese and US leaders since Biden became US president. It is an international high-level meeting chaired by the …

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German Foreign Ministers Video Conference German Foreign Ministers: Wrong approach to sever EU from China | International |头壳 Newtalk

German Foreign Ministers Video Conference German Foreign Ministers: Wrong approach to sever EU from China |  International |头壳 Newtalk

German Foreign Minister Heiko Moss held an online meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday, saying before the meeting that the EU has long regarded China as a partner, rival and organizational opponent. “From these three perspectives, it is essential to establish a strong and stable channel of communication with China.” Disconnecting from it is the wrong approach. …

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Can Russia’s move reduce tensions with Ukraine?

Can Russia's move reduce tensions with Ukraine?

4 hours ago Image source, Getty Images After weeks of tension on the Ukrainian border, Russia has now ordered the withdrawal of its troops. Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoyuk has called on troops to return to their base. The European Union estimates that Russia has sent more than 100,000 troops to the border with Ukraine. In addition, a large number …

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Like “Ramadan Fawazir” … When will the “Kada Aun Series” end ?!

Like "Ramadan Fawazir" ... When will the "Kada Aun Series" end ?!

After losing its magnetism and losing its luster, Judge Kada Aun has been at the forefront of events since last weekend, in the form of “Ramadan Fawazir”, which is no longer on the television drama table, another type of “Fawaz” in which the power of the judiciary is intertwined with the political turmoil, but it is very boring. . Yesterday, …

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Thousands of people on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg in support of Navalny (Russia, the largest security force in Russia) (photo, video)

Thousands of people on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg in support of Navalny (Russia, the largest security force in Russia) (photo, video)

The biggest protests in support of the Russian opposition Alexei Navalny are taking place in the Russian cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The police warned the protesters so far, there is no recognition of the meeting, they will go away, and toss to evaluate reporter, so far detained five people. However, the independent monitor portal OVD-Info writes that at …

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Looking at this bush, can you find a poisonous snake that can kill people?

Looking at this bush, can you find a poisonous snake that can kill people?

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 16:08 PM (GMT + 7) A group of snakes in Australia shared a photo and challenged the eye-catching people to find the location of the most venomous snake. The photo caused “eye pain” for many, but could not yet locate the venomous snake. Photo: Jam Press At first glance, this is a picture of a normal …

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Climate: Progressives are urging Pita to go ‘more’

Climate: Progressives are urging Pita to go ‘more’

Published20 Avril 2021, 20:48 Alexandria Occasio-Cortez and other elected Democrats on Tuesday called on Joe Biden to resubmit their environmental plan and take further action against the climate crisis. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is at the forefront of this new “Green New Deal”. AFP Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez, a rising progressive star in the US Congress, and other elected Democrats on Tuesday called on …

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