
Texas | The fleeing tiger was found a week after the search

Texas |  The fleeing tiger was found a week after the search

Désolé, votre navigateur ne supporte pas les videos (Houston) Un tigre qui avait déambulé la semaine dernière dans les rues de Houston au Texas, terrifiant les habitants, a été retrouvé samedi en bonne santé, a indiqué la police locale. Publié le 16 mai 2021 à 15h30 Agence France-Presse Le tigre du Bengale, baptisé India et âgé de neuf mois, a été …

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The Chilean people are voting in the first 48 hours of elections this Sunday

The Chilean people are voting in the first 48 hours of elections this Sunday

Dante Devagnino (i), one of the victims at the hands of police during the protests that rocked Chile in October 2019, was recorded while voting in Santiago de Chile this Saturday. EFE / Alberto Waltz More than 23,000 soldiers were detained and boxes were sealed and moved to locked rooms as more than three million Chileans voted in this historic …

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Revealed! This is why corpses are dumped in the Ganges

Revealed!  This is why corpses are dumped in the Ganges

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The increase in Covid 19 cases in India has led to dumping of corpses in the Ganges. Quoting from Reuters on Sunday (16/05/2021) this situation cannot be separated from extreme poverty and social panic in remote areas like Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh is located in northern India, with descendants of Brazil and Pakistan. On the second …

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Taiwan’s new crown epidemic: The number of confirmed cases in Taiwan has risen to 180 in a single day, and the new Taipei and Taipei Level 3 warning, officials say they are responding with “big and strong” measures – BBC News

Taiwan's new crown epidemic: The number of confirmed cases in Taiwan has risen to 180 in a single day, and the new Taipei and Taipei Level 3 warning, officials say they are responding with "big and strong" measures - BBC News

May 15, 2021 at 9:25 p.m. Image source,E.P.A. Picture with text, Taiwanese people line up to test new crown pneumonia virus. Taiwan’s new crown pneumonia epidemic has worsened. Taiwan’s executive chairman Xu Jenshang held a press conference on Saturday (May 15) to announce the need for “big, strong and immediate and standardized” measures to control the epidemic. Taipei and the …

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Malaysia’s tough stance against Israel

Malaysia's tough stance against Israel

Malaysia has demanded a tough stance to protect the Palestinians from Israeli barbaric attacks. Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin made the remarks in a special message on Saturday. He said Malaysia has always supported Palestine and its people’s movement in terms of politics, economy and morals. Under the auspices of the Foreign Ministry, the Humanitarian Foundation for the Palestinian …

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Turkey: Erdogan’s “right hand” with Imam’s sword in Hagia Sofia

Turkey: Erdogan's "right hand" with Imam's sword in Hagia Sofia

Sword appearance of Ali Erbos, Chairman of the Directorate of Religious Affairs of Turkey Inside Hakia Sofia Independent Turkish professor and political scientist Mohamed Efeman, who lives in self-exile in Canada, commented harshly in Istanbul. Ali Erbas, head of the Turkish government’s “Directorate of Religious Affairs” (Turkey’s highest Islamic authority), preached Ramadan for Muslims in Hagia Sofia, which was recently …

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Two more Asian women were attacked in New York

Two more Asian women were attacked in New York

United StatesNew York’s hate crime group enters investigation after two Asian girls were attacked at a train station. On the morning of May 12, a 23-year-old nurse descended from a subway station in the vicinity of Morningsight Heights to work at St. John’s Hospital when a stranger attacked Luke on the head and waist without a mask. The victim told …

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