Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

The search for jurors in the George Floyd murder trial continues: “There is not a single place in the entire state where this case is not covered by the serious media.”

La quête des jurés se prolonge au procès du meurtre de George Floyd: "Il n'y a pas un seul endroit dans tout l'Etat qui n'ait pas été exposé à l'extrême médiatisation de ce dossier"

One hundred people have already been sent to the grill under the watchful eye of the accused, white policeman Derek Suev, in Minneapolis on May 25, with a black forty-something knee-length neck. Only fourteen people believed the case and defense could set aside their views on the case, which sparked massive protests across the country and beyond. Twelve will serve …

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The debate over Australia’s relations with the British monarchy resumed

Getty Images-901712320 | Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Getty Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Tuesday that Megan Markle’s interview with Prince Harry and the Opera strengthened his argument for severing Australia’s constitutional ties with the British monarchy. It may reconsider the debate over republicanism in Australia, one of the 54 Commonwealth countries that were once part …

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North America | Cooch-Dort sells 49 sites and puts 306 up for sale

North America |  Cooch-Dort sells 49 sites and puts 306 up for sale

. An analyst. On March 22, 2021 at 8:07 am Updated at 11:47 am. Julian ArsenalThe Canadian Press The operator of Convenience Stores and Gas Stations on Monday announced a deal to sell 49 stores located in Oklahoma, USA to Casey General Stores for $ 39 million. The transaction, which targets 3 sites owned by 46 leased companies, is expected …

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Couche-Dart announces its intention to sell 355 businesses in North America

McKinsey, tainted by opiates, will replace the boss

Canadian Food and Fuel Supply Group Cooch-Dart announced Monday that it intends to sell 49 convenience stores in the United States and sell 306 in North America. Also read:Half of Carrefour will provide a driver, pedestrian driver or delivery service by the end of 2021 These sites are no longer responding. “Strategic goalsThe Quebec group Couche-Dart said in a statement …

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IPhone 12: Apple gets fined for removing chargers from boxes

IPhone 12: Apple gets fined for removing chargers from boxes

Apple may appeal to its trust. Brazil has fined Apple for failing to include a charger in its iPhone 12 box. Penalty imposed by Procan-SB, Consumer Protection Regulator, Brazil False advertising, sale of a device without a charger and false terms $ 2 million. This is not the first time the Brazilian controller has hit Apple with missing chargers from …

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Donald Trump is about to launch his site on social networks

Trump reappears, the political world trembles

Donald Trump, who has been banned from Twitter since January, will return to social media within three months “Its own site”, Said an adviser to the former president of the United States on Sunday, March 21st. “I think we’ll see President Trump again on social media with his own site in two or three months.”Jason Miller told Fox News. He …

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Google is approaching citizens to fight the bill to protect the media

Google is approaching citizens to fight the bill to protect the media

Following Australia’s announcement in this regard The plan of the new bill Purpose To manage the relationship between the media and the giants who dominate the internet in a major financial crisis, Google has decided to speak directly with Australian citizens An open letter. In it, Mountain View believes. ” The new government regulations will affect how Australians use Google …

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Canada Pacific buys a large American company

Canada Pacific buys a large American company

The Canadian Pacific has signed an agreement to acquire Kansas City Southern, a major U.S. competitor, with the potential goal of building a network connecting Canada, the United States and Mexico. The two companies announced Sunday that the Canadian company will acquire Kansas City Square for about $ 25 billion (C $ 31 billion). Under the deal, the U.S. company …

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Will Donald Trump soon return to social media “with his own site”?

Donald Trump bientôt de retour sur les réseaux sociaux avec "sa propre plateforme" ?

“I think we’re going to see President Trump back on social media with his own site in two months,” Jason Miller told Fox News. He only mentioned several meetings in Mar-e-Lago, the Republican billionaire’s residence in Florida, and did not want to go into further details about the plans for this “site.” “It’s not just one company approaching the president, …

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London and Madrid agree to keep the Gibraltar border open

Accord pour laisser la frontiere de gibraltar ouverte[]

MADRID (Reuters) – Brexit, Spain and the United Kingdom on Thursday reached an initial agreement to open the land border of the British overseas territory of Gibraltar at the end of the Iberian Peninsula. Under the agreement, Gibraltar will be an integral part of European agreements such as the Schengen area, said Spanish Foreign Minister Orange Gonzalez Laya. The agreement …

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