Italy has fined face-recognition company Clearview AI 20 million euros.

Italy has fined face-recognition company Clearview AI 20 million euros.

The US company accused of violating several GDPR policies should delete data relating to those in Italy. Another blow to Clearview AI. The company, which specializes in facial recognition, was approved by Italy after being fined by the United Kingdom and formally notified by CNIL in France. On March 9, Guarantee for the security of personal data (GPDP), an Italian …

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Russia wants to talk to Ukraine in advance to discuss the summit

La Russie veut parler avec l

The Russian diplomat said on Thursday that Russia was ready to continue talks with Ukraine within the framework of the existing design in Belarus, but the idea of ​​a presidential summit was considered in advance. “Today’s meeting confirmed that there is no alternative to the Russian – Ukrainian form in Belarus,” Sergei Lavrov said after meeting with his Ukrainian envoy …

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Moving ‘sunspots’ on the surface of a neutron star

Une vue d'artiste d'un magnétar avec sa croûte solide et ses boucles coronales. © Nasa, CXC, M.Weiss

You will be interested too [EN VIDÉO] Gamma-ray bursts: Neutron star collisions illuminate the universe Gamma-ray bursts are the brightest phenomena in the universe in the field of electromagnetic waves. We can observe an average of one day in the galaxy and they occur in distant galaxies. There are two types, short and long. This video explains the nature of …

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Nine companies will acquire Sixfox

Nine companies will acquire Sixfox

Many companies are interested in acquiring IoT company Sigfox. The list includes Actility and other operators of the Sigfox network as well. Covid-19 has had a significant impact on French companies. On the IoT companies side, many companies cite complex conditions that make it difficult to ask for products. Of these, we have Sigfox, which filed a “security request” last …

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Ukraine Conflict: Inflation forecast in France at more than 5% in 2022

Ukraine Conflict: Inflation forecast in France at more than 5% in 2022

By Faisal Ismail 11:05 pm on 03/09/2022 (updated on 11/69/03/2022) © Copyright: DR Kiosk 360. In the aftermath of the crisis caused by the Kovit-19 epidemic, the Ukrainian conflict will have repercussions on the French economy as well. OFCE economist Matthew Blaine predicts inflation will be above 5% in 2022. This article is a press review of the La Tribune …

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Amazon: Robots hold an employee trapped in a warehouse

Amazon: Robots hold an employee trapped in a warehouse

Following Jeff Bezos’ massive investment, Amazon’s warehouses are now equipped with autonomous robots that sort and organize stored products. In a video he posted on TikTok, an employee shows him how he was captured. The latter took more than a quarter of an hour to depart From the Amazon warehouse. In his publication, he explains detachment: “Sometimes it’s crazy. These …

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7:30 pm Media: Russia bombs children’s hospital in Mariupol – Daily

19h30 Médias : la Russie bombarde un hôpital pour enfants à Marioupol

“Apocalyptic” is a term chosen by the Red Cross to describe the situation in which Mariupol, in Ukraine, was bombed by the Russian military. Several hundred people have died in the city, according to observers. This Wednesday, Russia bombed a children’s hospital. Hours after the attack, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky visited the scene, where nothing was found. In Ukraine, nearly …

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Africa: Female farmers face gender discrimination

Africa: Female farmers face gender discrimination

The OCP group, through its initiative ‘Trait d’union’, organized a webinar on Tuesday, March 8, entitled “Women Farmers: Crossroads Between Europe and Africa”. Its purpose is to compare the situation of female farmers in Europe and Africa and to address the different types of discrimination they face. Family farming makes up 40% of the world’s population todayOr we may recall …

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Purida at the 157th Ordinary Session of the Arab League Council in Cairo

Purida at the 157th Ordinary Session of the Arab League Council in Cairo

The meeting will be attended by Moroccan Foreign Minister, African Cooperation and Moroccans living abroad, the State Ambassador to Egypt and its Permanent Representative to the Arab League, Ahmed Dasi, and Nasser Borida, Head of the Division of Arab and Islamic Organizations. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abdel Ali Jahat. Prior to this work, three Cabinet meetings of the Special Committees …

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IAEA loses contact with Chernobyl power plant control systems


The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency wants to receive from all quarters the “commitment to safety and security” of Ukrainian power plants. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has issued a warning almost two weeks after the Russian military took control of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. According to him, systems that allow remote control of the plant’s …

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Unknown rocks would have made the earth habitable billions of years ago

Un vue d'artiste de la Terre primitive. © Nasa, JPL-Caltech, Peter Rubin

You may also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Venus is a burning planet with a deadly atmosphere Meet our neighbor Venus. Nicknamed the Evening Star, the planet is always fascinated by its brightness at dusk or dawn. It is impossible not to realize its beauty. You will fall in love … Hadian is the most mysterious period in Earth’s history because …

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