
Washington pays $ 7 million to capture Al Qaeda leader in Islamic Maghreb

واشنطن تعرض 7 ملايين دولار للقبض على زعيم (تنظيم القاعدة) ببلاد المغرب الإسلامي

Ramallah – Tunya Al Wadan The United States has announced a $ 7 million financial reward for any information that could lead to the location of Abu Obeda Youssef al-Anabi, the leader of the Islamic Maghreb (Al Qaeda). The U.S. State Department said in a statement that the wanted Algerian nationalist, known as Yasid Mubarak, became head of the organization …

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Germany has closed its airspace for flights from Russia

Germany has closed its airspace for flights from Russia

German officials say they will stop accepting flights from Russian airlines following Moscow’s failure to renew flights to German carrier Lufthansa in a timely manner. On June 2, the Federal Ministry of Civil Aviation announced that the Russian Air Force had not extended ownership of Lufthansa aircraft until June, when flights from Germany scheduled to depart in the morning were …

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A warship sinks off the coast of Iran

A warship sinks off the coast of Iran A warship sinks off the coast of Iran A warship sinks off the coast of Iran – Russia News Today A warship sinks off the coast of Iran RIA Novosti reports that a Iranian naval submarine caught fire in the waters off the southern part of the country, unable to put out the fire and sank, 06/02/2021 2021-06-02T08: 56 …

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Researchers: It is important to take the Covit-19 vaccine seriously

Researchers: It is important to take the Covit-19 vaccine seriously

A vaccine is ineffective if not used. The practices in Sweden, which have a low vaccination rate for people living in socio-economically vulnerable areas, are found in other countries as well. – We note that the reluctance to vaccinate is not primarily about the information given, but whether those in the area can trust the informants, says Cohen Peters, professor …

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Germany begins testing with a base income of 200 1,200 per month | Money

Germany begins testing with a base income of 200 1,200 per month |  Money

Funding for the project comes from donations from 181,000 people. Its purpose is to examine the effect of a basic income on the background of a scientific study. “For the next three years, we would like to explore experientially how unconditional and regular payments in excess of the minimum standard of living have an impact on people’s behavior,” says Jன்rgen …

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WHO renames Govt-19 types

WHO renames Govt-19 types

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday decided to give the Greek alphabet, beta and gamma names alphabet, beta and gamma. According to the World Health Organization, the names should be “easy to pronounce and remember,” but also to prevent the public and the media from using “stigmatizing and discriminatory” names, indicating where the first cases variance was found, the …

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Police recommend charges against Czech PM Bobiz – politics

Police recommend charges against Czech PM Bobiz - politics

31.05.2021 15:10 (Aug. 31.05.2021 15:10) This will be tight for the Czech Prime Minister © WHAT / POOL Police in the Czech Republic have closed the investigation against Prime Minister Andrzej Babis and recommended the charges. A spokesman for the Inquiry Authority announced in Prague on Monday whether this would happen or not, which should be decided by the public …

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The Danish secret service is said to have helped ask the NSA over Merkel

The Danish secret service is said to have helped ask the NSA over Merkel

Neighboring countries Including Merkel The Danish secret service helped the NSA hear EU politicians Status: 8:32 p.m.| Reading time: 2 minutes President Angela Merkel (CDU) Source: AFP / ODD ANDERSEN According to a media report, the Danish military intelligence service FE helped the NSA to spy on top EU politicians. Detainees include Angela Merkel, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Pierre Steinbrook. D.According …

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