
Bombardier sued for rusting planes

Bombardier sued for rusting planes

Nearly 26 million cases have been filed against Bombardier by one of its customers complaining of “abnormal and premature erosion” on four global airlines. On January 9, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Mary-Eve FournierPress Toronto-based financial institution ECN claims in a lawsuit filed in late December that its three Global 5000 and Global 6000 aircraft were rusting. “This corrosion is a …

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An American consulting firm to design a vaccine campaign costs 13 13,000 a day

An American consulting firm to design a vaccine campaign costs 13 13,000 a day

SYLVAIN LEFEVRE / HANS LUCAS / AFP What if it was a startup nation? The government inviting international consulting firms to hand over important tasks such as designing the logistics structures of the vaccination campaign against the biggest epidemic since World War II? From the site’s revelations, many politicians have criticized it until France Inzuimis Atlantico.E, Supports Chain duck : …

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Michael Obama calls for censorship amid US press chants calling for ban on ‘fuel insurgency’ and social media

News 24

Former First Lady Michael Obama has joined calls for the cleansing of all social media tycoon Donald Trump, insisting that he is using sites to ‘incite insurgency’ The American corporate press is urging Big Deck to do the same. Former Plotus released a lengthy statement on Thursday – Rowdy Trump supporters rally against U.S. election results 24 hours after entering …

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Boeing agrees to settle $ 2.5 billion in litigation

L'accord avec le département de la justice américaine inclut le versement d'une amende pénale de 243,6 millions de dollars.

On January 7, 2021, 11:14 pm Boeing has reached an agreement with the US judiciary. According to the American press, the aircraft manufacturer agreed to pay $ 2.5 billion and admit its wrongdoing in order to settle some of the criminal proceedings initiated against it following two fatal accidents involving its aircraft. In particular, the company has been accused of …

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Tesla can cover 576 km without any driving interruption.

Tesla can cover 576 km without any driving interruption.

Tesla Model 3 – D.R. A Tesla recently traveled 576 km without any driving intervention – or almost. The car is reportedly fitted with a new fully self-driving (FSD) system currently being developed by the US company. PFMTV. The owner of the vehicle, U.S. The full Tuesday list of YouTube has been released Video Of this record this Monday. We …

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Apple is concerned about anti-trust pressures against it

Apple is concerned about anti-trust pressures against it

Apple’s next general meeting is scheduled for February 22. The year 2020 happened specifically for Apple. In addition to production issues related to the health crisis, Copperdino has faced numerous criticisms of its policy within the App Store, but investigations United States And L Europe For anti-competitive practices. The focus on the US company has grown to the extent that …

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Kargil layoffs: “We fight not to make their job easier”

Kargil layoffs: "We fight not to make their job easier"

“With Cargills, 2020 ends with 2021 layoff plans.” This Wednesday, disgruntled deputy Adrian Quattens (LFI) came to renew his support for the struggle of elected members of the CGT with employees of the starch factory in Howport (North). Cargill, a US company, announced a year ago that it would lay off more than half of the posts on the site, …

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According to Washington, Moscow is hiding behind a massive cyber-response campaign in the United States.

According to Washington, Moscow is hiding behind a massive cyber-response campaign in the United States.

Published: 06/01/2021 – 18:16 Leading U.S. intelligence agencies on Tuesday assessed Russia as “most likely” at the start of a cyber-response operation discovered in mid-December as Donald Trump attacked it. They also confirmed the severity of the attack. At least ten U.S. government agencies have been affected, about 18,000 federal structures and private companies have been affected, and ultimately the …

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The U.S. Treasury fined Bitcoin for allowing its use

The U.S. Treasury fined Bitcoin for allowing its use

The law is strict, but it is the law – The US company Bitcoin has agreed to pay a fine of about 000 100,000 for violating the law. The permit was issued by the U.S. Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control. A “reasonable” permission OFAC announced that this permission Justified Pitco, in 183 cases, Living people Allowed areas Speak U.S. …

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U.S. intelligence points to Moscow

Les services de renseignement américains estiment que la cyberattaque était une opération d

The FBI and the NSA are particularly at odds with Donald Trump, who has accused China of being at the beginning of the intrusion into the software of the US government and thousands of private companies. Russia “Probably” U.S. intelligence services closed on Tuesday, January 5, in the wake of the massive cyberbullying detected in the United States in December. …

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