
“We initially believed it was a big joke”: Elon Muskin mobilizes a Norman village against a plan

"We initially believed it was a big joke": Elon Muskin mobilizes a Norman village against a plan

“We did not choose the countryside to settle in a telecommunications station”. Anne-Laure would never have thought, when she lived in the small village of Saint-Senior-de-Beauvoir fifteen years ago, to get acquainted with the rich of this planet. American Elon Musk’s SpaceX plans to put an end to the world’s white zones, especially by fitting relay antennas in this region …

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Capgemini and OVH together provide a sovereign cloud

OVH et Capgemini s

OVHcloud and Capgemini announce this Tuesday, February 16th, the signing of a global agreement to implement a sovereign cloud solution. The agreement is part of the European Alliance for European Data on Industrial Data and the Commonwealth. Combining the experience of OVH servers and Capcomini’s data security, it is clear that the two French companies are joining forces to provide …

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Intelsat’s plan to repay its debt

Intelsat's plan to repay its debt

Reducing debt from $ 15 billion to $ 7 billion: This is the goal that Intelsat announced on Friday, February 12, according to reports. Delano . To do this, the Luxembourg Satellite Communications Company wants to issue new shares, 95% of which will go to its subsidiary Jackson’s unsecured debtors (no specific security). Intelsat claims that the project is subject …

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A cyborg has attacked French companies and institutions

L'Anssi n'indique pas l'origine de l'attaque, mais la méthode utilisée est généralement attribuée au renseignement militaire russe.

On February 15, 2019 at 2021 at 21:31Updated on February 15, 2019 at 2021 at 21:32 Airbus, Air France, EDF, Orange, Total மொத்தம் Many large French companies use this software, which allows them to monitor applications and computer networks. The same is true of the French Ministry of Justice. On Monday, a report by the National Information Systems Security Organization …

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France wants to make progress in cyber security

France wants to make progress in cyber security

Improvements in cyber security. All companies in France are being invited to this long-running race, while Economy Minister Bruno Le Meire and Secretary of State in charge of digital change Cedric O’Brien are due to make announcements on Monday, February 15. Department of Operations. The government is particularly anticipating the progress of a French campus project dedicated to cyber security. …

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Google will finally integrate a darker mode with its search engine

Google will finally integrate a darker mode with its search engine

Google will soon integrate dark mode – Kigo Mountain View is testing a new type of display in its search engine; Dark mode. Officially, Google is already compatible with the latter, but this does not apply everywhere. This is why when you search on the darker version of Google, the results appear on a white background. But that is about …

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Can Ford be replaced with Amazon? In Blanquefort, the tablet does not pass

Can Ford be replaced with Amazon?  In Blanquefort, the tablet does not pass

This is a parable of the transformation of our economies taking place in Gironde. Can the giant Amazon be set up near Bordeaux on the 80-hectare site of the former Ford factory in Blankport? 1 is the symbolic site of the metropolis that closed its doorsThere is October 2019 led to the reclassification of some of its 852 employees after …

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Microsoft helps you manage your passwords on PC and mobile

Microsoft helps you manage your passwords on PC and mobile

Advertising Numerous studies have shown that humans are not the best at observing good security practices on websites. This innocence is often seen in the choice of passwords and the reuse of many Web accounts. To deal with this failure in man, Microsoft Developed an application to help you better manage these passwords and protect your personal data from potential …

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New world. European researchers are proving the “quantum advantage”

New world.  European researchers are proving the "quantum advantage"

Quantum advantage. After the Chinese and the Americans, European researchers report that this technological achievement has also been revealed. (Yuichiro Sino / Getty Images) Last year, Google announced it had reached it “Quantum supremacy”. A few months ago, Chinese researchers said they had conducted a similar experiment. On February 8, European scientists from CNRS, the University of Edinburgh and the …

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Cafe Starbucks closes 17 branches in Quebec

Cafe Starbucks closes 17 branches in Quebec

The province of Quebec is not spared from the US chain Starbucks restructuring plan. In recent weeks, about twenty companies have closed good doors. In January, management sent notices of collective layoffs to 17 branches in Quebec to the Ministry of Labor, calling for a “reduction in staffing” and not a “business closure”. However, all the companies involved are no …

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