Economy – News – Corruption on Facebook: Deliberately lied to social network advertisers - News - Corruption on Facebook: Deliberately lied to social network advertisers

Facebook scandal: The social network deliberately lied to advertisers 2021-02-21 2021-02-21 21.02.2021, Mark Zuckerberg’s company is said to have deliberately lied to advertisers to increase profits. Facebook is once again at the center of a scandal. At the moment, this is not a question of a new security breach or misuse of the personal data of its users, but …

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Uber drivers do not want their data to go to the United States

Uber drivers do not want their data to go to the United States

They see themselves as whistleblowers. 169 Uber VDC drivers affiliated with the Human Rights League (LDC) seized the state council last week. They are asking the Supreme Court to order the National Commission for Information and Freedom (CNIL) to force Uber to be more transparent about data that the US company transfers to the US. An important and complex issue …

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Facebook scandal: The social network deliberately lied to advertisers

Mark Zuckerberg’s company is said to have deliberately lied to advertisers to increase profits. Facebook is once again at the center of a scandal. At the moment, this is not a question of a new security breach or misuse of the personal data of its users, but rather a lie aimed at increasing its profitability. According to several legal documents …

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Will SSC Duvattara attack Norburg soon?

Will SSC Duvattara attack Norburg soon?

SSC Dwarara, you must have heard about this before. In fact, a few months ago, Shelby Supercars (SSC) announced a new record, averaging 508.73km / h. A record was abruptly canceled after many suspicions, and after all, a press release from the telemetry company is usually associated with this record … which should not be associated precisely with this “exploitation”. …

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More than 700 micro, small and medium enterprises thank AfDB for funding

More than 700 micro, small and medium enterprises thank AfDB for funding

(African Development Bank) – The Project The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Development Program Completed in June 2020 has helped 716 Seychelles MSMEs access to funding, according to a project completion report released by the African Development Bank on 4 February 2021. Launched in 2014, the project is funded by the African Development Bank’s Technical Assistance Fund for the …

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67 years of space conquest

67 years of space conquest

On 02/18/2021 at 5:56 pm.Updated at 18:18 Portfolio – This February 18, 2021, at 10 pm, NASA’s mobile robot will descend into an abyss on Mars to search for traces of “diligent” life. In this case, we look back at some of the best times to capture space. On October 4, 1954, the Soviets launched the world’s first satellite, Sputnik-1, …

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Lebanese Anis Raheel’s start-up was bought for $ 33 million

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Treasury Express was purchased for $ 33 million. Treasury Express was acquired by Lebanese Anis Rahal, a US company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Bottomlines Technologies for $ 33 million. Founded in 2007, the development of money management software is based in France, but it employs about 45 engineers and developers in Lebanon. Since its inception, the startup …

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“Establishing Institutions Similar to Indicators on Environment, Social Issues and Personality”

"Establishing Institutions Similar to Indicators on Environment, Social Issues and Personality"

Tribune. For months, Europe has been working on revising the mandate to release non-financial information, and today large corporations are required to publish reports on how they take into account environmental protection, shared value or respect for human rights. . The challenge of this amendment is to establish a common reference system through which all companies can communicate homogeneous indicators …

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Millions of Americans without electricity in the midst of a polar cold wave

Des millions d'Américains sans électricité en pleine vague de froid polaire

Millions of Americans were without electricity on Wednesday, following a severe and sometimes dangerous cold snap that swept across large parts of the United States and into Mexico. The polar weather event, thermometers showed record levels similar to Amarillo in northern Texas, with mercury not exceeding -12 C on Wednesday morning. The temperature drop in this southern state of the …

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Avranzinis trade in French Inter Radio

Avranzinis trade in French Inter Radio

The second issue of the second day newspaper of the French Inter magazine is dedicated to Tuesday, February 16, 2021, entitled Tomorrow’s Small Cities. This government mechanism supports municipalities with a population of less than 20,000 on “dynamic and environmentally friendly paths”. Two guests of 13/14, Lawrence Borde, mayor of Montfort (C (te d’Ivoire) and Philip Le Coff, mayor of …

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