Avranzinis trade in French Inter Radio

Avranzinis trade in French Inter Radio

The second issue of the second day newspaper of the French Inter magazine is dedicated to Tuesday, February 16, 2021, entitled Tomorrow’s Small Cities. This government mechanism supports municipalities with a population of less than 20,000 on “dynamic and environmentally friendly paths”.

Two guests of 13/14, Lawrence Borde, mayor of Montfort (C (te d’Ivoire) and Philip Le Coff, mayor of Quingcombe (Cட்ஸ்te d’Armore) raised the question of the revival of the small shopping center – the city.

The future Aldi store is reacting

Listeners are invited to answer and ask questions, one particular Dominic, who lives near the Avranches, which was named the Small Town of Tomorrow last December. He wondered how the building permit was issued “A 1,500 m Aldi shop”, Located “A few hundred meters from the city center near a Leklerk and a Little”. He concluded by saying “There is little problem in understanding the politics of our elected officials.”

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Little by little Aldi comes out of the ground.  1,481 m2 area.

Avranzinis trade in French Inter RadioOuest-France.fr

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