
Nintendo and Niantic are collaborating to develop the Pigmin mobile game

Nintendo and Niantic are collaborating to develop the Pigmin mobile game

Presented by Cecil D. March 23, 2021 at 5:09 p.m. Updated March 23, 2021 at 5:09 p.m. Nintendo has announced a new partnership with Niantic: after Pokemon GO, both partners want to create a new mobile game using another adorable and popular little creature invented by a Japanese company. Ready to welcome Pigmin app. You should definitely know and appreciate …

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Apple executives are set to testify in the epic game case

Apple executives are set to testify in the epic game case

Since the summer of 2020, the epic game has been involved in the Crusades against Apple. Following the rejection of a complaint in the United Kingdom and the filing of a new one with the European Commission, the video game publisher is scheduled to launch its U.S. investigation on May 3, 2021. For this occasion, many of its leaders who …

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Microsoft is accelerating the reopening of its offices

Microsoft is accelerating the reopening of its offices

(San Francisco) Microsoft on Monday announced the reopening of its offices around the world with a mix of “hybrid” systems, telecommunications and face-to-face, which many companies are preparing to follow after the epidemic. On March 22, 2021 at 2:33 p.m. France Media Agency “After a year of most of Microsoft’s employees working long distances, many places around the world have …

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North America | Cooch-Dort sells 49 sites and puts 306 up for sale

North America |  Cooch-Dort sells 49 sites and puts 306 up for sale

. An analyst. On March 22, 2021 at 8:07 am Updated at 11:47 am. Julian ArsenalThe Canadian Press The operator of Convenience Stores and Gas Stations on Monday announced a deal to sell 49 stores located in Oklahoma, USA to Casey General Stores for $ 39 million. The transaction, which targets 3 sites owned by 46 leased companies, is expected …

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IPhone 12: Apple gets fined for removing chargers from boxes

IPhone 12: Apple gets fined for removing chargers from boxes

Apple may appeal to its trust. Brazil has fined Apple for failing to include a charger in its iPhone 12 box. Penalty imposed by Procan-SB, Consumer Protection Regulator, Brazil False advertising, sale of a device without a charger and false terms $ 2 million. This is not the first time the Brazilian controller has hit Apple with missing chargers from …

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Canada Pacific buys a large American company

Canada Pacific buys a large American company

The Canadian Pacific has signed an agreement to acquire Kansas City Southern, a major U.S. competitor, with the potential goal of building a network connecting Canada, the United States and Mexico. The two companies announced Sunday that the Canadian company will acquire Kansas City Square for about $ 25 billion (C $ 31 billion). Under the deal, the U.S. company …

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Apple shares new data on diversity – Marseille News

Apple shares new data on diversity - Marseille News

Apple now shares updated data about its efforts as an all-inclusive and diverse company. On his Diversity Page, Apple is making efforts to become “the best reflection of the world in which we live”. According to data, the number of employees in low-cost communities (URCs) has increased by 64% or more than 18,000, and Apple represents nearly 50% of the …

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Suitable for monopoly game period

Suitable for monopoly game period

For the first time in 85 years, the popular board game monopoly will enjoy the renewal of its 16 “Guys Commune” cards to reflect today’s society. There are no cards with titles like beauty pageants or holiday funds, and Hello “Local Shopping”, “Adopt a Puppy” or “Help Your Neighbors” cards. The American company Hasbro decided to give a mask to …

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Suitable for monopoly game period

Suitable for monopoly game period

For the first time in 85 years, the popular board game monopoly will enjoy the renewal of its 16 “Guys Commune” cards to reflect today’s society. There are no cards with titles like beauty pageants or holiday funds, and Hello “Local Shopping”, “Adopt a Puppy” or “Help Your Neighbors” cards. The American company Hasbro decided to give a mask to …

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Carcassonne: Organizations that promise youth employment with local work

Carcassonne: Organizations that promise youth employment with local work

Essential The local West Audiois Mission has signed the “J Magege for La Genesis” charter with nearly 110 businesses. Moussa, Lorenzo, Aaron, Joshua and the bosses who decided to trust them testify. The story of Moussa Koita is very symbolic. How can we not realize the journey of this young Malian who came alone at the age of 14 to …

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