
Russian hackers have once again been accused of carrying out cyber-attacks on the United States

Russian hackers have once again been accused of carrying out cyber-attacks on the United States

International 18:40 31.03.2021(Updated 18:57 03.31.2021) Short url Authorities are once again suspecting Russian hackers in the wake of a previously unpublished US State Department email theft, Politico reveals. He notes that the offices where the emails were stolen were offices that worked with American allies. The US government again suspects Russian hackers of theft. This time, he condemns the cyber-attack …

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United States: One company offers donuts a day to everyone who is vaccinated!

United States: One company offers donuts a day to everyone who is vaccinated!

The American brand Crispy Cream offers one donut a day to those who are vaccinated. For now, it seems we can save ourselves from this Endless epidemic, These are vaccines. Thus, different governments Encourage their people to get vaccinated soon. The trend is so strong that celebrities do not hesitate to share their networks on social networks. Beneficial documents Vaccine, …

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PayPal now accepts cryptocurrency payments

PayPal now accepts cryptocurrency payments

PayPal, an online payment platform, announced today that it has integrated cryptocurrency into its payment structure. Now, only US users can buy and sell digital currency directly through the “Checkout with Crypto” service. Following the implementation of the new PayPal function, the price of Bitcoin today exceeds 000 59,000. PayPal service allows you to instantly convert digital currencies such as …

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On Twitter, Amazon is fighting against the unification of its employees

On Twitter, Amazon is fighting against the unification of its employees

The American company uses an aggressive strategy on the social network to encourage the unionization of its employees. This is a historic vote for Amazon, the second largest American employer after Walmart. Yesterday, March 29, employees at one of its warehouses based in Alabama (United States) voted to form the company’s first union, with results expected in the coming hours. …

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GE: Nuclear branch workers protest against job cuts

GE: Nuclear branch workers protest against job cuts

Economy Minister Bruno Le Myre gave a lengthy interview Eastern Republican Party. General Electric has done many duties for the state and its staff. They should be kept. I make sure they are strictly adhered to. I wrote to Larry Gulp, the chairman of General Electric last week, to let him know our expectations and to tell him that the …

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Formula 1. Record audience: How does F1 attract more fans? – Formula 1

Formula 1. Record audience: How does F1 attract more fans?  - Formula 1

Formula 1 has never had an audience on Canal + Channels since 2013. “It is true that we have expanded our audience, 27% more than the previous year,” acknowledges with a smile, Thomas Senegal, Associate Editor and Head of Motorsport. To manage it, the encrypted channel – but not the first Grand Prix of the season with a peak of …

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Apologizing message from Pierre Menace

Pierre Ménès

On the charge of sexual and sexual harassment, Pierre Menez spoke again about the controversy arising from the broadcast Canal Plus Of the statement ‘I am not a slum’. In a message released on his account this Monday Twitter, Addressed directly to journalist Isabel Morey, Mary Portalono and Francesca Antoniotti, apologizing for her past behavior. “Since the publication of Mary …

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A love letter found in the wreckage of a rebuilt cargo ship

Grâce au travail minutieux des experts du musée de la Poste britannique, la lettre elle a pu être recomposée.

In 1941 Missive sank to a particular Iris with a mail ship torpedoed by a German submarine from Ireland. Recovered from a boat at an altitude of about 4000 meters it was restored by the British Post Museum. Pieces of a love letter addressed to a woman named Iris were found at a depth of nearly 4000 meters. The mail …

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Carrefour buys Brazilian group Giro Big for 1 1.1 billion

Carrefour buys Brazilian group Giro Big for 1 1.1 billion

French supermarket group Carrefour has agreed to buy Brazilian company Gropo Big, Brazil’s third-largest food retailer, for about $ 1.3 billion, according to Carrefour, whose benefits are expected to rise. Carrefour, which recently failed to negotiate with Canadian coach-dart, said on Wednesday it had acquired Brazilian group Gropo Big and US retailer Walmart from US investment firm Advent International. He …

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Pritzker crowns the structure of temperance

Anne Lacaton (L) and Jean-Philippe Vassal (R)

For those who suspect that the show is no longer relevant to architecture, the Pritzker Prize was presented on March 16 to French duo Anne Lockaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal. This award for their work as a whole is a sign of the arrival of simplicity mixed with generosity. “Less” (“Less”) was commissioned by the great American architect of his time, …

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