Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

Data protection: London wants its own law after Brexit

Le règlement européen sur la protection des données (RGPD), en vigueur depuis 2018, a pour objectif de redonner aux utilisateurs la main sur la collecte de leurs données.

After Brexit, the UK wants to exempt itself from European data protection regulations. Culture Minister Oliver Dowden presented key lines of a reform in the “Telegraph” columns on Thursday, which could lead to a growing rift between British law. Public Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) The European Union has been in force since 2018, with the aim of giving users back …

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Test without installing Windows 11, it is possible (a little)

Test without installing Windows 11, it is possible (a little)

Windows 11 expires in 2021. As previous versions follow each other, one endeavor allows you to explore Microsoft’s new operating system directly in a web browser. Windows 11 is expected to be released by the end of 2021, after Microsoft’s current operating system, Windows 10, starting in 2015. Since this summer, the US company has been offering earlier versions of …

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Rugby – Rugby Championship – Australia – New Zealand match postponed to September 5

Rugby - Rugby Championship - Australia - New Zealand match postponed to September 5

La Sansar, the organizers of the Rugby Championship, announced that the match between Australia and New Zealand on Friday was scheduled to start on Saturday and finally take place on September 5th. Rugby Championship Two, between Australia and New Zealand, was originally scheduled for Saturday, but was postponed until the All Blacks’ retirement, finally rescheduled for September 5. The fight …

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The first James Bond premiere in London with Daniel Craig

Une affiche du film

Finally, fans around the world may soon put an end to their wait: after more than twelve months of postponing the event, the first screening of No Time to Die will take place in London next month. In the owner’s 25th installment, Daniel Craig will play the quietly retired James Bond in Jamaica, as usual, until the inherent chaos of …

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In London, thousands of destructive rebels begin a two-week operation

In London, thousands of destructive rebels begin a two-week operation

Thousands of environmental activists Destructive rebel group (XR) gathered in central London on Monday and Tuesday and launched two weeks of large-scale protests calling on governments to act “urgently” on climate change. Armed with flags or cards with slogans such as “Planet before profit”, they gathered in Trafalgar Square in the center of the capital, where the marching band and …

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After a day of killing in Kabul, Joe Biden promises to “hunt down” those responsible for the attack: “We will pay you.”

After a day of killing in Kabul, Joe Biden promises to "hunt down" those responsible for the attack: "We will pay you."

At least 60 people, including 12 U.S. soldiers, were killed in two bombings by IS militants at Kabul airport on Thursday afternoon. President Joe Biden, who has been heavily criticized for his handling of the situation in Afghanistan, spoke from Washington at 11:25 pm Belgian time. Biden first said that US soldiers killed in Kabul were “heroes”. These soldiers are …

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Virgin reveals more about its future Hyperloop project

Virgin reveals more about its future Hyperloop project

(ETX Daily Up) – Virgin has released a video about its ambitious hyperloop project, the train capable of covering the longest distance in record time due to innovative technology. Richard Branson’s company should now come into operation. A video to convince (many) suspects. Virgin has released an explanatory video of its hyperloop project, a train capable of traveling at speeds …

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Press internship in London, web and print media

Un ordinateur avec vue sur la Tamise à Londres

From London, is strengthening its editorial staff for three to six months. Opportunity to join the team now and throughout the year. You like to write, you have real skill in dealing with words, your spelling is more than perfect. You are in journalism school or higher education, where you develop your public culture, your view of the world …

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Google is set to deliver its 100,000th set of Thai company drones

Google is set to deliver its 100,000th set of Thai company drones

Drones, a subsidiary of the American company Alphabet, are set to deliver their hundred thousandth set. The wing, known as the Wing, is currently shipped only to Australia. Drone delivery trials are currently underway in the United States and Finland as the company plans to expand to these two countries. Unlike Google, Alphabet’s subsidiary, there is no charge for parcel …

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