Monster crowd on the streets of London, terraces of pubs taken by the storm

Monster crowd on the streets of London, terraces of pubs taken by the storm

The British rushed to control their large locked hair on the balconies of pubs this early Monday morning, tasting a little freedom gained by removing the restrictions associated with infection. In London, this Monday evening party was especially in full swing. Announced by radio LBC News, Encountered a monster crowd on the streets of Soho district in the center of …

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‘Diamond Quartet’ to meet to deal with China | The world

'Diamond Quartet' to meet to deal with China |  The world

On May 27, the Reuters news agency reported that the United States wanted to hold a face-to-face meeting of the heads of stateDiamond Quartet(Quad), focuses on infrastructure to meet China’s challenge. Mr. Kurt Campbell, US Presidential Coordinator Joe Biden In Indo-Pacific policy, he said, the “Diamond Quartet” welcomes other countries to join. The group from India, the United States, Japan …

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Even if threatened by a lawsuit, Trump could still target the US presidency

Même menacé par un procès, Trump peut encore viser la présidence des Etats-Unis

The billionaire, who wiped out the news as “the continuation of the biggest witch hunt in American history,” recalled the popularity he gained among Republicans from his first reaction … and that we were trying to thwart a new presidential attempt. He wrote Tuesday evening that the announcement of this grand jury was “interesting” on the same day as “the …

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A giant asteroid is moving close to Earth … What’s in the information?

A giant asteroid is moving close to Earth ... What's in the information?

The U.S. space agency “NASA” is moving across an asteroid galaxy larger than the Statue of Liberty at a speed of 61,155 km / h, which will move closer to Earth on Thursday. According to the British newspaper “Daily Star”, NASA’s Center for Objects near Earth confirmed the existence of space rock through its website. According to the European Space …

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Australians seeking return from India risk imprisonment: “A defamatory decision”

Australians seeking return from India risk imprisonment: "A defamatory decision"

The Australian government announced on Friday evening that its nationals wishing to return from India could face up to five years in prison. This will be the first time “Australia forbids repatriation of its own citizens” Underlines the country’s press. Scott Morrison’s Conservative government is on fire in Australia. According to Guardian Australia, On the evening of April 30, Cranberry …

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Clay Thompson Reveals His Big Basketball Plan!

Klay Thompson envoie un message d’espoir aux fans des Warriors

Having not sued since June 2019, Clay Thompson has had time to think about his later life. Lots of time. The Warriors sniper seems to be planning his reunion… it deserves to explode! Unable to use his basketball skills due to a perfect Achilles tendon reconstruction, Clay Thompson had to find new characters in the Warriors this season. He tried …

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Students: Steps to follow to work in Australia!

Etudiants les démarches à suivre pour travailler en Australie !

This is often a dream. He is going to study in another country. But often you have to work together. So what do you do in Australia? Mostly, When you were a student, We want an experience abroad. And many young people are choosing Australia For a lot of reasons. Not only quality of life, scenery, language and culture but …

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Where are the autonomous cars?

Intelligence artificielle voitures autonomes

Artificial intelligence in general has been undergoing steady growth for decades. This improvement affects many areas, especially traffic. If we use this to operate more and more driving aids, are we approaching the existence of fully autonomous cars? This article follows something we define as artificial intelligence as a field of innovation. Artificial intelligence for driving assistance As for the …

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How to detect dark matter? A new test in the Large Hadron conflict

Świat nauki czeka na ponowne uruchomienie Wielkiego Zderzacza Hadronów (fot. NCBJ)

Researchers around the world will discuss for a second time the future of a new research direction in the Large Hadron collision near Geneva, which is expected to open up extensive measurements of high-energy neutrinos and new ways to search for dark matter. Dr. Sebastian Trojanovsky of AstroCNT, co-author of the discussed project for a new FLArE experiment, and the …

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After a full two years of testing … Instagram is developing its highly anticipated technology for anyone to touch

According to international press reports, the social networking site “Instagram” has decided to offer its expected technology to all users. Special technology site Engadget has decided to officially introduce the option to hide options to all its users on Instagram, after testing it for almost two years. Instagram has made this technology optional for users. You can enable or disable …

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[Top 50] # 39: Julio Jones, Locomotive | Touchdown Act (NFL Act)

[Top 50] # 39: Julio Jones, Locomotive |  Touchdown Act (NFL Act)

Julio Jones – Recipient – Atlanta Falcons Identity Card : 32 years old – 1.91 cm – 100 kg Draft: n ° 6 In the first round of the 2011 draft – Alabama Profile: 2 First Team All-Pro (2015-2016), 3 Second Team All-Pro (2017-2019), 7 Pro Bowl (2012, 2014 – 2019) Statistics 2020 (Regular season): 771 yards for 9 games, …

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