Special Scorpio The Moon continues until Friday in the sign that we are influenced by the shadow of the Moon (Water Scorpio )..It marks a landing site for the small yoke, where things are very difficult with emotion .. Feelings of revenge and jealousy, as well as suspicion of all truths with great awareness and study .. Time Is almost …
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Weather in Germany: “Winter is at a crossroads” – News
Many of the scales in the lower areas are often gone. A small piece of white powder moves from north to south. Gray clouds are falling on us. It was very bright during the day. The sun has simply gone out in the last few days. But there is an end to it! “The concrete gray of the sky can …
Read More »Starship SN9 could launch this Friday
While the test flight of the Starship SN8 is still fresh in our memories, its successor SN9 is also preparing to take off. The highly anticipated high-altitude test is likely to take place this Friday as well. Such as Announced Elon Musk a few days ago, SpaceX plans to expand its starship development plan – its future Planetary ship – …
Read More »A real winter weekend awaits us
Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7:58 pm – Since mid-December, temperatures have been higher than seasonal norms. This weekend, the province will return to true seasonal cooling. In short Normal temperature for a month; Unfavorable environment for cold waves; Twist: Winter cold feeling in sight. A rare occurrence Meteorology Since the onset of winter, Quebec has experienced higher than normal …
Read More »Polarons were first seen
For the first time, physicists were able to observe how poles form and form. The poles? These are rapid decays in the atomic lattice of an object and they appear to be parallel to the motions of the electrons. Decompositions that can explain the performance of perovskites as materials for solar cells. You will be interested [EN VIDÉO] Interview 2/5: …
Read More »Quick interpretation of the “déjà vu” feeling
When you entered this room, you were convinced that you had already arrived. You had the feeling of “déjà vu”. Not yet. This canal water created The human brain Common. According to scientists, this comes from a memory event. A simple classification may be from error. ” When a new short-term memory is accidentally stored in long-term memory, it feels …
Read More »January guide for astronomy fans – what to look for in the sky as you enter the new year
Currently, the most recommended leisure activities are those that can be enjoyed in the fresh air and away from the crowd – in nature. Astronomical observations are, as always, a great reason to escape the city for a few hours. What in the sky, if they are not covered by clouds, can we see in January? Astronomical Dedicated Portal Provides …
Read More »Planet Venus: Surprising revelation, you do not think what you think
Planet Venus It is the second farthest from the sun, and is currently the closest thing to Earth to everything in the solar system, and there is much unknown about it. One of them has nothing to do with the temperature recorded on the surface of the planet Venus because scientists have found that the temperature is 462 degrees Celsius, …
Read More »Harvard scientist Avi Lope, ‘Omumuwa is the symbol of intellectual life – science – life
Abraham ‘Avi’ Lope, Harvard’s chief astronomer, will publish a book at the end of January explaining his controversial thesis on the artificial origin of the galaxy ‘Omwamuwa’. This may be of interest to you: The micrometerite caused a crack in the International Space StationIn its original version, “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth”, the discovery of the …
Read More »The impact caused a crack in the space station …
Russian space agency discovered a crack in the International Space Station (ISS) last October This may have been caused by the impact of a micrometer. Dmitry Rogozin, head of the Roscosmos Agency, confirmed this, but did not rule out the possibility that it could be a chapter of “technical nature” in press reports. As clarified from the company, The space …
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