Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

In the midst of the epidemic art takes to the streets of London

wander art rues londres

While museums and galleries are closing their doors, the “Wandering Art” project will introduce you to artists from around the world in the heart of London’s streets. Go for a walk. This thought haunts our limited days. But what good is it to go out if all cultural places are forced to close their doors? Finding British capital through art …

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Venezuela | The expulsion of the EU ambassador within 72 hours of leaving the country

Venezuela |  The expulsion of the EU ambassador within 72 hours of leaving the country

: On February 24, 2021 at 11:27 am. France Media Agency “Today, with the decision of President Nicolas Maduro, we personally thank Mr.Me Isabel Brillhande […] The announcement of the non-personality Grotto, ”George Areza told reporters after the meeting with the ambassador. “He was given 72 hours to leave Venezuela,” he added. On Monday, the European Union authorized 19 senior …

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Three beautiful places are known in Great Britain

Grande-Bretagne tourisme spots

Issued by Johanna Wozniak | On 02/23/2021 at 08:43 am | Updated on 02/23/2021 at 09:00 The Railway Company in charge of operations for the capital’s Northeast (LNER) lines was released a few days ago. The results of a survey conducted among its users should determine the most beautiful places in the country in their opinion. We have to admit …

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The Franks Geeks are a virtual bridge between Japan and Australia

The Franks Geeks are a virtual bridge between Japan and Australia

– Released February 24, 2021 Australia good time. The Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) announced on Tuesday, February 23 that it had launched its “Australian Olympic Link 2021″ program, exactly 150 days before the opening of the D-Tokyo Games (July 23 to August 8). It will bring more than 12,000 Australian and Japanese students together in virtual mode. ” Share their …

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Working Conditions for Private Rental and Distribution Drivers: Europe Begins Extensive Consultation

Working Conditions for Private Rental and Distribution Drivers: Europe Begins Extensive Consultation

Towards the framework for Uber type sites in Europe? The European Commission begins a consultation with players in the field on Wednesday, February 24th. It aims to improve the working conditions of VTC drivers and other delivery men working in these companies. The consultation will last until March 3 and aims to gather feedback from the workers of these sites …

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Strange winter chase between police and naked man in London – Vido

Strange winter chase between police and naked man in London - Vido

Unusual 17:09 23.02.2021(Updated 18:36 23.02.2021) Short url Sputnik France Florent Sephir. Sputnik France—video/ An unusual scene took place in the streets of the British capital where a naked man could be seen running to escape from police officers. Passengers in London were surprised Look at a naked man As soon as a worm appeared on the sidewalk, …

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Obama and Springsteen are involved in the state of the United States on eight state podcasts

Obama and Springsteen are involved in the state of the United States on eight state podcasts

Entitled Renigates: Born in the United States, The series was recorded in the singer’s studio. He and the former president share their “belief in the American ideal.” A conversation above. Spotify, an audio-based audio site, released a new podcast on Monday featuring singer Bruce Springsteen and former US President Barack Obama. Renigates: Born in the United States, Two of the …

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G7 Summit: “US Return”

Sommet du G7 le “retour de l’Amérique”

Joe Biden, on all fronts, has not forgotten his priorities: China and Russia “America is back” Joe Biden said – © SIPA Middle East Mailstrom, Arthavan Amir-Aslani and Inas Belkheri Joe Biden said this at the last Group Seven (G-7) summit held via video conference on February 19, a month after taking office. As his administration sets out to unravel …

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