Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

Clashes in Sydney at a rally against control measures

Clashes in Sydney at a rally against control measures

Published: 24/07/2021 – 11:36Modified: 24/07/2021 – 14:39 Thousands of people protested on Saturday against restrictions in Australia’s two largest cities. 60 of them were arrested after violent clashes with police in Sydney. ThousandsAustralians On Saturday, July 24, protests erupted in two major cities across the country against the crackdown. Many were arrested in Sydney After clashes with police. Clashes mounted …

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Encouraged by his return on the plane, Radion raises his predictions

Le groupe avait déjà révisé à la hausse ses anticipations pour 2021 à l

U.S.-based Radeon Technologies, which has been bolstered by its solidity in security operations and boosted by the recovery of the commercial aviation sector, raised its annual forecasts again on Tuesday. Also read:G.E. The group already changed expectations for 2021 at the end of the first quarter. From April to June, his results were “Driven by the development of safety measures …

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Steps to make homemade cappuccino


Here We Six Simple Steps To Make A Homemade Cappuccino I detail all the steps below. If you are in a hurry, here’s what to do: Pour your coffee (espresso, filter …), about 5 ml. Pour 10ml of milk into a microwave-safe bowl. Heat the milk (30 seconds to 1 minute). Froth the milk with the frother (or by shaking …

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100 days before COP26, London sees an increase in pressure

Dimanche, devant le Parlement, les activistes voulaient rappeler au gouvernement britannique et aux négociateurs de la COP26 l'urgence de mener à bien les discussions sur le climat.

On July 25, 2021 at 4:19 pmUpdated July 25, 2021, 4:40 p.m. “More than a hundred days for COP”. Activists raised a large banner Sunday in a meadow outside Westminster as environment ministers and representatives from 51 countries meet in London to continue talks ahead of the climate conference in Glasgow in November. Protesters are holding posters accusing Prime Minister …

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London seeks to exclude China from nuclear programs

Le groupe chinois CGN pourrait être exclu du projet de Sizewell.

Newspapers in the United Kingdom revealed on Monday that the British government was looking for ways to prevent the Chinese group from participating in new nuclear power plant projects in the CGN country. The move would further worsen diplomatic relations in the United Kingdom and China, which are already embroiled in issues such as Uyghur treatment in Hong Kong or …

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The milestone for Tesla, the automaker is profitable

The milestone for Tesla, the automaker is profitable

At this time, there were no profits from the sale of carbon credits. Tesla has sold enough electric cars to make a profit. Source: li xiang sur Unsplash Tesla has made money in the past, but it is not necessarily by selling cars. In fact, it made a profit by selling carbon credits to other car manufacturers. This time, Tesla …

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Australia changes the word in the national anthem to recognize the indigenous people

Le gouvernement australien a changé, ce jeudi, un mot de l'hymne national afin de mieux reconnaître le rôle, la culture et l'histoire des peuples aborigènes au sein du pays. Photo AFP

The Australian government changed, this Thursday, One word Of the National Anthem for better recognition of role, culture and history Indigenous people Within the country. The second sentence of Advance Australia Fair Anthem (Promote a beautiful and fair Australia), ” We are young and independent “, Is being changed” We are free to be together 2, the Prime Minister announced …

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Tesla has been accused of hiring people to suppress social media reviews

Tesla has been accused of hiring people to suppress social media reviews

Telsa, led by billionaire Elon Musk, has been rocked by a controversy that has caused a stir across the Atlantic. According to former employees, Tesla is asking employees Browse social media looking for reviews or customer complaints In connection with the company but Elon Musk and Force them to delete their messages. A former Tesla employee told the US website …

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U.S. Borders are closed to international travelers and vaccinated

U.S.  Borders are closed to international travelers and vaccinated

“We maintain current travel restrictions at this point,” said White House spokeswoman Jen Zaki, who justifies the decision by quickly spreading the Delta variant “here and abroad.” EU countries have decided to reopen their own borders to Americans if they are vaccinated against Covit-19 or given a negative test, and travelers from the Schengen area, the United Kingdom and Ireland …

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