Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

EuroCup: Tango bends in London and makes life more complicated

Eurocoupe : les Tango se compliquent la vie en s

The Tangos have seriously complicated their lives by having one of the worst games of the season. Lacking rhythm and wasting a lot (losing 20 balls), the Ferreurs were pushed around by a team that gave them big problems on the rebound (37-26 for London players). It is valid from half time (40-34 for the British). The third quarter was …

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Something went wrong in North America

Something went wrong in North America

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 7:15 pm – A historic December in North America unfolds before our eyes. An extraordinary atmospheric system causes conflicts over a large part of the continent, including Quebec. In short: Historic warming in North America; Posts to see on Thursday; + 20 C anomalies in some areas; Quebec was affected by this recovery. Thermal dome …

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Empathy, the ability to be increasingly sought after by managers

Empathy, the ability to be increasingly sought after by managers

Remorse. We often think that this ability is mainly recognized and appreciated in the personal field. But in the professional world, it is becoming more and more desirable among managers whether they are the bosses or the managers of a team with small employees. In early November, American Magazine Forbes The headline read: “Empathy is the most important leadership skill …

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Creation of the Europe-South America Super Cup for countries in 2022

Creation of the Europe-South America Super Cup for countries in 2022

On June 1, 2022, a valuable poster will be featured. Following the expansion of cooperation between CONMEBOL and UEFA, Argentina and Italy will play “Finalism” in London, winning both Copa Am அமெரிக்காrica and Euro 2020, respectively. The relationship between the South American Football Federation (CONMEBOL) and UEFA will last for a few more years. This Wednesday, the two authorities announced …

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Lons-le-Saunier and McDonald’s sign anti-waste agreement

By Joffrey Fodimby Posted on 15 December 21 at 17:02 Jura’s voice See my news Follow this medium McDonald’s public rubbish will soon be a thing of the past. (© Joffrey Fodimby) During the restaurant McDonald in Lons-le-Saunier And signed by the municipality Wednesday, December 15, 2021 Agreement on Garbage collection, Which is a measure of double interest. According to …

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Severe fines and imprisonment for not vaccinating against sneezing in public? This is wrong

Severe fines and imprisonment for not vaccinating against sneezing in public?  This is wrong

Number of people Vaccinated Against Govit-19 If they sneeze in public, they are particularly subject to heavy fines or imprisonment In Australia ? False claim spread about this Social Websites. “Australian police have announced a $ 13,000 fine and up to six months in prison for failing to vaccinate against sneezing in public,” the viral post on Facebook and Twitter …

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Why is Standard being the dream hotel for Christmas in London?

Why is Standard being the dream hotel for Christmas in London?

Between King’s Cross and St. Bangross, The Standard Replaced the old one Camden Town Hall In an urban hotel with a brilliant light Seventies. Located in a building with brutal charm, he is an interior designer Shawn Houseman Who blurred the lines there. The British capital has a recording studio with very colorful, light wooden planks and turquoise ceramics signed …

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Elon Musk has announced that Tesla will accept Dogecoin as a payment method

dogecoin cryptomonnaies

Elon Musk, the famous CEO of Tesla, has mentioned on Twitter that he wants to allow Dogecoin as a payment method for some Tesla products. Following this tweet the cryptocurrency increased its value by almost 25%. To mark the end, the millionaire took to Twitter again to say, “Tesla will make some products ‘buyable’ on Dogecoin and see how it …

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